Hexagram 5 WAITING, line 5 MY IPAD PRO.
Here I give an example of how similar-sounding lines in the same hexagram may have quite different meanings.
A while ago, I had an iPad Pro that went dead, and I thought it was the battery. I took it to the local Apple repairman, and he also thought this was the problem. A few days later, he told me it was not repairable and had to be trashed. No data could be recovered either.
Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting. If you are sincere, you will have light and success. Perseverance brings good fortune. It helps one cross the great water.
The hexagram text is not relevant to the 5th line, as no amount of waiting will bring success.
Line 5: Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting for meat and drink Perseverance brings good fortune.
It looks reasonably favorable, and one may expect to have to wait for a while before all is well. Since then, I have had more experience and find this line is always a dead end, at least for the particular avenue you are exploring.
Hexagram 5, line 2: Trouble with my Payoneer account
This was a while back when I was on the road. I was using Payoneer to get money into Cambodia from the UK. This is not always easy, as transfer companies do not like Cambodia. I had a payment that got stuck in processing for a week. I consulted the I Ching as I was worried that my account might have been suspended (as happened with PayPal). I asked, "Is my money safe in Payoneer?"
A month passed by, and numerous emails were received with only empty promises that it would get sorted. In the end, the payment was rejected and sent back to the customer. He resented it, and it went through without a problem.
Line 2. Wilhelm/Baynes: Waiting on the sand There is some gossip. The end brings good fortune.
Line 2 represents a delay and inconvenience, but no serious issue. Yet, it sounds less favorable than line 5. Learning these distinctions between I Ching lines is vital. If you wish to help in this great work, please contact me and make some predictions of your own so I can add them to my database.
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