Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2023


I am not an expert on ancient civilizations, some things make me wonder that is all. 

There is much lively debate as to whether Atlantis really existed and where it might have been situated. What is less discussed is what the mother civilization might have been like to live in—how did it rise and fall?

There must have been a first city-state that set the foundation and blueprint for all that was to come. History appears to show that civilizations rise and fall at an ever-accelerating pace. So the first city could have been active for thousands of years. As it has completely disappeared, it must have collapsed a long time ago.

What did the city look like? Could it have had the same design as the ancient cities we know of? Some kind of pyramid in the center of town. A city wall enclosing houses and shops in a grid pattern?


Did she become a brutal colonial power? Corrupt and decadent at home, cruel and brutal abroad. Is that how she fell? That, with some variation, is how just about every civilization has fallen since. 


What do you think? Please feel free to comment. 


A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 



Friday, September 15, 2023

HEXAGRAM 50 LINE 4. DEAD HARDRIVE. (Ongoing prediction updated 20 september)


Hexagram 50. The Cauldron. Line 4 - Lost Data 


This is another example of the importance of context in interpreting the I Ching. It also demonstrates the value of a secondary prediction to clarify matters.

One morning, my computer refused to boot. I guessed it was a hardware problem and consulted the I Ching as to how serious this might be. Receiving hex 50, line 4, was not reassuring. This is line means a big problem.

I then asked a second question, "Would I need to buy another computer?". The answer was 20: Contemplation, line 3. which means a long pause. So, I predicted that the problem would be serious but that the computer could be fixed.

The engineer at the computer shop told me the hard drive was dead and no data could be recovered. As it had been 11 days since I had backed up my work, this was lost. However, I only backed up my most essential work, and all my older memories, videos, and photos were gone! Personal history does not bother me much, so I took the loss without getting too upset.

The next morning, the computer was fixed with a new solid-state hard drive for just $38. This worked much better, and I realized the reason why the machine had been so slow was this problem. So, this was a real loss, but it has not hindered my work.

    Line 4 means:

        The legs of the ting are broken.

        The prince's meal is spilled

        And his person is soiled.


Context: if a problem has not yet occurred, it will be possible to avoid one. On the other hand, if a problem has already arisen, then it can only be mitigated. In this instance, the latter was the case. By acting quickly and using a reliable engineer, I was able to lose only one day of work. The eleven days of work lost were my own fault, as I had thought it was time to backup, but got distracted and did not do it. So, I was "soiled" somewhat. All the old data I lost could not be helped, as I had no means of backing it all up.

This prediction was made 13 September 2023. UPDATE: 19 September. The fan started getting very noisy. Will the fan last a while? The secondary was 20 line 3. This means to pause. My guess is the fan will keep working for some time to come. 

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 



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Context is the great source of misinterpretation, disappointment, and sometimes misfortune. I Ching oracle lines usually have two contexts, but only one is given in the traditional text. For example, hex 22. Grace which is favorable for essential matters only, and one should not expend energy on trivial matters. Hex 23 Splitting apart means there are problems in all cases, and it is unfavorable for any new venture or change of direction. However, if you continue with what you are doing patiently, the problem will pass and all will be well. Only the first context I give here appears in the traditional text. 



There are many other examples I could give.  The consultee assumes the context given in the text refers to what they are planning to do. Often times, it does not and so, they may act when they should wait, and wait when should act. 

To the consultee, it appears the same line is sometimes favorable, sometimes not, and they don’t know why. Their confidence in the I Ching is diminished unnecessarily.

All the examples I give here show context clearly, and in time I hope to have covered every line in this way. To speed up this process, please consider contacting me and making a prediction about a trip or event you have planned. I will interpret your prediction at no charge, provided you promise to tell me your story after the event. Together, we can build a massive database of I Ching stories. Then, when someone wishes to consult, they can view the experiences others had after receiving the same oracle. This will be far more informative than just reading the predictions in the traditional I Ching. Verifying I Ching lines in this way is a most important and noble endeavor guaranteed to earn merit for all who participate.


 If you love I Ching, please, follow, share and leave a comment. Lady Luck (Mother Random) will smile upon you!

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Thursday, September 14, 2023




I was in Laos, where I had been teaching school. It was the end of spring term and to my dismay, the promised summer school was cancelled at short notice. This left me with no job until September and no guarantee of a fresh contract even then. A Laotian friend of mine asked me if I would like to teach at a local monastery for the summer. There was no money, but I could sleep and eat for free. This seemed like a good stopgap, and so I agreed. I had experience with this hexagram and line, so I had some idea of what to expect.

Hexagram 44 always means there is good fortune at first, but it does not last. This line is the most favorable and the good fortune is the longest and most problem-free.

I was allowed to sleep on the floor in the abbot's chambers. The food was excellent, all specially prepared by local people. The classes were informal, with lots of games and songs. They were a big hit with the kids. I spent a pleasant and relaxing month before it was time to move on. I decided to move to Cambodia, so I was glad to be rested and ready for this big move.

Wilhelm/Baynes: Coming to Meet. The maiden is powerful. One should not marry such a maiden.

My interpretation.

You are dealing with someone stronger than yourself. You should not make any long-term commitments.  

Wilhelm/Baynes: A melon covered with willow leaves. Hidden lines. Then it drops down to one from heaven.

My interpretation.

There is some opportunity that must be taken quickly or not at all. Good fortune for a limited time only. 

Do love the I Ching? Then don't forget, please share, comment and if you wish, contact to me to make your own free personal prediction. Tell your tale and help to verify that the I Ching really works. 

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 Dear friends, I ask you: why do people weaponize all technology for selfishness, greed, and war? Can they not see that following this path only leads us all to disaster? Each new technology is more dangerous than the last. We have evolved from throwing a flaming touch into the hut of a perceived enemy to hurling ever more horrifying weapons. Weapons that kill not just an enemy but millions of innocents

I say this is because they have lost contact with benign Providence and have not heeded her wise counsel and timely warnings.

In my humble state, I have devoted my long life to restoring the connection to providence by means of the I Ching.

The I Ching provides this much-needed connection if it can only be properly understood. To understand the I Ching, we must look to the original source from which its wisdom is derived. It is in the events that occur after a prediction is made that we may define what the true I Ching is. In this way, the common folk, who possess neither powerful intuition, long training, nor second sight, may readily access the wisdom of Mother Random, the Queen of Heaven, as this is the true name of providence. Providence has provided us with the I Ching, so we tell the path of peace and prosperity and shun that of evil and chaos. 


A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

The little stories I write for you here from my experience are but few. I write them so you can see what is needed. Without your help, this work cannot be completed. Many examples of the empirical effects of the predictions are needed. And so I entreat you to make a modest effort to assist me in this great work. All you need to do is contact me, and I will make a free prediction for you, provided you promise to tell me your story. This honorable work will surely make merit for your soul and bring you all the luck you deserve.

 If you love I Ching, please, follow, share and leave a comment. Lady Luck (Mother Random) will smile upon you!


Monday, September 11, 2023




 I like to go to the rice fields close to my place for exercise in the morning, as it is natural and has a panoramic view of the rising sun. I took my motorcycle on the dirt track to get there. Getting there was no problem, but it refused to start on the way back. Pushing the bike on the dirt track was going to be very difficult, so I left it where it was and went to see if someone could help me.

Back home, I met my friend, who said he had a tow rope and was willing to tow me. This sounded better than pushing, so I accepted his offer. I had never been towed this way before, though, and I was not sure where to tie the rope. We attached the rope to the handle bars and started back. It was very difficult to keep the bike straight, but I managed. Corners were the most difficult part, and I was very glad to pass the last one and see the mechanic’s shop ahead of me.
Suddenly, my friend lost control ever so slightly, and his bike pulled to the side. I was thrown off instantly. I hit a low wall with my ribs and thought I was injured, but when I stood and walked around, I was okay. The bike was a bit of a mess, but nothing serious. The mechanic soon got it started. I realize now that I should have tied the rope to the chassis, not the steering, as this accident would most likely not have occurred had I done so.
Wilhelm/Baynes: After Completion. Success in small matters. Perseverance furthers. At the beginning good fortune, at the end disorder.

"Bringing to completion" would be a better title for this tale. A relatively small matter here. It was good fortune to find my friend, but not a good ending.

Line 3. Wilhelm/Baynes: The Illustrious Ancestor disciplines the devil's country. After three years, he conquers it. Inferior people must not be employed.
This is the most powerful line in the hexagram.

At the time of the prediction, I thought it meant, "One should take control of a difficult situation. Act bravely with confidence and beware of danger ("inferior people")."

Looking back, I acted promptly and bravely but failed to see the key weakness. This was where I placed the tow rope. It was stupid to attach it to the steering, and if I had stopped to think, I also could have looked it up on the web, as there is bound to be something about this on YouTube.
In the future, I will combine courage with prudence and check the key details more carefully. Had I done this, then the tow would have been successful.

Make an instant I Ching Prediction 

Are you are planning a trip, event or any other matter that is of short duration? On condition that you promise to send me the result of your actions, I will send a you a free personal prediction.  You make make a prediction online now. 

Follow the link above. Press the green "GENERATE BUTTON". You will see a new number between 1 and 384 appear above. 

Mail me or go to the contact box on the side bar of this blog. Enter your question and number you have received. You may add any details of what you are proposing to do as well.

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

Sunday, September 10, 2023


If you love I Ching, please, follow, share and leave a comment. Lady Luck (Mother Random) will smile upon you!

Hexagram 12 line 4 What happened to my internet?

I had been using a rather expensive web service for work. They always collected in cash, and a girl would call each month to arrange a pickup. One month there was no call, then two months went by. I wondered what to do, then she called, but only to tell me the company had gone bust and ask if I wanted to buy the service of the new company she was working for. I assumed it would be turned off quite soon and forgot about the matter. I was mistaken, and it stayed open for another six months before finally getting closed down. I never received any inquiry whatsoever. Providence was generous to me.

Hex 12. Wilhelm/Baynes: Standstill . Evil people do not further the perseverance of the superior man. The great departs; the small approaches.

Contexts: 1. If you receive this hexagram and all is well, it remains so for some considerable time. The same is true if there is a problem - you will be stuck with it longer than you might wish. 

This hexagram represents very stable conditions indeed. Nothing will change for quite some time. Whether this is favorable depends; if you are in a comfortable situation, it is favorable; if not, then waiting for things to change may quite test your patience. The part about "evil people" seems to be mistaken, though.

Line 4. Wilhelm/Baynes: He who acts at the command of the highest remains without blame. Those of like mind partake of the blessing.

If you are a person of good character, then to partake in a blessing is without blame. 

Note: I wrote this after the event. At the time of making the prediction, I was only sure that nothing would change in a hurry and there would be no harm done, as I know this line from before.

Are you are planning a trip, event or any other matter that is of short duration? On condition that you promise to send me the result of your actions, I will send a you a free personal prediction.  You make make a prediction online now. 

Mail me or go to the contact box on the side bar of this blog.

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hexagram 5. WAITING. line 5. CANNOT BE REPAIRED!

Hexagram 5 WAITING, line 5 MY IPAD PRO

Hex 5 Traditional text

Here I give an example of how similar-sounding lines in the same hexagram may have quite different meanings.

A while ago, I had an iPad Pro that went dead, and I thought it was the battery. I took it to the local Apple repairman, and he also thought this was the problem. A few days later, he told me it was not repairable and had to be trashed. No data could be recovered either.

Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting. If you are sincere, you will have light and success. Perseverance brings good fortune. It helps one cross the great water.

The hexagram text is not relevant to the 5th line, as no amount of waiting will bring success.

Line 5: Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting for meat and drink Perseverance brings good fortune.

It looks reasonably favorable, and one may expect to have to wait for a while before all is well. Since then, I have had more experience and find this line is always a dead end, at least for the particular avenue you are exploring.

Hexagram 5, line 2: Trouble with my Payoneer account

This was a while back when I was on the road. I was using Payoneer to get money into Cambodia from the UK. This is not always easy, as transfer companies do not like Cambodia. I had a payment that got stuck in processing for a week. I consulted the I Ching as I was worried that my account might have been suspended (as happened with PayPal). I asked, "Is my money safe in Payoneer?"

A month passed by, and numerous emails were received with only empty promises that it would get sorted. In the end, the payment was rejected and sent back to the customer. He resented it, and it went through without a problem.

Line 2. Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting on the sand There is some gossip. The end brings good fortune.

Line 2 represents a delay and inconvenience, but no serious issue. Yet, it sounds less favorable than line 5. Learning these distinctions between I Ching lines is vital. If you wish to help in this great work, please contact me and make some predictions of your own so I can add them to my database.

 Make an instant I Ching Prediction 

Are you are planning a trip, event or any other matter that is of short duration? On condition that you promise to send me the result of your actions, I will send a you a free personal prediction.  You make make a prediction online now. 

Follow the link above. Press the green "GENERATE BUTTON". You will see a new number between 1 and 384 appear above. 

Mail me or go to the contact box on the side bar of this blog. Enter your question and number you have received. You may add any details of what you are proposing to do as well.

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

Friday, September 8, 2023





Hex 44 traditional text

Political predictions are good practice to make and insightful, but cannot be relied upon, as this post will demonstrate. This one was made back in March 2022, just as the coflict started. I have a fair bit of experience with this hexagram and line, so I was fairly confident about interpreting it.

Hexagram text: Wilhelm/Baynes: Coming to Meet. The maiden is powerful. One should not marry such a maiden. 

A powerful maiden means your enemy is stronger than they appear to be – in this case, Ukraine. As this prediction is from the Russian perspective. Don’t marry, I would interpret as being, one should not treat them as a friend or compromise.

Line 6: Wilhelm/Baynes: He comes to meet with his horns. Humiliation. No blame.

This line refers to aggression, which is normally to be avoided, but sometimes is inevitable. In this hexagram there is always only a limited time window in which to act while the enemy is still not fully prepared. Not something one would wish to do, but handled well, a good measure of success is possible. So, I predicted that Putin would strike hard, fast, and secure his gains. I thought the odds looked good for Russia. He did not do that though; instead, he went in fast, but not hard, and failed to secure enough of the country to call it a victory. Putin underestimated his enemy and did not use a limited time window to full effect. Would that have made a difference? Well, it is hard to say, but it is also hard to see if he could have been worse off than now. He could have certainly seized some more territory, inflicted more damage on the enemy and if he was careful, held on to it. Then he would have been able to negotiate a peace from a position of strength and the whole conflict could have been wrapped up relatively quickly without massive loss of life. At time of writing, there is a bloody stalemate which could go on for a long time – that is more than humiliating for all concerned.  

The I Ching does not predict what will happen, rather it tells what ‘can’ happen, and more importantly what ‘should’ happen. It seems the I Ching was right and the traditional text was not difficult to interpret. However, it was impossible to predict how well Mr. Putin would assess the situation. That was the problem, everything rested on the decisions of one man, and individuals by their very nature are not quite predictable in their actions.  The I Ching read the current situation well and gave advice for the best course of action. That is all it can do.

Make an instant I Ching Prediction 

Are you are planning a trip, event or any other matter that is of short duration? On condition that you promise to send me the result of your actions, I will send a you a free personal prediction.  You make make a prediction online now. 

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 

Hexagram 35 PROGRESS. line 6 - WRITTEN OFF TWICE!

Hexagram 35 line 6 

I bought an old Mercedes 280 on impulse. It was a bit of a wreck, but I like the older models and the color blue was nice. I thought I might get it restored. It drove quite well and for a month or two, I rode around in it quite happily. Then, one snowy night, returning home late after visiting a nightclub, I had an accident. I was driving through a green light when someone came straight through the red and hit me on my side door. Fortunately, a plain-clothes cop was driving by and saw it all. He took care of all the details for me. The other car was driven by a German who claimed not to understand the road signs. My car was still just about drivable and got me home. The insurance company called it a write off and paid up in full. However, my friend, the mechanic, had it fixed in no time for a modest fee. It was a bit battered looking, but I kept using it while I considered whether it was worth getting a proper job done. A few more months went by then, as I was making a right turn with my indicators on. Someone tried to overtake and again smashed into the driver's door! Once again, the other car was driven by a foreigner who claimed not to understand our way of driving. The car was drivable, but it was a right off. Once again, the insurance company paid out in full. My friend fixed it again! I drove it a bit longer, then sold it at a loss, but with the insurance money, I had made considerably more than I paid for it.


Hex 35 Wilhelm/Baynes: Progress . The powerful prince is honored with horses in large numbers. In a single day, he is granted an audience three times.


The hexagram text is somewhat overly positive, as only line 3 indicates any real immediate gain. Most of the lines show progress in preparation rather than fulfillment.


Line 6 Wilhelm/Baynes: Making progress with the horns is permissible only for the purpose of punishing one's own city. Being conscious of danger brings good fortune. No blame. Perseverance brings humiliation.


Looking back, this reading indicates a strange mix of good and ill fortune. . Buying that car was not the most sensible choice, as I could have been injured in either of those crashes, which both hit the driver’s door. So, although not easy to interpret, the traditional text is quite accurate. I got the same reading for Tutsi Gabot leaving the Democratic Party and going independent. She has become a lot less visible, and her status has dropped since then. She had a deal to work with a Republican called Bolduc to get into the Senate, but he lost big time. His campaign got Hex 50 Line 4, which is always bad. She may like a quieter life, though, for all I know.  My take now on the line is, "Acting forcefully (like paying out cash) is only worthwhile if it is something you really need to do. Better to wait for a more suitable opportunity." again,

Make an instant I Ching Prediction 

Are you are planning a trip, event or any other matter that is of short duration? On condition that you promise to send me the result of your actions, I will send you a free personal prediction.  You may make a prediction online now. 

A big thank you to everyone who has clicked on this blog, and I hope you have found this article instructive and enjoyable. With your support, I will continue to post daily. If you follow me at the link below, you will receive updates on all new posts. You will also ensure my enthusiasm to spend time writing and posting is undiminished! 



  Hexagram 1. STEEL GATE  The door is locked A guard sleeps outside Do not awaken the guard Great self discipline Brings food fortune Small...