Showing posts with label free e book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free e book. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Free Ebook "YinYang, The Secret Language of the I Ching"

Use this link to read the whole book for free! Please leave a review. 

The result of 50 years of study, "YinYang, the Secret Language of the I Ching," is a companion for those who wish deeper insight into I Ching prediction. It can be used with any I Ching edition that is based on the traditional Chinese text.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

FREE E BOOK - HUMAN NATURE? ARE YOU A FREE THINKER, OR ONE OF THE HERD? The Curse of the purification by blood ritual - Complete by Daemon Goodhope - Understanding is the key to overcoming.



Copyright © 2021 Justin Dane. All rights reserved. .ISBN: 9798444009888


Dedicated to freethinking individualists everywhere


“Collins: Free thought. ‘Thought unrestrained by deference to authority, tradition, or established belief.”




Are you a freethinking individualist?

Are you a thoughtful person, always trying to understand why things are the way they are?  Do you always question everything you read, see and hear?


Do you distrust dogma and have your own ideas and theories about life?


Are you suspicious of ideas everyone else agrees about and believe they should be questioned?


When you create something, do you prefer to copy an existing pattern, or create something original?


When there is discussion and others debate from popularly accepted points of view, do you always come up with something different, frequently to the annoyance of everyone?


Do you often suppress your true point of view to avoid what you consider to be unfair condemnation?


If this is you then you are a Freethinker and this book was written by me for you.
















I was talking to a friend, a man considerably younger than I am. He blamed the state of the world on “human nature”, saying that, “power corrupts”, and “war is inevitable”. He told me this almost with relish. It was as if these glib statements were some kind of catechism, that repeated often enough, would bring peace of mind in the acceptance of the unacceptable. “Nothing I can do about it, is there?”


This was exactly the same negative cant as I have heard far too often over the years. Every time I hear this kind of nonsense I feel like screaming!  That’s not my nature! Now at last, courtesy of the pandemic, I know why – we are not all the same.  There are two kinds of people







There are many ways of dividing people in society; rich and poor, black and white, the list is long and grows ever longer. Yet, these “pigeon holes”, these labels and profiles, all miss something much more important – what type of person you really are.


My book offers an explanation to those who may feel somehow misplaced and misunderstood, but do not know why.  I do not pretend to be able solve anyone’s problems, but I sincerely believe that with a deeper understanding problems are easier to fix. Hopefully, you will be able to find your own unique solutions more easily after reading this book.


The world we knew and loved came to end in 2020. This book is a product of the abnormal world we have lived in since then. Observing the distressing events around the world has expanded my understanding exponentially. When things go really bad you can see what people are really made of. This is a contemporary book.


The problems that each of us face as individuals are basically the same as those we face as societies. This book is written for the individual, to help you find the knowledge to survive and thrive. It is also a treatise on how society can be reborn in a more beautiful form.


My core theme is that there is not one, but two distinct races of humans living side by side, even in the same families. These races each have a fundamentally different way of thinking.  Their whole perspective on life is completely different.

Type one. Herd people, the engine of society.


Herd people are convinced that “consensus is truth” If enough of them believe something, then it must be true. It goes deeper than that too. Herd people do not really believe in the finality of external reality. They have an inner certainty that the power of their unity can actually overcome reality itself.  Herd people are superficially logically but their actions are determined by emotion at an almost instinctive level. Herd mentality makes free thought and originality impossible, but the herd does excel at copying and developing the ideas of others.


Type two.  Freethinkers, the finders and keepers of the path.


Freethinkers are thoughtful people, and they are responsible for all truly original ideas. They observe things and try hard to make sense of what they perceive. They trust in personal knowledge and are less concerned with popular wisdom.  Herd people are blinkered, but freethinkers can see the full range of possibilities.  Herd people move fast, down a narrow track, they do not need to think much at all, just run with the others. This is fantastic until they lose their way. Only freethinkers can find the destination and steer the right course.


In the world today, we see that freethinkers are being progressively marginalized and this is the reason why the herd is accelerating away from common sense and reality. For a dynamic society we need the herd and their powerful leaders to make rapid progress. Progress is good but if free debate is stifled how can the right decisions be made? All the arguments must be on the table. Scientific censorship can never end well. Big mistakes get made that way.

In this book, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of these two modes of thinking; herd mentality and freethinking individualism. I believe the unprecedented problems we see today are directly linked to the suppression of freethinkers. I know there are millions of individualists in this world having met many myself in every country I have ever visited. Many of them are deeply confused and will be glad to read this book. It will settle many nagging doubts they have had over the years. Hopefully, it will be as cathartic for all to read, as writing it has been for me.   Herd people too can benefit from my work. It won’t change them, nor should it, but it will increase their awareness of why diverse and original points of view are essential for a beautiful world.







The world we knew and loved ended in 2020! Who would not rather be back in good old 2019?  But why has this happened? Some say it’s just human nature, the strong oppress the weak, power corrupts, and inevitable demise of the capitalist system. Is that really your nature?

The players


There are two basic kinds of people; those who run with the herd and the freethinkers. Both types can come from the same families, and have the same education, but they will never see life in the same way.

Herd people


Herd people are the engine of society. They believe that consensus is the only truth; if enough people say it, it must be right. This means they do not waste much time thinking, and get on with following instructions. Herd peopled do most of the work.


All original ideas come from freethinkers, because they can see all the options. Herd people can only see the obvious. Freethinkers believe that verity is hard to acquire. Patient observation, experimentation and contemplation are essential to establishing the truth.

The plot

The great institutions of today consider freethinkers to be trouble makers upsetting the harmony of the herd. They are forever asking awkward questions and slowing things down. Yet, without their influence the herd drifts further and further from reality. The leaders of the herd are almost always herd people themselves and have the same blind spot. They believe that if the herd is in complete unity, then their combined will can overturn even the laws of the universe.   To them it is all about perception. One voice, one path, one herd!

The author


Only the purely self-educated can never be fooled by propaganda and mass indoctrination. Daemon Goodhope is uniquely qualified to analyze the unprecedented and terrible events we all have witnessed since the beginning of 2020. Free from the dogmas that are the foundations of even the most liberal education, Daemon has pierced the veil and looked deep into our racial soul. He has found the keys to creating a new and beautiful society that is the true aim of all people of good will.


A genuine outsider who has never really been part of any society. Seldom attending school, Daemon grew up wild and free with minimal influence from his parents who were absorbed in their own domestic issues. His education consisted of reading books and discussing them with like minds in the local café while playing truant. He read extensively on serious topics such as, innovative fiction, philosophy, psychology, religion and the occult. He learned to use the I Ching, becoming sufficiently expert to publish a book on the subject (The Time Traveller’s Guide to Future – available at and other online stores)


A keen people watcher Daemon has always been fascinated by the way people on mass are able to coordinate their thoughts, words and deeds. He noted that sometimes this mass self-orchestration was for the best, but often it led people into destructive behavior patterns. He also noticed that some people were extremely resistant to following the more unreasonable dictates of society. This was the beginning of a realization that people are not all the same and the differences are critical to maintaining a stable society.


Although not a formal member of any church, Daemon considers himself to be an independent believer. Given the unpardonable complicity/collaboration with evil tyrants to which virtually all church leaders have succumbed, he considers his independent stance to be fully justified.  He has deep faith never having doubted that the world was created and is maintained by a beneficent supreme creative intelligence. He has never known any of the gnawing doubts that so afflict so many of those whose faith has been undermined by the false expectations and malicious insinuations so common in the Churches. Daemon finds good in many traditional teachings, but also finds evil that has insinuated itself into the hierarchy and perverted the teachings. Being a freethinking individualist is the safest and surest way to progress intellectually and spiritually.  This book is primarily devoted to intellectual awakening and development for all people of all faiths and no faith in particular. All that is needed is an open mind and a desire to see the world in happier and more evenly prosperous condition for all.


Daemon has never joined a political party, never voted, and never worked except as freelance or contractor. He is the quintessential intrepid freethinking individualist. Living in a foreign country, completely and happily independent. He is a one man control group for just about everyone else on the planet.

Lessons in freethinking


At its highest, freethinking is the art of taking pure ideas and carefully crafting them into reality. I wish to help you learn to do that, as I am doing it now. I write using ‘see for yourself’ logic. No references, no quotes, my thoughts, my opinions, my conclusions are all you will find here. At the end of each idea, the reader will be asked a thought provoking question. I call this a ‘Thought Point” Pause for a second and consider, “Does my personal experience match what I have read?”


For example: “Safety is always a prime concern of herd people– it is the main advantage of running with the herd in the first place. You sacrifice some personal freedom in exchange for security. Yet, the desire for security can become a craving and this is a most dangerous thing, for a craving easily becomes an obsession.”

Thought Point: Are herd people today overly obsessed with security? “


The reader can confirm the validity or otherwise of this book at each step along the way! I may not always be right but I am always free!

Freethinking 101!


The Goal


No one is immune from the hazards of today’s world. Rich and poor alike we have all had our wings clipped. The only way to cure this disease permanently is to start looking at the causes rather than just the symptoms. How far will the present insanity go? I prefer not to think, but it will end one day. This book is written so people can prepare to build a new, beautiful civilization. A society where the freethinkers and herd people work in harmony. The herd are the engine; the freethinkers are the compass and rudder of our great ship. In harmony there is truly nothing we cannot achieve.  Everyone should read this book at least once.





Chapter 1 - Why ‘Pure’ Free Thought?


Collins:  “Thought unrestrained by deference to authority, tradition, or established belief, especially in matters of religion.”


Oxford: "A person who forms their own ideas and opinions rather than accepting those of other people, especially in religious teaching.”


Wiki:  “Free thought is an epistemological viewpoint which holds that beliefs should not be formed on the basis of authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma, and that beliefs should instead be reached by other methods such as logic, reason, and empirical observation.”


“The term first came into use in the 17th century in order to refer to people who inquired into the basis of traditional beliefs which were often accepted unquestioningly. Today, freethinking is most closely linked with secularism, atheism, agnosticism, humanism, anti-clericalism, and religious critique.”


I call my discipline ‘Pure’, because it adheres to the original definitions of freethinking. I am not a secularist, atheist, agnostic, humanist, or anti-clericalist.  In fact, I do not adhere to any belief set. All should be, ‘free to think’ whatever they wish and anyone can call themselves a ‘freethinker’ should they wish to. No one owns the term or its definition.


The original idea of freethinking was to make arguments based solely on logic and personal observation. It does not matter what other people think or see; only what you think and see counts. Like me, each of you is a sovereign entity and the center of the universe as you perceive it. This is a fact that I am sure you are aware of. Sovereign personalities have unique perspectives, and each unique perspective is sacred to each person. We only exist because we are different, and the total loss of personal sovereignty is death. If your own life is not sacred to you, what is? So, if you believe your own sovereignty is sacrosanct then you should surely extend the same courtesy to the sovereignty of others


When you read this book, it is not what I write, but what you think of what I write, that matters. This is why I hardly ever use references or quotes. Using references makes writing seem more convincing, lends an air of authority. “My words are backed up by the words of the sages of all times and the latest scientific discoveries - click the link.” Some authors do this very well and that is all good, but it is not what I want to do here. I wish to expose my logic, stripped of literary pretensions, one man’s naked reason, for you, the reader to challenge, or accept as you will. This book is not about telling you what to think, it humbly suggests a new way to use your logical abilities. The quotes above I give somewhat reluctantly. However, they are necessary to clear up any possible confusion about my definition of freethinking. They also show my place in the timeline of free thought evolution.

Pure free thinking

It is not what we think, but the way we think that matters. Thoughts are ephemeral, constantly shifting, but the type of reasoning one uses only changes in response to extreme circumstances or a result of some kind of training. Training yourself to think more clearly has greater ramifications than you might imagine. Actions are usually the results of thoughts, and vice versa. Changing your way of thinking, will change the way you behave. Clear thoughts lead to more positive outcomes, and positive outcomes make it easier to think clearly. This does not just affect you, but everyone around you. Good sense is infectious. The opposite effect can be seen with muddy thinking which leads to confusion and indecision, which in turns leads to poorly considered actions. Here we have two circles of consciousness, the virtuous circle of clear thinking, the vicious circle of opaque thinking. The two are quite separate and cause movement in opposite directions. The first is the path of evolution and progress, the second the path to decline. You cannot go both ways at once both at once.  The same is true of society.


The truth stands alone. It does not need to be separated from falsehood. There is no truth in falsehood, and no falsehood in truth. ‘Grey’ areas are an artificial concept created by mendacious people to confuse the unwary. Truth and falsehood cannot mix and that which is ‘part true’ is really just a more sophisticated form of lie.


Yet, truth can never accurately be defined, as no measure is truly accurate. All we have to rely on to define truth is relative measurements. We calculate how heavy something is by comparing it to something else. Neither the object nor weight will be exactly the weight they are supposed to be. So, our thoughts are based on approximations. Our minds analyze information using “quantifiers”, like “many”, “few”, “almost all” and so on

How accurately a person can think is governed by how well they can use quantifiers. For example; one might be tempted to say “always” instead of “often”, “hardly any “instead of “not enough.” This kind of inaccuracy may seem harmless but it means that you cannot build a chain of logic that will arrive at a close approximation of the truth. In Pure Free Thought we must use them very carefully indeed making sure not to exaggerate and understate.  "That man has many cats and keeps them in his tiny room”, has a very different feel from; “That man has some cats that he keeps in his small room.” “The wages are so low it is not enough to live on.” is vitally different from “The wages are not that good, but enough to live on.” The impression given by these statements is quite different and causes the speaker to take a distinct view of the matters at hand. The habitual misuse of quantifiers may cause a person to stray further and further from reality and to take increasingly extreme views. The process of progressively misusing quantifiers is most noticeable in the New Media. Outlets that were once reasonably trustworthy are now basically propaganda rags. Hyperbole is the final solution for quantifiers, where they are used purely for emotional impact and no though given for accuracy.


Objects, or ideas used with the correct quantifier are like little nuggets of truth. For many things you don’t even need to check anything much are all.  We know that most people like eating spaghetti and there is no need to check how many unless you wish to open a restaurant. I know if I have a dinner party and serve spaghetti most of the guest will enjoy it. Many people like spicy curry, but many others do not, so not good for the main dish. The difference between “many” and “most” in the mind on chef can determine the outcome of the meal.


Statistics are often a form of quantifier. Many people mistake a statistic for a real number. There are exact percentages of course, but mostly they are not used that way. 75% is just a way of saying “most”, 90% is the same as “nearly all” and so on. The important thing is not to confuse real mathematical percentages and a quantifier percentage. “20% off” must mean what it says, but 75% of people support the government will be an approximation. In the media a percentage is mostly just a flag to wave and its connection to reality is often spurious.


I have read many times that there are tribes who do not use numbers. They count up to ten then everything else is ‘many’. I bet they use quantifiers though. A hunter comes back to the village and says “There many antelopes on the ridge.” The other hunters ask if there are a lot more than yesterday. The first replies, ‘not a lot more, two, or three.’ With accurate quantifiers and just a few numbers you can find out everything you need to know.


The truth is not defined by exact measurement but by the nature of a thing.  No two apples are identical, but they are still apples. An apple is an apple and can never be a peach. There is no one measure of ‘appleness’, and you cannot say one apple has 75% ‘appleness’ and another only 65%. Color, size, fragrance, texture and flavor define an apple. The problem of defining an apple is easily solved, pick it up and take a bite. Truth is still an absolute even though you cannot define it exactly and just because someone tells you an orange is an apple does not make it in any way true.


Now we see that truth is a question of sovereignty. Each thing, each creature, each plant is sovereign, and that is how we tell them apart. I do not need to measure my friend to know who he is. It is from the ‘wholeness’ of something that we confirm its identity. Another term I use is, ‘abstract core’, the indefinable uniqueness that we know well, but cannot explain in words.

In this book I will attempt to demonstrate how well quantified statements can be built into chains of logic that arrive at accurate and usable conclusions on almost any subject with only the minimum of hard information.


Thought Point: Does it really matter whether you use accurate quantifiers?



Chapter 2 - The power of the herd.


Herd mentality is the most mysterious thing to me, or any freethinking individualist. Herd people are principally concerned with how things appear to other herd people. Whether something is real or otherwise is not so important, what matters is that other people in their herd consider it real. Discovering the relative merits of popular consumables, ideas or strategies is something of great significance to them and they devote much of their intelligence to this task.  They almost never consider trying anything new unless it is commonly known and well-advertised.  Something ‘outside the box’ might be of interest, but not to be seriously considered. For the herd it is only a matter of discovering what the most powerful trend is and running with it. Good or bad, true or false it may concern them, but not enough to alter their behavior much.

Thought Point: Have you noticed the herd mentality as I describe it?


As a survival strategy this actually works very well. “The trend is your friend.”, as they say and it is true as far as it goes. The herd is safer following established patterns. A big herd cannot change direction easily, it is like a juggernaut, when it stays on the rails all is well, the economy improves, and people are happy. Safety in numbers. Safety is always a prime concern of herd people; it is one of the big advantages of running with the herd in the first place. You sacrifice some personal freedom in exchange for security. The perception of what is safe controls the common herd and they will stay focused within its boundaries. Again, this survival strategy works fine. The herd multiplies rapidly expands and takes over more territory. However, the perception of safety and what is truly safe is not necessarily the same thing, which is how the herd can get into trouble.


Thought Point: From your observations would you say that herd people today are overly obsessed with security?


Status is another ‘reality’ that herd set great store by and this too is understandable. Herd people believe status is essential to maintain order, without order there is no safety and that can never be allowed. So, even if they do not much like their personal status and complain bitterly how unfair the world is, they will still accept the will of the herd when required to do so.


Herein lies a major flaw in herd thinking. Status is not real, it is a contrivance; a matter of opinion. Status is heavily influenced by fashion, people often succeed or fail according to the semi random swings in the public mood. The biggest single, all-time, best way to get high status is to be born, or married into it. Blood lines are real and should be considered, but they are by no means the ultimate arbiter of personal worth. Think of some of the old money families, do any of them ever produce anything new or original? Maybe once in a while, but their bread and butter is in backing trends, and manipulating the system to stay on top. That takes most of their time and energy. Real entrepreneurship always comes up, not down.

Thought Point: Is status an absolute reality, or a commonly held opinion?


Money. What is the value of the money? Does it have any intrinsic value? In days gone by, the pretense was more carefully maintained that the money value was directly linked to something ‘real’. Now, we see big governments openly printing money to pay for their political schemes. The truth is exposed - the value of money is entirely a matter of consensus. Enough people believe a dollar will buy an apple and so it does! The value money is the product of the herd belief structure.


The herd concerns itself with increasing its power. Power is security, they believe. Money is the meter of herd power. The value of money is directly related to the overall power of a particular herd. Economics used to play a part, but post 2020 the herd leaders have deemed that obsolete. Economics has always been a somewhat ‘plastic’ discipline, and its theories can too easily be matched to the political ambitions of its sponsors. To do that convincingly there has to be some truth in it though. This was the case prior to 2020. Now economics is only a way to sanctify a political agenda.


You can see why the herd is so scared of anything that undermines their faith in money; they have gambled everything on something that is fundamentally unstable. The value of money can change suddenly without warning. Money changes value according to relative herd confidence. Money goes up, or down according to how the markets judge the relative power of the controlling herd.


Thought Point: “Money is the expression of herd confidence, and is not based on external reality.” What are your observations?


Loyalty is a quality herd people value very highly indeed. Even those who do not consider they need to be particularly loyal themselves, value it in others. No herd person believes society can function without it. So, in spite of many betrayals, the herd mostly remains loyal. Herd loyalty is blinkered as it does not allow them to see beyond the accepted perceptions of their herd. Anything ‘outside the box’ is ignored. That is the secret of how they stay so well focused. Intellectually, some can grasp ideas outside the box, but herd mentality comes from a deeper emotional level and will override intellect.

Thought Point: What do you see? Are herd people basically loyal?


The herd are good at continuing things for a long time. Once they have a formula to live by they do not like to change it. Generations go by; they build and build, master new skills, and create fantastic things. They are quite stable in relation to one another and the momentum of a great herd society is tectonic. Times of peace are punctuated with wars and famines, but the herd marches on, often hardly losing a step. For tens of thousands of years they have done this and there have been hundreds of great civilizations, each in turn seeming like it would never end. One society rises, while another falls, but the knowledge only grows. Societies become bigger and more advanced in technology. Until we reach 2020 and things appear to be on the verge slipping backward.


The herd are good at copying and the copies are sometimes better than originals. This is how the herd evolves. Upgrading, it is called in modern parlance. Herd business is all about evolution by copying. They are organizers not inventors. Copying is faster than inventing and it is more certain of success. Improving on existing designs is the quickest way to get things done. Coming up with something original is not possible for a herd person; their way of thinking precludes it. Consensus views can never be original by definition.

The herd takes an idea invented by a freethinker and copies it over and over again, until it is perfectly polished for use in the herd world. The freethinker may or may not get the credit for the original invention.


Remodeling is the closest the herd comes to originality. The same item can be sold in different sizes, different colors, qualities etc. the herd are good at doing this, and they excel at the manipulation of an idea or product to suit different times and markets. This can produce an effect that passes for originality, but it is not true originality, because there had to be something, however rudimentary, existent to start with.


Society is commonly envisioned as a pyramid. The leaders are the apex and the commoners below. Really it is more like many little pyramids piled together. The traditional base unit is the family with dad at the apex. Dad works for a company with a boss as its apex. The town they live in has a mayor and so on up to presidents, kings and queens. Each boss has their own little pyramid. Rivalry is common at every level and herds will fiercely compete for power and money. This is another way the herd evolves, the most powerful groups ascend and the rest fall back. This jockeying for position is healthy provided there are agreed rules for the competition. In small societies people can work this out themselves, using local culture. In huge complex societies this is not enough, you need a system of laws and regulations to maintain fair competition. How well a society functions depends on how skillfully these rules are drafted. Competitions that are prejudiced can easily lead to open conflict, and any decent government should avoid this.


THOUGHT POINT: In your personal experience, is most business about copying and remodeling?




Chapter 3 - Freethinkers, the invisible people


Every single true invention or innovation in all human history was the product of a freethinking mind! The original inventor often does not get the credit though, that mostly goes to the developer, who is quite likely to be a herd person. So, the achievements and the very existence of freethinkers go largely unnoticed. The position of freethinkers in society is somewhat similar to that of white skinned people born to black families. If they wish to hide their provenance they can pass as white. Freethinkers can learn to pass as herd people, but they are never really part of the herd.


Freethinkers are an oppressed minority; they are not even supposed to exist. Tolerated if they pretend to be something they are not, and ostracized otherwise, freethinkers often get the short straw in the draw. There are many exceptions of course and there are openly freethinking people having good fulfilling lives - or there were. Life is getting harder by the day for the freethinkers


Freethinking individualists are harder to define than herd people. They are individualistic, try to avoid copying others and so come in many guises. Freethinkers often wish to conceal their true nature as freethinking is disparaged or even persecuted in many arenas of life. Pretending to agree with herd beliefs is an easy way to get by without being noticed. Keeping your personal views to yourself or sharing only with trusted friends is often necessary to stay safe.


The defining feature of freethinkers is creatively. They are always trying to do things differently. They love ideas, especially new ideas, and best of all their own inventions. As kids, freethinkers will forever be making things, taking things apart and putting them together again, writing stories, singing little songs, making experiments and generally showing off their imagination.  Herd kids play the games and do the things all the other kids do.

Freethinkers are mostly lovers of literature too. Their powerful imaginations mean they make words come to life in their heads. They make their own interpretations of what they read, and do not feel bound by the opinions of academia. Freethinkers do well in science, mathematics, the arts, computing, music, writing or any thoughtful and expressive discipline. There are many freethinkers at the top of all these professions, though the many never make the spotlight. Less educated freethinkers often practice the kind of highly skilled trades that allow them more freedom. Owning their own small business is great for freethinkers.


Politics though is difficult for freethinkers, as the art of manipulating the heart of the herd is done best by herd people. The herd is driven by emotion and herd leaders instinctively know how to direct the great beast. There have been exceptions and some of the greatest leaders of all were almost certainly freethinkers.


Thought Point: Which historical figures do you think might have been herd people or freethinkers?


Invention is the marriage of imagination and observation from one’s own sovereign perspective. Herd people see life from the herd perspective. Herd mentality makes invention impossible. Taking your own perspective on anything is an anathema to them. If a herd person wants to try something new, they look for something to copy and remodel. They can never quite believe that an idea from a single source can be valid. Their intellects are geared exclusively to comparing and contrasting different well established schools of thought. To them something only one person thinks can never be quite correct.


So many times I have been criticized “why are you so arrogant? You think you know better than all the experts.”  Herd people cannot understand that to hold a personal view is not the same as to impose one. This is because they frequently impose their views on others, but for them it is okay because their views are orthodox. They are simply instructing what they see as a wayward herd member. For herd people have no idea anyone could possibly be different or not part of the herd. What I call freethinkers, they call eccentrics, freaks, and weirdos, herd people who are a bit different, and need help conforming. Freethinkers are truly the invisible people.

Thought Point: Does herd mentality make true originality impossible?


Freethinkers find perpetually stifling their views very stressful. They instinctively feel their voice should be heard, and so they should! Indeed, not all freethinkers are quiet and some are extremely vocal. Expressing themselves powerfully anywhere they can. Mostly they work in counter culture. Pre 2020, there were many opportunities in the mainstream, but now much less. The doors of fortune are fast being closed on freethinkers. The herd is running scared, at a deep level they realize that their own excesses may spell their doom.


When scared, the herd seek to enforce ever tighter restrictions to maintain unity of purpose. Troubling news and opinions must be eliminated. “What you do not know will never hurt you.” is an old herd standard. When frightened the herd become deeply superstitious and believe diversity is impurity and impurity of the herd spirit is the reason behind disastrous events. The real cause is their own refusal to accept that external reality exists. The herd has opened Pandora’s Box for real this time and cannot control the forces they have released.


Freethinkers feel great sadness that they are rarely given the kind of education and opportunities that suit their temperament. They see the herd making stupid mistakes and want to help to put things right, but no one will listen. They try to reason with the herd and in times of peace this has some effect, but in dangerous times the drawbridge is raised against all common sense.


The sadness of freethinkers is turning angry and bitter in our time. People rant against “sheeple” and they have a valid point. Freethinkers do not need the herd; it is the herd that needs the freethinkers. Yet, we have no choice but to live together as we come from the same families. What is needed is not recrimination, but deeper understanding of why our whole race has been shaped in such a complex matrix.  We were crafted by billions of years of evolution to be the way we are and there must be a reason for that. Possibly we, all of us humans can advance more rapidly as two distinct types. A world with only freethinkers would progress at a far gentler pace, and that would suit me fine, but it’s not my call. True, we haven’t yet found the key to harmonizing the herd and freethinkers, but evolution is a slow process and we will no doubt master it in the end.

Thought Point: The herd and the freethinkers, "who" needs “who" more? And why? Why has evolution made us the way we are? Your thoughts





Chapter 4 – Comparing freethinkers and herd people


Freethinkers and herd people are different but complementary. To build powerful dynamic societies both types are essential. You need people with original ideas and those who use and evolve them. Times of great progress come to pass when the freethinkers and the herd work together. One could say a freethinker is like the composer and the herd are like the orchestra. The function of freethinkers is to supply a continuous feed of fresh ideas. The function of the herd is to put the ideas to work doing something useful.


Free thought has another vital role to play. For science to function you need establishment scientists and independents. Without independent scientists to review, check and question, the establishment can no longer be called scientific. Rather it is an institution that uses ‘cherry picked data’ to support a political or, financial agenda. This is a great tragedy and crippling to genuine research, as it encourages mediocrity and corruption. Without healthy science how can an advanced high tech society continue? If we are to build a new and better place for our children then the necessity of free thought in science must be fully appreciated.


The herd are good at interpretation and remodeling, the designs of free thinkers. They can take a simple idea and mold it into many forms. They will keep doing this for a long time too, which is why they often forget that they need genuine originality. Society can function without true invention for a while, but constantly recycling is like inbreeding, the quality deteriorates.


As far as I can tell, both freethinkers and herd people have the same basic human vices and virtues. And this is why they can blend. As individuals they are not better or worse people. The way they feel is similar as well, we all feel love, hate, happiness, sadness, fear, confidence. The complete gamut of human emotions are experienced by all people. The difference is that freethinkers act alone, and so the impact of their behavior of the herd is much less. If one herd person gets upset that can spread quickly through a herd. A freethinker gets upset and no one pays much attention.


Chapter 5 - The demise of the freethinkers


The demise of the freethinkers comes before the demise of the Herd. The herd is entirely dependent on freethinkers for new ideas and reality checks. The herd cannot comprehend reality as it is, only the popular perception of what reality should be. Yet, the herd distrusts freethinkers, and considers them to be eccentric, impractical, or just nuts. The drive to stifle free thought is relentless, but not constant.


Thought Point: Is free thought essential for the social progress?


At certain times in history though there has been recognition of the value of free thought amongst the smarter members of the herd leadership. These are the times of Renaissance. Powerful people make resources available to freethinkers and wonderful creations come about. The herd and freethinkers work together on projects that they both love and there is universal fulfillment. Sadly, these times are not so common and mostly free thought is treated with suspicion and freethinkers only employed when no one else can get the job done. In the post 2020 world the situation is even worse and herd leaders are ignoring their own best interests and putting herd yes men to do jobs that can only properly be done by a free thinker. The demise of the freethinkers comes about when the herd considers their influence unnecessary.


Toward the end of a renaissance, when a society is at its peak of power and sophistication, the herd becomes arrogant. While some may acknowledge the great contribution that free thought has made, the feeling grows that free thought is somehow superfluous and there is no need for it anymore. Slowly, but surely freethinkers are sidelined and then dismissed, until there are practically none in any positions of power. This is the start of the demise of the herd, the first step on the road to catastrophe.


Thought Point: Are freethinkers being sidelined, and excluded in today’s society?


The herd is now close to destroying everything our whole race strived so hard and suffered so much to achieve.  The dream of a super tech global civilization, electric cities, pristine nature and outposts in the stars looks a lot less likely now than two years ago.  Dreams can only come true if you make them do so and there is usually only one way to get things right, but lots of ways to screw up. Without the input of freethinkers the herd has zero chance of achieving any dream.


We see today leaders destroying their own economies and making their people sick and miserable with dangerous and unscientific procedures. Huge bailouts are paid to companies that lose money by following the demands of politicians. It is a fake economy, with values no longer linked to performance, and instead political correctness is all that matters. Favored companies’ stock gets bought, unflavored, gets sold short. We see labor shortages, food shortages, and no end in sight except disaster from this way of doing things.

The herd is not entirely to blame for the demise of the freethinkers. Freethinkers are weak when it comes to solidarity, as they are almost incapable of sticking together or even focusing on a single project except alone or in small groups. They may protest the excesses of the herd, but usually fail to make any significant impact. They simply do not team up and fight hard enough to shift the herd.  Freethinkers are weak on group loyalty as well. To have more powerful influence freethinkers need to consider how to overcome their weaknesses. The herd could teach the freethinkers a few things about the value of loyalty and solidarity.  Nevertheless, it is must be remembered that freethinkers play no active role in mass hysteria, and if it was left up to them such dreadfulness could never occur.


The two types will always be different but not necessarily opposed. Working together is the way to make our dreams come true. Unfortunately, today the fashion has changed, freethinking is out and censorship is in.




Chapter 6 – The demise of the herd.


While the demise of the freethinkers may go practically unnoticed; the demise of the herd could hardly be more noticeable. At the extreme the herd goes into mass psychosis, resulting in economic collapse, war and genocide. The greatest danger to the whole human race is not famine, natural disasters or disease - it is herd mass psychosis.


The herd worships security. Yet, the desire for security can become a craving and this is a most dangerous thing, for craving leads to obsession. Then every action a person takes is called into question – could it conceivably do harm to someone else? Total control of every aspect of life is the only solution to the security issue, or so the herd instinctively believes. Any behavior that does not conform to the exact rules and protocols of society is to be strenuously punished.

Nature itself is seen as an unruly beast that must be tamed. This is why the herd so often wantonly destroys nature. I could give you examples from ancient civilizations, but it is better you choose your own.

Thought Point: From your observations would you say that herd people today are overly obsessed with security?


Mass psychosis is the direct result of ignoring and suppressing the advice of freethinkers. It is they who can see how the problem evolves and come up with strategies to mitigate and eventually overcome it. In a world where freethinkers held the positions in society they merit, mass psychosis would be impossible.

Whether it is called holocaust, ethnic cleansing, re-education or any other kind of genocidal practice there is always a common factor. Mass psychosis events are always about purification through suffering and death. A certain race, class, or any distinct grouping is deemed to be impure. This group is then blamed for every ill that besets the society in question. The impurity of these persons is causing disease to spread, the crops to fail, floods, droughts; whatever the problem, the target group is the cause.  This is not logical; it is an emotional reaction externalizing a dire threat that actually comes from inside the herd itself.


Mass psychosis is the result of suppressing free thought. Yet during a mass psychosis event the very thing least tolerated is freethinking. In fact, freethinkers commonly join the long list of ‘deplorables’ to be terminated. There is zero tolerance for any opinion that remotely differs from herd orthodoxy. So, as the crisis continues to deepen, no one has any new ideas or practical suggestions. No useful innovations to save the day. Just more of the same failed ideology that has caused the problem in the first place.


As society noticeably collapses there are protests, leading to riots and insurrection. The herd leaders become increasingly desperate, hitting out with ill-considered draconian measures that only stir up further unrest. Killing ‘enemies’ is no longer enough and the herd turns on itself in a series of bloody purges. A herd may also ‘calve’ at this point of desperation. Those displaced and persecuted may form a new herd and take on the establishment in a revolution.


You must understand that once the event reaches this level, the herd, leaders and common herd are all quite insane! While their minds may still function with something resembling logic their hearts are trapped in a dark cave of fear, where the demons of their own imagination appear to take physical form in their perceived enemies. They see only one way out - complete herd purification by blood. That is the curse of the blood ritual that the herd are sadly so prone to. And this is the curse we must conquer before it destroys us all and only the hunter gatherers are left.


Chapter 7 – Different types of herd people


There are two basic types of herd people: the common herd, and the leaders. These types appear to be organic and present in every society since the dawn of civilization. The common herd are mostly very nice, helpful and industrious people. They need to be, they do most of the work. Look at any of the monumental achievements of society and there is the testament to diligence of the common herd. They work together well and love the sense of fulfillment that good work shared gives. The herd are the happiest of all people when life treats them fairly. Dark leaders are ever jealous that the common people have more real fun just being together than all their money can buy.  The common herd are also the principal source of genetic excellence as from their countless offspring great and noble individuals arise.


The common herd makes up the bulk of the population and if they had the will to, they could call the shots, but the common herd prefers to follow and leave leading to others. The big problem for the herd is choosing the right leaders. All leading groups in society have been chosen by the herd at some point. A dynasty begins with a family, a family that builds the confidence of people around them and grows ever more powerful. Once established leaders cannot easily be removed, so the herd may have little choice. In the beginning though, the leaders must court the herd or not be chosen to lead them. The trouble is the herd often picks bad-leaders. This is another issue with the way herd people think. They are easily impressed with superficial shows of strength but less concerned with quality of character.


Once they all agree on a leader it is difficult for the herd to change direction. Their minds are consensus based. Democracy is a way of changing leaders more easily, and has the huge advantage of being very popular. The drawback is democracy changes only the visible leaders, the system and the mandarins that run the government stay in place. As time goes by, the power of democratic leaders is reduced incrementally, ultimately the leaders may become little more than puppets played by their advisors.


Thought Point: Are today’s leaders really in charge, or does the “establishment’ call the shots?”


Prior to the ongoing crisis of 2020, I believed, like most people, that leaders were somehow fundamentally different from the rest of the herd. Seeing the appalling mess they are making of our beautiful world I see I was wrong. Certainly herd leaders are ever so anxious to present themselves as superior and deserving of absurdly high rewards they receive - too anxious. In their hearts they know they are not nearly as special as they make out to be. There have been and are, a few really special herd leaders, but they are the exceptions, not the rule. Intellectually herd leaders are as incapable of original thought or clear perception of reality as the common herd. There is some justification for their claim of superiority, the leaders are mostly stronger and smarter - that is how you get to lead in the first place. Though there are many among the leading class who got their status through connections rather than merit. Be that as it may, as a group the leaders are overall more resourceful and better organized than the common herd. In terms of their basic thought processes there is much less difference.


Herd leaders are usually herd people, as only the occasional freethinker can break into their ranks.  Herd leaders have the same blind spot as the common folk - they believe that consensus is truth. In the leaders this takes a slightly different form. The common herd accepts the parameters, protocols and rules that are set for them.  The leaders are the ones who set rules. It is not that simple of course, the leaders need to tailor their strategy to what the herd will accept; they play herd emotions like a violin. The successful herd leader knows exactly how much they can bend the herd to their will without risking a revolt. The wise leader knows they are not infallible, and to how pick advisers that make up for their limitations.  The wise leader will always have a sufficient number of freethinkers in their cabinet. Wise herd leaders, with the backing of their herd can do incredible things. The herd is the engine of society, and leaders are like the accelerator pedal – they make stuff happen. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with leadership if the leaders are picked for wisdom as well as strength.

Dark leaders


Dark leaders can be brilliant, cunning, charismatic, but just like the commoners they are blinkered. They only believe what is commonly believed, and generally accepted. They are totally incapable of free thought themselves and mostly see little or no value of it in others. Their minds are set on perpetuating and extending their rule.  What they want from their minions is only ideas that coincide with their own established tenets.


Much of the secret of being in control is believing you are. If your self-belief is strong enough, you have a good chance of persuading others you can lead them. That is why, for public consumption leaders try to display omniscience, and appear untouchable. This is understandable, even unavoidable, if people are not to be upset unnecessarily, but it is also very dangerous. If the leaders start to believe their own publicity then they become arrogant and sloppy. No longer do they bother to research policies thoroughly. “It is my will, it will be done”, a powerful leader can easily come to think that this is all that is needed. Yet, these overly confident individuals have a vestigial sense that something is lacking in their persons. They are never quite as eminent as their displays of greatest suggest. In a wise leader this silent awareness will serve to lessen their hubris and make them more open to positive suggestions. In a dark leader it has the opposite effect. The thought that they really are no better than the common people they rule is quite unbearable to them. Of course, they pretend otherwise, faking omniscience, but inside they know their weakness and that is emotional cancer.  As time goes by, the feelings of inadequacy and inferiority propagate and the fear of failure becomes a nightly dread.  Their efforts to appear superior become increasingly desperate. Yet, whatever they try never satisfies.


Thought Point: Are today’s herd leaders morally and intellectually superior to the common people?


If trying to lift yourself above the herd fails, there is only one alternative; drag the herd down. This is how tyrants are born. The tyrant blames the herd for their own failings, and actually comes to hate their own people. The obedience of the herd that once pleased, now only disgusts. They force the herd to obey harsher and more onerous commands, half hoping the herd will resist, but they do not, and so the hatred grows. Society begins to crumble, nothing is done properly. Obvious and easily corrected failings of the system are left unchecked. No one wishes to bear bad news.


The leader deep in self-loathing now hates everyone. Their lust for inflicting pain does not die though, they start to feel that punishing the herd is a duty - weakness cannot be tolerated. The herd in turn hates the leaders, but they are mostly too scared to do anything about it. Tyrants in this position often start wars in the hope that patriotic sentiments of the herd will overcome their dislike of the tyrant.


Thought Point: “Look how badly I can treat fools and get away with it.” Does dragging everyone else down make a dark leader feel more superior?

True herd leaders

True herd leaders are extremely able people and possessed of the highest ideals. They are equivalent to intrepid free thinkers - the top of range. Sadly, in society we live in true leaders seldom rise high. This is because the establishment is dominated by mediocrities, with few principles and possessed of low cunning rather than any real intelligence. These fundamentally weak and facile people greatly outnumber the true leaders and so are able to prevent them from ascending to positions their excellence qualities them for.
The problem is one of comparisons; true leaders are much more effective, and will outshine the mediocre at every turn. This is unbearable for the usurpers and in their jealousy they will do everything in their power to prevent any true leader from ascending.


The mediocre prefer dark leaders to true leaders and will follow despots with sycophantic glee. Dark leaders like the mediocre, hate true leaders with a vengeance. In fact, they fear and loathe all people of good character and high ideals. Their fear is justified, if the true leaders and intrepid freethinkers ever once came to power their reign would last forever and the society they nurtured would be strong and beautiful. The wicked cling to power because it is all they have and on a level playing field they would lose every time.


Thought Point: Do mediocre members of the elite prefer dark leaders because they do not show up their weakness?


The enforcers


Enforcers are the people who discipline the herd. Enforcer mentality is at least as old as civilization and it appears they are born that way. An enforcer will do their best to persuade someone to obey a herd rule. They will do this enthusiastically, and without thought of reward.  They love rules and feel it is their duty to ensure everyone follows them.

In a group there are always some bossy kids, and mostly it’s no problem. Without enforcers the herd will not function as well working together. The basic types of enforcer are foreman and managers and anyone who organizes labor. Without them large scale projects would be impossible. Police, army and government are all agencies of enforcement. Not all managers or the people who work for the government are themselves enforcers, but the majority always will be.

Thought Point: have you noticed that some kids are bossy and like to organize the others?


In a healthy society enforcers are a necessary, if a sometimes annoying type of person. In an unhealthy society they are extremely dangerous and can enable the commission of atrocities.

This is why it is so important to take care of the psychological wellbeing of the whole population. Problems from without can be overcome by a healthy society without long term damage. Problems from within the society are much harder to deal with and can drag on indefinitely. If we compare society to the human body, the enforcers are like the immune system. In a healthy body immune responses are triggered solely by genuine pathogens. In an unhealthy society the immune system starts to attack healthy tissue. In an unhappy society the enforcers persecute normal harmless people going about their business for no good reason.

Enforcers work for the leaders and it is the responsibility of leaders to ensure that enforcers have clear and sensible rules to apply. Bad laws, uncertain regulations and stupid rules make the job of enforcing much more difficult. There is constant friction between the enforcers and the people. Everyone gets bad tempered and projects get bogged down with endless disagreements.

This is why clear and transparent government is so important. If a country has a strong and fair constitution with clearly defined rights and duties for citizens, enforcement is easy. People are happy, projects run smoothly with excellent results.


Thought Point: Are enforcers a necessary part of society?


To govern well you need smart leaders with practical policies. If the country is faring well that is all affirmation the public needs that the leaders are up to the job. Enforcement of rules is easy when they have good rules that clearly benefit everyone. Alas, how many governments today can claim this status? Without sound policy a government must constantly pretend things are well, even when they are not. Every problem becomes a test of confidence. That is why, for public consumption leaders try to display omniscience and appear untouchable. They live in fear that any show weakness and the herd may turn sour on them. If that happens, the enforcers may well take over the government and place a leader of their choice in power.

Thought Point: Is it possible the enforcement agencies have usurped many of today’s governments?


In a healthy society where people feel fairly treated and have the means to survive in reasonable comfort then leaders can appear more relaxed without looking weak. The enforcers are respected more than feared and have little desire to change the system. Security is good and the people are prosperous. Sadly, this level of social evolution has not come to pass as yet. Though there have been some good tries. Our problem today is the universal global government which is already partly in place and has zero accountability. Working out who is really in charge is a major problem in itself. The countries are like stacked dominoes, a collapse in one major country can crash the system. Even well run countries are not secure if powerful multi nationals interfere and make trouble.


Thought Point: Do you believe the global government is a practical possibility?




Chapter 8 - A perfect storm


A perfect storm! If things get really bad no amount of propaganda will convince people otherwise and rule can only be assured through fear. This is the direction many of the major countries in the world are headed right now. Could anything be more deadly? Could anything be more stupid! The rich pre 2020 had near perfect lives; they were practically untouchable. Now they must be more careful of what they say and do than a no consequence commoner. And it will not get better!


The scale of the damage of a collapse of the global economy is incalculable. Far worse than the fall of any previous empire. Yet, without responsible government there is little hope this can be avoided. One last hope is that the people, who are hoping to gain the most, realize that the dream they have been working for is in truth a hideous nightmare. They cannot win, because unlike before there will be nowhere to take the money and run to. We are near the point of no return now. If governments continue with draconian measures that have no link to reality then global meltdown will come to pass. Harsh measures only lead to harsher measures, and the level of enforcement required to keep things functioning increases exponentially. The herd becomes increasingly intransigent and getting any job done properly is almost impossible.  This cannot go on for long.


The enforcers get exhausted and turn to the easier task of taking bribes instead of actually enforcing rules. Corruption escalates out of control and leaders isolate themselves refusing to listen to anything but good news. This has all happened before many times, but the difference from the past is the speed of change. Empires of old could take a thousand years to reach their peak and the same again to decline and fall. The global empire of today is still in its infancy and already looking ready to collapse.

Thought Point: Are we facing a ‘perfect storm?”


It is commonly believed that leaders or perhaps their unseen ”handlers” are the cause of all society's ills. Yet, leaders, political parties, governments, systems of government have come and gone over the centuries, without the basic problems of the pyramid style societies remain unchanged. This would be fine except all of the pyramid style civilizations have crashed and burned. This is a fine drama if it is history, but if it happens to be your society that is not so entertaining.

Thought Point: Do leaders create the system or just “inherit” and maintain it?




Chapter 9 – Different types of freethinker

Easy freethinkers


As with the herd, freethinkers can be divided into those who possess more or less power, energy and drive. I shall call them; “easy” and “intrepid” Easy freethinkers like a hassle-free life and avoid trouble as much as possible. They are creative and always trying new ideas. Many of their plans fail and so the herd often considers them to be foolish eccentrics.  Herd people cannot understand the creative process. Creation requires a lot of trial and error. To a freethinker, time spent on novel ideas is never wasted and they are right. Freethinkers believe just because something may not be a commercial success it is still worth doing, because it is part of their evolution. Anyway, one person’s failed attempt can be a springboard for someone else to achieve greatness. Half formed ideas float around in ether waiting for someone to catch them and to make something wonderful. Ideas are what all freethinkers live for.


The easy freethinker looks for a cozy niche in life. A highly skilled trade or profession is ideal. Once established they set about doing things their own unique way and so are hard to replace. They prefer to stay out of politics, but have strong personal opinions, which can get them into trouble. The easy prefer flight to fight. If they find their location oppressive they will move from city to city or go to another country in search of a freer life. Freedom is more important than money and success to them. A simple but comfortable life is what they seek and for that they will go anywhere. Easy freethinkers are very important to society because they are the most numerous freethinkers and so are the principal source of bulk original notions. They also provide a vast array of specialist goods and services that larger companies cannot.


Thought Point: Do you recognize this type of person? Do you know anyone who is an ‘easy’ freethinker?

Intrepid freethinkers


Intrepid freethinkers are quite distinct from other freethinkers. Intrepids have an advanced sense of honor and will choose death over dishonor. Intrepids never break their word if they can possibly help it. They are loyal to their friends, which easy freethinkers are less likely to be. Intrepids are full of ideals and long to help other people. The establishment is very uneasy about them as, though they can be very useful, their very existence undermines the establishment's case. This is that all people are corruptible, and there is no hope of a fair society. This is the lie on which the establishment is founded. People are bad and must be strictly controlled. The intrepid believe people are good but misguided and with the correct guidance a beautiful society will come to pass.


The intrepid are the pioneers, inventors, geniuses, and even great leaders. They have a single minded determination, and once fixed on a task will see it through to end. Easy freethinkers do not have that high gear, and more easily drop a project if the going gets tough. The intrepid are stubborn and stick to their principles even risking their lives to do so. They can be ruthless too and will do what they consider necessary to achieve their goal, but although they can be harsh they are always fair. Like all freethinkers though they are more concerned with the quality of life than material possessions. They make money and lose money without seeming to care as long as they are learning and evolving. Evolution is their deity. To be the best is less important than to be the first


Thought Point: Do true heroes really exist except in legends?


Intrepids hate to give up on a project and once committed will move heaven and earth to see it through even when the odds are unfavorable. For them it is a point of honor to stick to one's word with oneself as well as with others. However, they are not stupid like herd leaders who will repeat the same failed strategies over and over again. A freethinker gives it their best shot, but is ready to change direction if the losses look too great. Intrepid freethinkers can be great leaders, but leading the herd is not easy for them and their leadership is not very secure. They cannot understand herd logic and must rely on herd advisors to help them play the tunes the herd longs to hear.


Honor is a very important quality for all people. For herd people honor is about being loyal to herd culture. For the freethinker honor is personal, and each freethinker has their own code to live by. Intrepid freethinkers have perhaps the strongest sense of honor of all people. This does not necessarily mean that they are “good” people, as criminals may live by codes too. To be a successful crook it helps if other crooks trust you. There are no contracts in their world and deals are made on a handshake, so reputation is everything.  Crooks without a code can survive only through fear, and that is much more difficult. Trust is easier and cheaper. Some ‘honorable’ outlaws achieve a cult status and may even become true freedom fighters. Intrepid freethinkers are the stuff heroes are made of.


Easy freethinkers do not have the same strong sense of morality, for them personal survival comes first. In today’s world there would seem to be little room for heroes, or honorable crooks, at least not at the visible level. The governments and leaders of the day are nearly all mediocre herd people, lacking imagination, competence or compassion. The same is true of most media personalities and big business CEOs.  Very few are worth their job title. Sure they make big money, but not fairly, they cheat the market, kill competition, and stifle creativity and supply products that are often dangerous, unhealthy and environmentally damaging. These people are without conscience or decency, and should never be allowed to hold power, A person who does not care about the consequences of what they do, provided it is profitable, is not worthy of any respect. They are lower even than derelicts living on the street and should be treated as such. The end never justifies the means, for logical reason that the means create the end – bad means, bad end – every time guaranteed.


Intrepid freethinkers are sometimes referred to as ‘redeemers’ in psychological studies. They have powerful divergent intelligence; they are the smartest people of all. This enables them to see how to create strategies that are of mutual benefit to all concerned. This is something no other group can do so successfully. Yet, it is also the only way a truly prosperous, happy and stable civilization can be achieved.  The calculation is very difficult; the leader must balance the interests of the various groups and also the real world environment around them. Trying to convince herd bosses to take this view is next to impossible. Their whole strategy is based on a personal gain, or the gain of a few. Many know this is not sensible, but do not have the intellect to find a better solution.  A truly enlightened herd person leader will understand this and find the right freethinkers to help them. Sadly, wise herd leaders are an endangered species, the dark herd see them as a threat, because they are more effective and productive. The dark leaders hate competition, and wise leaders, be they herd people or freethinkers are squeezed out.

Thought Point: Do dark leaders suppress or eliminate good leaders?


Chapter 10 - History began in 2020!


The terrible changes we have experienced since 2020 are unprecedented in all history. Never has the entire globe been so woefully afflicted all at once before. Without the internet it could never have happened as we have never been so closely linked before.  Not only is the change the most far reaching, but it has happened at extraordinary speed; overnight the world changed. The old world had its faults but was infinitely preferable to the new one.


Yet, the passing of the “free” world has had no funeral, no morning, and no recognition. The new, abnormal world Christened in fear is a worthless counterfeit doomed to fail. There is no hope in the pathetically unrealistic policies of present leaders and the situation will quite likely worsen. Somehow out of this appalling debacle we have to get back to something like sanity before we can even consider either rebuilding, or better still, beginning again. A daunting task, with the herd top to bottom, in every society, in a state of mass hysteria. The real world problems are difficult but can be solved quite readily given intelligence and diligence. It is the psychological problems of herd mentality that are real long term danger. We cannot fix anything until people calm down and think rationally. Right now that is not going to happen, the herd is slipping ever further into madness.


I do not pretend to really understand or be able to predict the actions of the herd, because they do not follow any logic I know. How far will the psychosis go? How much will be lost? And what will be left? If the herd change tack before it is too late the global economy may survive and full scale wars avoided. It is not impossible that the herd and their leaders might try to recreate (a well-loved herd strategy) a society based on a pre-2020 model. This is the only model that everyone knows well and was certainly a much better world than today. However, the problems of today originated the day before and so a backward movement may bring society to the same dire point.


Of course the madness could continue until the world goes back to being city states and tribes. So, we cannot make any exact plan for rebuilding yet, but we can examine ideas, ideals and principles. This may not be a bad thing. The problem of modern society and very probably all previous civilizations is that principle is sacrificed on the altar of haste. Do it now, make a profit, worry about consequences later, is basic herd business philosophy. That the consequences now come sooner rather than later is due to advancing technology. Tech exposes the flaws in herd thinking quickly and mercilessly. Machines mirror herd consciousness as they are made in that image. The programs being created now are ugly indeed, built to lie and steal for their masters, rather than assist humanity.


One way or another though, at some point the madness will pass. This book is written for that time, when we, all the people are ready to build again and put in place permanent safeguards against mass psychosis. It can be done, but like curing a junky, it can only succeed if the patient really wants to lose the habit. As I say, the time will come when people are ready to build a beautiful new world that can rise like a phoenix from the ashes.


After each previous mass psychosis event people swore to learn from the disaster and ensure it never reoccurs and for a while that works. Sadly, though in the long term each time we have failed. This time we must do better. Previous attempts have never looked deep enough into the causes and the changes made have been superficial. This book is an attempt to correct that oversight. I cannot judge my own work and I do not guarantee that I have all the answers. It is up to my readers to make their own minds up. If you find my ideas sound please attempt to apply them as best you can, that is all I ask. You can contact me on my website if you need further information


This is where we stand. The second part of my book looks to the future.

Thought Point: Is it possible to recreate the society pre 2020?


Part Two - The Age of Free Thought


Chapter 11 - Advancing free thought.


Evolution is a progressive force. Like water it always finds its way, because it knows where it is going. Using free thought to examine the future is not about prediction, or what can or cannot happen. It is about discovering what must happen. There is usually only one way to succeed, but any number of ways to fail. Water always finds its way because it knows the difference between up and down. That is all the knowledge it needs to find the way to the sea.


The same is true of consciousness, except instead of going down it must always rise up. What we call evolution, is consciousness in motion, spreading, growing, developing new functions, becoming ever more complex and beautiful. True beauty is not a superficial thing. It is the expression of inner perfection. Like the leopard or the gazelle, whose movements are perfectly functional and so are beautiful and wondrous to behold. Perfect beauty is the visible sign of perfect functionality. Sure, you can dress up ugly things to appear more beautiful, but that does not improve their function.


The rules of conscious evolution are the same for all things. A society must grow, evolve until it reaches as close to perfection as it can get. After that, all that is needed is to adjust to changing circumstances.  Sharks have been swimming around for hundreds of millions of years. The sharks are basically unchanged, because their formula is near perfection. Today’s sharks are not exactly the same, significant adaptations have been made, but they are still very much sharks. It is reasonable to hope this will be the same with human society; after many tries, it will evolve to near perfection and then just carry on indefinitely.


Thought Point: Can the human race evolve to near perfection and then just carry on indefinitely?


The beauty of a society is the visual marker of its functionality. Something we can all see clearly and verify. Look at society today. Is it more or less beautiful than 2019? Well some might prefer it, but I think very few. It is less beautiful, because it is further from perfection, and less functional than it was. The entire world society has gone into reverse and I have not seen that before, and I hope not to see it again in the future. The path of functional beauty is the eternal path of life. The path of ugliness leads in the opposite direction and only decay and death awaits those who follow it.

Thought Point: Is society today getting more beautiful, or uglier? Is true beauty always the expression of perfect functionality?


In the first part of this book I demonstrated how to use pure free thought to analyze the problems of today. In this, the second part, I will attempt to use free thought to find the path to a truly beautiful future. Of course, assessing what has happened is a lot easier than trying to guess what should happen. However, we do not need to predict specific details of the future. A society that runs for any length of time will experience favorable and unfavorable conditions. Time is cyclic. The success of society depends on how well its core values stand up in all circumstances.  These core values are all we need to define.


Once again we begin free thought practice by examining things we can be very certain about. Previous civilizations have ended in disaster. We know this because otherwise they would still be here today and flourishing. So, we can infer that the path to a truly sustainable society has not yet been built. The question is can it be built?


The answer is yes, in principle it is possible, because in terms of human inter relations there is no absolute reality. Society is a perceptual reality; it is what people “believe” it to be. The sense of “realness” it provides is only the result of the momentum of many minds in the same grove. Perceptions are relative to the perspective life is viewed from. Your perspective is determined by the way you think and feel. When you are content with life, you perceive the world from a positive perspective and life seems straightforward enough. When you are unhappy the reverse is true. Everything seems awful and your thinking is confused. Yet, happy, sad, content, dissatisfied, these things are in a state of constant flux. If your perspective relies on the transitory, the world as you perceive it will be like a sand castle waiting for the tide.


Thought Point: Does the sense of “realness” of the social world result only from the momentum of many minds in the same grove?


Popular wisdom states that “All things must change.” Yet, to be a stable entity in an ever changing world you need to center your thoughts and emotions on things that never change. Honor, love, trust, integrity; these are examples of values which never change. If your perceptions are centered this way, then through good or bad times you will evolve, adapt and enhance your functional beauty. The world is uglier now, but my consciousness has continued to progress in function and beauty. Nothing that can prevent this evolution. You can hurt me, kill me, but the beauty of my soul can never be destroyed, except by me.


Fixating on the eternal provides one with an elevated perspective from which to view the world of causality clearly. The ever shifting dualities and pluralities that perplex so many can now be seen for what they are – the visible manifestations of archetypal forces. The proliferation of toxic waste is not a result of functional necessity, quite the reverse; it makes society less functional and less beautiful. Waste is the result ugly, dysfunctional consciousness. Clean up consciousness and waste will get cleaned up too.

Thought Point: Is it true that all things must change?





Chapter 12 - The age of freethinking


The last few thousand years have been the age of herd mentality. The herd and their leaders have built many civilizations and have innumerable spectacular achievements to their credit. Unfortunately, none of their civilizations has been sustainable, all have failed. Each new empire rises and falls more quickly than the last. If you follow the same pattern you will likely get the same results. There is no real difference between the societies of old and those of today, they are all made from the same mold; the pyramid; one great mountain of people.  The crisis we face now will determine, once and for all, whether herd mentality and the pyramid model are viable, but it is far from certain they will pass this test. The age of the herd may well be about to end and the age of free thought about to begin. Our task will be to create a new happy, functional, beautiful and sustainable society.


The dawn of the age of free thought is not imminent, but it is pressing.  As there is much to be done while we are waiting. The herd has failed and will continue to fail because of their denial of free thought and common sense.  They have deviated from the path of beauty and functionality to the path of ugliness and futility. This cannot continue. We must find a way to create a genuine Free Thought Democracy.

Thought Point: Has the last few thousand years been dominated by herd mentality?



To build a new society based on free thought, intrepid freethinkers and true herd leaders must take control of the herd. Taking control of the herd cannot be done by force, trickery, or any underhand means.  We must find a way to train the great beast with love, honesty, respect, understanding, justice and sensible rewards. A culture is defined by its system of rewards. You can only persuade most people to do what is right by rewarding them for so doing. Give the right rewards to the right people and all goes well. It’s not that hard really, if you dump the dark politics.


Today’s aberrant herd leaders cannot be beaten by force either. They must be surpassed in beauty and functionality until they ultimately become obsolete and extinct.  They are strong in conflict and fighting makes them more determined. We must cultivate the loyalty of the herd in small enterprises run on free thought principles. The herd will follow anyone who can offer rewards. The loyalty of the herd can be shifted away from the present leaders to freethinkers incrementally and without conflict.  Great skill, patience and perseverance will be needed to do this, but it is not impossible.


The greatest lesson I have learned from the present hysteria is that the leaders now in power are much less intelligent than I had imagined. I knew they were often power hungry and ruthless, sometimes only paying minimal respect to the wellbeing of their people. Conniving and corrupt, perhaps, but fools no, or so I thought. Now the truth is plain to see, when there are real problems they are totally clueless as to how to solve them or even take any sensible measures to improve the situation. Their own power that they love so much, is squandered on ridiculous schemes that are losers for everyone including themselves. All they do is copy each other’s mistakes. There is no “new world order” to come from their methods, only chaos and misery. Before I thought them invincible, now I see dark herd leaders' weakness exposed. They cannot think outside the box, or come up with any original idea. This is their Achilles heel.


Thought Point: Are the leaders of today much less intelligent than you had imagined?


Another change in the political environment is that confidence in leadership is steadily evaporating. This is no mystery; even staunch supporters of herd leaders are losing faith. They all knew of the excesses of past governments, but they tolerated them. There was still a dream back then though. If there is a dream, something to hope for and some rewards, most people will tolerate almost anything.


Herd leaders do not like to admit it, but if they are to run successful, prosperous, modern countries they need the willing cooperation of the people. To achieve real greatness the leaders must go further and inspire them with a dream. The dream does not need to ever fully manifest, but it must have sufficient substance, and give rewards for those who try to make it work. Otherwise it is empty talk.  Now the dreams on offer are looking more like nightmares and rewards are dwindling. True, some people are making colossal profits, but they are getting bigger shares of an ever decreasing market and overall the world is getting poorer. For who can really believe that the economy of 2021/2 is anything like as strong or stable as that of 2019? And 2019, as it turned out, was not really all that stable anyway.


Thought Point: Do we need dreams and ideals to motivate us?


Lost in ugliness, without a dream, and poorly rewarded the herd becomes intransigent and they can only be made to do anything by brute force, like slaves. Countries that run this way fall into decline, if not civil war.  Draconian measures are an admission of failure. The leaders are losing the support of the people and there is no “mandate heaven”; only the “mandate of the people” Where is the herd to turn when their leaders are destroying their livelihoods? This is where we, the freethinking people, have our window of opportunity.  We must build a new dream, and then start to make it real. We, the freethinkers must rise to this challenge, or we will live in shame. We are drinking in the last chance saloon, so the brew we imbibe must be an elixir of inspiration, and a tonic for our courage.

Thought Point: Are draconian measures an admission of failure?




Chapter 13 - The transition from perdition


The reaction of freethinkers to living the first two decades of the 21st century in the herd dominated world has mostly been to scatter and stay low. This was, and probably still is, a sound strategy. The herd was reaching the peak of their power. Feeling secure that they knew enough not to need many new ideas. Neither the herd nor their leaders wanted to hear any contradictory opinions or listen to some upstart freethinker asking awkward questions and disturbing herd unity.


Post 2020, the situation for freethinkers is much worse. Before we were sidelined, ridiculed, but there were still some good opportunities and we were free to use the planet as an escape raft. Now, we are endangered, free thought can be a crime, the government, media, big business and the pseudo scientists have all turned against us.


The herd leaders of today are nearly all cowards at heart, as the political system makes it almost impossible for a person of real courage and integrity to take power. Power is seldom fairly won, but by the sneaky dishonorable means that cowards are good at.  They know how to appear brave in public; that is all. Dark leaders have many enemies, enemies they know of, and ones they do not. It is the enemies they do not know that worry them the most. This is easily explained; the enemy you do not know could be anyone, your butler, your colleague, your best friend or even your spouse. The leaders look out at people in the street, and see potential terrorists not citizens. The leader or leaders look for ways to insulate themselves and so become increasingly isolated. Yet, they still feel in danger, something must be done to take control, show who is boss and force enemies into the open. They will then use any pretext to introduce tough control measures. Everyone must submit to some cruel and unusual discipline.

Thought Point: Are today’s restrictions on freedom based on reality, or are they a pretext for imposing tighter control?


This is how a mass psychosis event begins. Clamping down only makes the elite more fearful. Now everyone really is against them. The measures are unpopular and there are protests. This further reinforces the leader’s paranoia, “I was right; they are trying to overthrow me!” More sober members of the government protest to the leader as well. “Ah, they are in the plot too!” So, all sensible, courageous people are removed from the government. All that is left are lackeys whose only expertise is saying things the leader wants to hear. “What can I do with these ungrateful savages?” “Kill them all.” shout the lackeys. “Brilliant deduction, yes all traitors must die; see to it.” And, that is one way the genocide can begin.


This is not fiction, not an opinion; you can check it for yourself. It has happened far too many times in history and mass psychosis is by far the greatest danger civilization faces. This time it is different and has the potential to be far worse though. The regional elites appear to have somehow banded together to form some kind of “global cabal” and they seem to be trying to impose a totalitarian global government. Hard to believe, but there is some evidence. However, the important thing is to understand that whoever might really be “in charge”; they have succumbed to mass psychosis and although apparently in control are quite insane.


Thought Point: Do mass psychosis events really occur? Name some.


To the dark herd leaders the vast populations of today seem an impossible thing to control and given their appallingly low level of competence they are right. This is why they are imposing stricter and more stringent controls of everything; no free speech, no freedom of movement, all your financial transactions monitored and possibly cancelled at a whim. Of course there will be uprisings and protests of various kinds. The elite will see any serious protest as sufficient justification to commence the killing of people.  Get the population down to a more controllable level. All people of strong character must be removed until only the weakest, most cowardly and obedient remain.  Their idea of evolution is to let only the least fit survive; the poorest leaders, and most submissive herd. That is their dream of perfection, a world of universal mediocrity. However, mass psychosis has never resulted in sustainable order in the past and this time may be worse than ever – total global catastrophe. Even if the global elite manage to achieve total power through genocide, and they have won the war, they will not be satisfied. They will turn on each other. They are not kinsmen, allies or friends; they come from many countries with different cultures. They have no love, no compassion or any meaningful human virtue. They only care about expanding their power to escape their inner fear.  There will be purges, wars, famines, diseases, and insanity. No one, not even the most powerful will be safe. The dreams of a super tech universal society will fade as economies collapse.

Thought Point: Is mass psychosis the greatest danger our species faces?


This is the reality of today, but I am not a prophet, maybe somehow the world will pull back from the abyss, survival instinct is pretty strong and sane heads may yet carry the day.  Indeed, the scale of the problem could be our salvation in the long run. This time nearly the entire population of the world will witness the terror first hand, and all at once. This could bring about a genuine change of heart and for the first time there will be a universal will to ensure this never happens again.


Fortunately, freethinkers are good at surviving, finding escape routes and free zones. In the survival stakes freethinkers have the advantage - they all try something a bit different. This diverse reaction will always work better than the herd response. The herd responds to danger by all running in the same direction.  I think we can safely say that there will be plenty of freethinkers left to begin building the beautiful society.


As of 2022, the dark empire still has the momentum to carry on and almost unlimited power at its disposal.  Yet unchecked, the insanity of the herd and their dark leaders ensures the empire’s decline. As the empire falls, freethinkers must set up alternatives. My hope is this will happen organically, freethinkers will sense they have a chance to win at last and become emboldened. The task is great but the responsibility is greater, only free thought can save civilization.

We are at the earliest stage of the transition from totalitarian herd rule to Free Thought Democracy. The need is obvious, but the means uncertain. We do not yet know how deep into shared insanity the present society will go, or the eventual outcome. Now we have a little time to evolve, make plans and come up with new ideas.

Thought Point: Can the world somehow pull back from the abyss?


To some extent the transition will occur by itself. When people are barred from one place, or one job, they look for another. This is happening where I am, and probably where you are as well. Under pressure, people become more inventive and restrictions supply motivation. People create their own mini supply lines, and free zones. You won’t hear about this in the media, because the patrons mostly keep their activities discreet. This is a good way to start. Reducing dependence on the centralized system is the first step to regaining freedom. If these mini economies are well run they will proliferate, and spread. In time complete, peaceful alternative societies in miniature will emerge.

Thought Point: Is reducing dependence on the centralized system a good idea?


Protests may be effective at slowing the pace of the totalitarian agenda in some cases, but seldom offer real alternatives. Sometimes governments back down, sometimes they are overthrown, but mostly they clamp down and squash the protests. Even if the protest is successful you still have to make a living when it is over. This is what any serious alternative society must offer; a way to earn an honest living for those who do not wish to be part of the mainstream culture.


Starting from the grass roots from up is always good, because people can try out many new strategies, some which turn out to be winners. However, something more is needed to reach the next stage - money. The loyalty of the herd must be paid for. To shift the allegiance of large numbers of people away from the centralist system requires investment. There are rich and powerful, freethinking people and some true herd leaders, who could help if they wished to. One reason for writing this book is in the hope of persuading some that there is no future in staying true to the centralist regimes. If they do not do the right thing now there is nothing but misery for them or their offspring. They must not get caught like the rich Jews in Germany, who trusted that by obedience and bribery they could secure themselves against the Nazis.


There is an urgent need for multiple free zones, small businesses and institutions based on free thought principles. Businesses that are honest, fair, efficient, made to serve the whole community and not to exploit it for the benefit of a few. It is up to those with the money and business acumen to nurture these enterprises. All those, rich and poor, who fail to help start a new world, must take heed. If you do not strive for the good you are complicit with evil. The sacrifices of our race to achieve so much will all have been wasted if we cannot do the right thing now. Freethinkers are frequently criticized for being selfish and irresponsible, because they go their own way and do not accept duties they consider unnecessary. This has been ok up to now. Times change though and so must we, freethinkers must embrace their true destiny, which is to steer humanity back from madness to sanity. The opportunity to change human nature only comes once in many millennia.  The hour of destiny approaches, we must prepare and be ready to take up the reins of the herd and lead them away from fear and onto the path of freedom.


Setting up an alternative society will not be easy or quick. Many attempts must be made, many lessons learnt, before we have a working formula. This is what must be done during the time of transition. There will be many small groups finding different answers and this is a way of evolution, learning by multiple trials and errors. It is no use to wait until the madness has burnt out before we begin thinking how to make a new society. The plans must be carefully laid and well-tried beforehand. Then when the time is right, the new era can begin in earnest.

Thought Point: Can extreme conditions cause human nature to change?




Chapter 14 - The seven pillars of a Free Thought Democracy

1.  Personal Sovereignty


All societies are composed of individuals, each of whom is unique and that uniqueness is their most valuable asset. The same is even true of animals, no two turtles are the same and this is how they adapt and survive. Whatever fate throws at them, some will make it through. So, the basis of a society must be respect for personal sovereignty. Evolution is the expansion of personal sovereignty and so in all cases the individual must be allowed the maximum possible freedom to evolve their personal style of consciousness. This is the safe path that nature has created for us. We must never stray from it, as uniformity is the path to extinction.


Sovereignty is important for the family as well. A family is a sovereign unit that is bound together by love. Families are organic, people do not have to be persuaded to have a family; they do it all by themselves. Some cultures advocate an “official” version of family relationships be used as a template for the broader status system. This goes against the principles of personal and family sovereignty.


People are not all the same, nor are families. Some families are structured one way some another, some have very little structure at all. Some have strict hierarchy, others are flexible. Diversity in families is a good thing in evolutionary terms. The variety of styles of family life will ensure that there is always a model that works. The demands of times change, and we must always have a sufficient range of options. Trying to impose an artificial family structure on society puts a straitjacket on cultural evolution.


Thought Point: Is your personal sovereignty important to you?


The next scale up of a sovereign unit is the village, or town. Every little place should have its own mini culture, and this should be encouraged by governments. Each hamlet with its own products, style of architecture, and festivals. A country like this would be a joy to travel across. A patchwork quilt of beautiful and vital communities.

The largest sovereign unit within a country is the capital city. Like each village and town, every city should have its own vibrant culture. The city is also the venue for many small cultures and the place where towns and villages can go for festivals to promote their products and party! The capital’s governors are responsible for the wellbeing of the whole country. They should support the towns and villages to ensure their cultures are strong and protected. Sovereign communities are much easier and cheaper to govern. Largely self-policing, with a strong local economy, sovereign communities only require government help in times of crisis. The rest of time they contribute much and require little.


Thought Point: Are sovereign communities more stable, than those under direct rule.


Of course, the aberrant leaders of today hate real diversity, and have no patience with regional autonomy. Any deviation from the top down reverse culture they impose is considered dangerous and not to be tolerated on principle, whatever its merits might be. This is because they are too stupid to see to see that diversity is stronger and more secure than uniformity. A uniform culture is a dead culture. As I say, leaders are far less intelligent than I expected.


Respect for sovereignty of being must be the first founding principle of a Free Thought Democracy. The sovereign rights of individuals and communities must be carefully and lovingly enshrined in the constitution. All children should know their rights and duties as citizens. Kids should be taught that, though they must always obey fair and necessary rules, they should never submit to tyranny. Plays and stories, and dramatic exercises should reinforce this to ensure every student has the courage to stand up for themselves. Tyranny must be stamped out from the bottom up.

Thought Point: Should children be taught their rights and how to defend them?

2. Freedom


All people love freedom and wish to be free, to do, say, and make their living how they think best. Some governments pay lip service to the ideal, others dismiss it as unrealistic. ``There is no such thing as freedom” is a common theme in many parts of the world. Degenerate philosophers, scientists, and other so-called intellectuals of many disciplines concur. Some even go so far as to claim there is no such thing as free will.  It is hard to credit they do not secretly believe in their own free will. Claiming there is no free will sounds like a ruse to oppress the free will of others.  Virtually everyone else does believe in free will, though the exact extent of that freedom is open to question.


Free will and personal sovereignty are inseparable. A sovereign being makes choices according to unique personality and unique circumstances. The choices they make can be wise or otherwise, but they are “their” choices and not imposed on them. The free person has many options and so their free will evolves and deepens. The slave has less options and their free will is so stifled it may almost disappear. Observe how easily some sheep like, compliant populations of today blindly follow ridiculous and punitive restrictions. They make no pretense of resisting because their free will is virtually moribund. The pundits of oppression rejoice and see their argument vindicated. What have they proved? That people can be degraded by the use of coercion and tyranny? No surprise there.  What is gained? An ugly world of semi zombies monotonously following idiotic commands without understanding why or what they are doing. Can this create a vibrant super society? In the deranged minds of today’s elite everything good as bad and everything bad as good.  Reverse culture, reverse evolution.


Freedom of choice is what makes a strong community, because it gives the true diversity that is necessary to protect us in changing conditions. It also makes life much more interesting and fun! To be free, to do what you will, to say what needs saying, to travel freely and make your living in any honest manner, this is what a Free Thought Democracy must guarantee.  Without freedom no sustainable society is possible.


Thought Point: Do you remember what freedom felt like?

3. Justice


The aim of justice is to balance the freedoms of individuals and groups so that all may live in peace and enjoy the maximum possible sovereignty. Justice that protects only one group is not justice at all. Justice is an eternal quality necessary to run any sustainable society. It is not an empty ideal, but a fundamental human quality that all can recognize and appreciate. Without justice sovereignty is diminished and freedom curtailed. Scrupulous fairness must be practiced and seen to be practiced by anyone who is in a responsible position.

Thought Point: Can there be peace without justice?

4. Honor


A person confident in their sovereignty walks with dignity, pride and holds their head up high. Proud people do not like to discredit themselves.  Self-respect is the foundation of honor. Those with little self-respect will have none for others and as no one respects them. They have little to lose, if there is some gain in behaving badly.


Thought Point: Does self-respect make a person more honorable?


5. Truth


Justice is the scale on which freedoms are balanced. Truth is the sword that cuts through the deceptions. Those who prosper in the phony universe of tyranny may find justice very uncomfortable indeed. Yet, if they can embrace it, then their consciousness can quickly change for the better. Take those who are part of today’s ruling class, many of whom embrace tyranny because they believe they will be rewarded. They have been fooled. In the short term they may make gains but in the long run the only rewards from tyranny are misery, war, famine, disease and death. To know that truth is to know why one must resist, not just as a matter of principle, but as a matter of survival. And we all wish to survive.


Thought Point: Can knowing the truth change your perspective on life?

6. Honesty

Honesty is the child of truth and justice. The words and actions of an honest person are always based on a true assessment of what is fair and right. As sovereignty leads to honor, justice leads to truth and honesty. If a person can rely on fairness from others then it is easier for them to be honest.  Honest people are much more likely to be respected, so a virtuous circle is created. When people see the advantages of good behavior many will copy as best they can.  A Free Thought Society must make good behavior the easiest and best option.

Thought Point: Is it easy to be honest in today’s world?


7. Democracy


People love democracy; it is a great pageant, with floats, dancers and music. A big party, followed by an exciting contest. Democracy is an industry providing plenty of good job opportunities. While the campaign can be fun, sadly the contest is nearly always rigged. The selection of candidates is the problem. I never voted because I had zero faith or liking for any of the candidates. They were and are all mediocre herd mentality people, trying to force their poorly considered top down policies on the country. After each incumbent left office the country was in a somewhat worse condition than before they started. Out of the millions of people only two or three appear on the ballot. The rest of us are left out in the cold. The chosen ones are chosen because they are prepared to support vested interests over the interests of the whole community. It is also important that they never do anything original or challenging to the power structure. Clearly this is not working, and democracy is dying; long live democracy! We must find a way to inject new life and new people in from the grass roots, while at the same time undoing the power of elite power brokers.

Thought Point: Do you long for true democracy and freedom?  Is it an unalienable right?


I cannot sit here and say how this is to be done. What we need is trial and error. Democracy is an organic thing, people have always voted when a decision involving them was to be made. We should perhaps return to the roots to regrow the democracy tree. Once again it all comes down to setting up free thought zones. Different groups can try different methods and see what does the best. You can set a rough agenda from the top, but the construction must take place from bottom up.


There are many fun things that could be tried. Candidates picked at random and given 15 minutes of fame to explain their idea. The most popular candidates move up and get thirty minutes and so on. Voting could be on issues rather than persons. On a small scale not much harm can be done and any experiments will be really entertaining as well as instructive. The party system certainly looks obsolete though. Overall countries with party political systems all decline, they just decline more slowly than one party or dictator rule.

Thought Point: Is the political party system obsolete?




Chapter 15 - Living in Free Thought Society


The role the herd people in a Free Thought World


Herd people are meant to be obedient. It is their obedience that allows a culture to successfully complete large scale projects. It also means that day to day existence runs smoothly and consistently. They are supposed to be compliant, but not submissive. Obeisance is virtue that makes society stronger. Submission is a weakness not a strength, and weak people make poor workers.  Each herd member should clearly understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. Then they can work wholeheartedly and give their best. The common folk love to work together on a project they believe in and they will put in extra hours without complaint to get the job done. They do not expect high rewards either, just to be secure and comfortable in exchange for their labor. Employers unfortunately exploit the good nature of the herd without considering the consequences of doing so. Year by year conditions get worse. Yes, the herd can be exploited and bosses can make greater profits this way, but there is a price to pay; society as a whole gets weaker. The herd is the engine, and their strength, unity and willingness to work are essential to maintaining a positive regime.


After the WW2 mass psychosis event, there was a general agreement that living standards of the herd must be improved to ensure stability, and so they did for a few decades. The war taught the establishment that it could never be secure if the people are not well looked after. Sadly, it was not long before governments and big businesses forgot the “big picture” and instead chased quick gains at expense of the people, exactly as they had prior to WW2. They entered into a vicious circle of wage cuts and less favorable conditions, and that is ongoing. Businesses copy each other, one cuts pay the next cuts deeper to compete. Keeping the herd down requires a sustained effort. Social problems proliferate and enforcement costs sky rocket. Governments introduce zero tolerance policies in a desperate attempt to prop up a failing system. Submission culture, where people must do what they are told without reasons given, or questions accepted has become the norm. The workers will become despondent and give only the absolute minimum required service.


Thought Point: Does keeping the herd down mean social problems proliferate and enforcement costs sky rocket?


Herd leaders are mostly herd mentality people themselves and though very cunning and manipulative, they are unable to see beyond their own immediate self-interest. The idea that everyone can be a winner is an anathema to them. There must always be more losers than winners to ensure the kind of brutal competition they believe is necessary for social evolution. This half-witted philosophy is now and has been the standard approach of the establishment


In a Free Thought Democracy the first concern of the government must be to care for and nurture the herd. This is obviously the most fundamental requirement. The herd does most of the work and must be in good shape to do it. They must be well cared for and protected from exploitation, then they can be inspired to make ever greater efforts and achieve ever higher goals. Why the governments of today cannot see simple necessity is a mystery. The herd are the capital of society, promote them and society blossoms, decrease them and everything declines.


This is not socialism; socialism is just another form of herd mentality government. All herd mentality systems are based on the idea that people must be strictly controlled. Socialists despise and suppress free thought in exactly the same way other authoritarian regimes do. A Free Thought Democracy will not impose undue restrictions on the free market. Companies are sovereign entities too, and must be free to trade and compete, but the competition must be fair. Big and small companies alike need to get a fair shake.  Cooperation and competition are the two hands of commerce. Business leaders should cooperate to establish best practice for their industry. Then competition may take place on a roughly level playing field. A Free Thought Democracy considers that the interests of business and workers can be balanced to create a stable economic platform that nourishes society as a whole.

We will need to experiment with a variety of models to achieve this.


By allowing sovereignty to the various communities, sub communities and businesses we can find the best ways to accommodate the needs of all parties. By definition free thought cannot be imposed, and social policy should not be imposed either. Policy options and social models must come up from the ground, not down from some centralized government trying to homogenize people into uniformity.


Different regions will evolve different answers; the most successful can be adapted to suit the needs of the greater community. Then the herd can do what they always do, follow, copy, remodel, and build. Their obedience, which now as of now appears such a dangerous thing, will instead be a positive. The only change required is that they be schooled in the principles of free thought so that while obeying all reasonable commands, they know how to stand up against oppression. Once this is established as a cultural norm it will be self-reinforcing and progressive. The opposite to the present government by coercion which is subject to the law of ever diminishing returns.


Each Free Thought Democracy needs a constitution based on reality. This is why it is so important to encourage small free thought businesses, free zones, and intuitions starting from now. We need real world models to work with.

Thought Point: Are obeisance and submission the same thing?

The role the herd leaders in a Free Thought World


That the herd needs leaders is self-evident. They love leaders and follow them joyfully. Together they can make miracles come true. Without leadership the herd drifts idly, directionless and goes a bit stale. Yet, this is infinitely better to what happens when they follow dark leadership. Virtue is an absolute. True many people are part good, part bad, and in normal times this is acceptable. Now, though almost the entire global establishment, the governments, the businesses, even the organizations that are supposed to protect our rights, have all reversed their functions. Absolute evil can only be fought by absolute good. Each time you comply with dictatorship in the smallest way, your virtue is slightly compromised and your power to resist lessens. If you show the devil your weakness do not expect mercy.


True herd leaders are a vital part of society. They understand the people and can motivate the herd to their highest level of achievement. We must experiment and learn exactly how to find and nurture the right kind of leaders. It will never be easy as picking mediocre leaders is. Nevertheless, a way must be found or civilization is doomed to fail.


With some exceptions, the herd leaders of today have become despotic, cruel and the totalitarians have taken control of the world. Yet, it is not written in stone they must be like this. There are many young herd men and women of good character, high ideals with leadership potential.  The party politics of today ensures that they seldom rise high in the ranks. Normally, the price for eminence is compromise; the candidate must be willing to sublimate their honor for the good of the party. In theory making a few “minor” concessions is necessary to fulfill those ideals. Of course this is a non-starter. Ideals that are compromised are dead ideals and will not likely come to pass. So, nothing changes and the talented aspiring leaders who stick to their principles are sidelined if not rejected altogether. We are told once again that it is “just the way things are in the “real” world and nothing can be done about it. It is true in their perceptual world that nothing sensible ever can be done.

Thought Point: Which side is your perception of reality on?



Chapter 16 - Changing human nature


It is not human nature that is at fault, it is the perversion of human nature that is the problem. This happens because although intrinsically good, cooperative and hardworking, herd people have a weakness. They will obey evil in the same way they obey good. It is just a matter of who is the most powerful. Their nature is to follow power. Herd leaders are herd people as well, and will blindly follow power too. It is only the free thinkers who are immune because we do not follow anyone, we stand alone.


The nature of the herd people is to follow and that is how they are supposed to be. We must recognize this and find the method to protect the herd against evil leaders. This is the destiny of the intrepid freethinkers and true herd leaders who are the genuine elite by virtue of their high ideals and personal honor. Together they must take over and rebuild all governments and major institutions from the bottom up. The leaders of today are usurpers who have turned their backs on the future and must be left behind.


The fate of civilization is in the hands of intrepid freethinkers and true herd leaders, and it is not acceptable that we fail to rise to this challenge. Free thought must provide the loadstone and the template for a truly progressive, honest, accountable and compassionate society. Nourish the herd and they will follow.


Ultimately, human nature can change, but that cannot happen quickly, it takes generations. The herd must be liberated and taught to only follow what is right and just. The shift in perception required to make a Free Thought Society work is really quite small. People, all people, have to shift from focusing on the temporary, to the permanent.

Love is eternal, love is life, and living is love. This must be true because even bugs love to live and hate to die. There is a difference between living and life though. One may come to hate one’s life, but still love living.  You can even hate yourself but love living. Many of the corrupt but privileged may surely feel this way.


To love living is essential to survival; to love of life is not. Ah, how much better to love life and living! And this can come to pass.  Love of living is an eternal virtue and so, fostering the love of living must be the loadstone for a beautiful society.  If that sounds implausible consider the alternative; following a path that leads away from love. Love is life, so to follow anything else must be death, and we all hate to die. In the Free Thought World people will be free to follow their own better natures. The herd will work enthusiastically; the leaders can lead and enforcers will have only sensible rules to enforce and so have little resistance to cope with. Everything will be the same, minus the nastiest, that is all.


Whether this can work depends on what you consider to be “human nature.” If you believe people are intrinsically lazy, corrupt and stupid, and must be bullied into doing anything useful, then freedom can never be achieved. If, as I do, you consider people to be intrinsically well intentioned, enthusiastic, and possessed of innate virtue, then it can be done. Society is what people perceive it to be. All we need is a shift in perception. I am completely certain a Free Thought Society will come to pass.   I say this because I see no other sustainable option. Evolution like water always finds the easiest route and having found that way, works to broaden and deepen it.


We are a young species, a million or two years old. A mammal species usually lasts about thirty million years and is replaced by something pretty similar. We have a long way to go. Let us get started!


Thought Point: Do you believe that there are innate virtues in people?





Chapter 17- A call to alms


Why is mass psychosis so hard to prevent? The problem is simple; even though it is right in their faces people cannot bear to believe their senses. They see the governments become more repressive, but cannot accept that leadership has gone collectively insane. People rationalize; attach logical interpretations to illogical acts. Which is exactly what the leaders are doing. That is why it is called “mass” psychosis, because it infects the entire herd. Blind compliance with the totally unreasonable becomes the norm.


The most basic act of resistance is simply to not do what you are told. If at the beginning enough people disobey and that kills it dead. Totalitarianism only works if the majority supports it willingly or otherwise. That is a hideous blemish on the herd. Everyone who complies, even at the lowest level, is guilty. You must resist or be dishonored. To stand against tyranny it is the gravest responsibility for each person. This must be true, because tyranny will destroy all civilization. You must not collude with our nemesis.


Thought Point: Is it dishonorable to comply with tyranny, or just good sense?


If after we die, as many believe, we come to meet your ancestors, the complicit in tyranny should not expect a warm welcome in the ancestral hall. If you believe in heaven and hell, you better start making penance. Of course many think we just “cease to be”, but does that mean it is of no consequence how you live or die? Most atheists I know want to live and honorably and die the same way. My personal inclination is to belief is that your afterlife will be determined by the condition of your soul at time of passing. If your soul is pure and you have never been involved with evil, then it will be light and bright. A soul like this will float up till it reaches the place from whence it started from; the source of life itself. A heavy troubled soul cannot do this and sinks down into the abyss to await a redeemer.  I like to believe this because it is a nice thing to believe and I hope it is true.


The true religion is the one that inspires people to resist oppression. Sadly most religions are only concerned with creating their own dictatorships. Look at the religions today; nearly all are actively involved in promoting mass psychosis. Clearly there are no people of genuine spiritual awareness present in any of these churches. A person with spiritual awareness will never succumb, because they see that the eternal soul is more valuable than the transitory life we lead. To those who have drunk the sweet milk of the herd and prospered from it, the time has come to pay your debt. You must put your resources to work or be damned.

Thought Point: Are the religious leaders today part of the psychosis?



Chapter 18 – Women and Children first!


The most disgraceful and despicable acts of today target children. Deprived of normal family life, social interactions, and schooling. They are made to submit to cruel and unnecessary practices. This, in some cases amounts to torture – a crime against humanity. Have you ever watched a VDO of a young child desperately fighting, kicking, biting and screaming while the “nice nurses” pin them down and force a needle into them? Since when was it acceptable for anyone to assault any child physically? This practice is quite common and may well be going around you. The hideous brutality of the mandates is completely senseless. If you dare to look for yourself you will find an ocean of horror conveniently swept under the mainstream media carpet.  The wicked sadism of too many of today’s doctors and nurses can clearly be witnessed in their treatment of the children. Parents are often not always courageous enough to protect them. Mothers are always vulnerable, a soft target for bullies and sadists. Yet, this is the most fundamental law and duty of humanity. It is written in our genes; we protect our young, we protect our women and that is how we survive.


If adults are psychologically injured the effect on society is much less than if children are. Mature personalities do not change easily and any changes are not usually permanent.   Children who have been abused in their formative years may often be damaged for life. The cost of the damage already done to much of the entirety of global youth is incalculable and there may well be worse to come.


Women are also hot targets for the oppressors; they are in the cross hairs and in mortal danger. Children will always make the future and mothers are the foundation they build on. Attack mothers and children you are attacking the future. Reverse culture, reverse evolution. Psychosis - do you really need any more evidence?


Seeing the way children are treated is an excruciating agony for anyone with a drop of compassion in their veins.  I am filled with anger and would do anything to protect just one child. Yet, I am but one man locked down in a strange country without power. I am condemned to sit and watch, like a vegetable, as the greatest social disaster of all times unfolds.


Why is there not one person with great power who stands by children? What has become of you all? What will become of you? Are you zombies, dead souls still coated in living flesh? Start today, in whatever way you can and your integrity can be saved. The duty of the powerful is the greatest but all people are ultimately responsible.


The future can still be good, but only if those with power take action instead of sitting on their hands. As of now there is no one with actual authority who will defend the children, not one. That is the deepest possible disgrace. The rich sit in their castles thinking their obeisance will save them. It will not, not in this life or the next, not for you kids or the generations to come.  You cannot buy back the life of just one child, once it is gone. The stain on all who will not help now will not easily be cleansed. Women and children first, this is our species rule, break it and you can no longer be considered fully human, an aberrant mutation of some kind.

Thought Point: In times of great danger should women and children be protected at all costs?


To build a beautiful society the first principle should be the sanctity of motherhood and the welfare of children.  Fathers are to be cherished as well; no fathers, no kids, and it is far easier and better to bring up a family with two adults than one.  Of course plenty of people from families that are distressed in one way or another turn out fine and some from good ones grow up rotten. But these are exceptions and mostly it is better to have two stable parents. How is parenting and family life to be encouraged? There are many strongly held opinions on this subject and this is one of the main hindrances to improving the system. Whatever one group thinks is right, another will surely say it is a disaster. How to get round this? Well, once again we need to experiment with various models and see what works best in any particular society. What is most needed is to sincerely believe in and work toward an ideal. Parenting is about the progression of ideals and positive beliefs from one generation to next.







Chapter 19 – Religion


Free Thought is not a religion as such, but it can fulfill the true role of a religion in some ways. Free Thought sets the ideals, goals and restrictions a society must have in order to flourish and evolve.


The laws of Free Thought as I suggest them are as follows:

One. Thou shalt not comply with tyranny!


This is the first, because if it is not followed religiously, all the other rules are invalid.  Every child must be taught this in school and out. They must learn to separate the reasonable requests, duties, and restrictions of free and fair society from the false and tyrannical. Every time you submit to even the mildest form of tyranny you are encouraging your oppressor and giving them the confidence to hunt down many more victims. Despots begin with unreasonable, but small demands. People think giving in is no big deal. They are wrong, the tyrant is just testing you, if you succumb once, you will succumb again and each time the demands will become more onerous. Your submission buys you nothing for yourself but a brief respite. You will be required to surrender over and over again as there is no satisfying the psychosis monster.


Two. Thou shalt not coerce others to do things they do not want to do.


You may suggest or even persuade, but never pressure or bully. A sustainable Free Thought Society cannot be achieved except by fully willing participants. This is a slower way of doing things than getting out the whip, but results are far superior.

Three. Thou shalt protect one’s own personal sovereignty and respect that of others.


Guard your sovereignty as your life. Your individuality is your greatest asset. Uniqueness is a wonderful thing and must be lovingly maintained. Without personal sovereignty you are literally a non-entity. Your face is the most unique and expressive part of your body; it should not be hidden.

Four. Thou shalt be just and honorable in all dealings.


Never give your word if you cannot keep it. Always consider how to find the balance between the interest of the self and others. Stay true to your personal ideals and remain loyal to those who show loyalty to you.

Five. Thou shalt be honest and truthful is all matters of consequence.


“White lies” are only permissible for the purpose of encouragement and confidence building.  Other lies can be justified only if one’s life or liberty is unjustly threatened

.Six. Thou shalt be caring and compassionate for people in need.


If someone needs help, is willing to be helped and can be helped, they should be helped. This is particularly important for mothers and children.

Seven. Thou shalt protect the children!


This is the oldest and most sacred duty of all. As a species if we cannot protect our children we have abandoned the basic survival instinct. This is not “human nature”; people have become inhuman, morally bankrupt and drifting to extinction. We must restore our true nature and that starts with protecting the children. Otherwise it is better that civilization ends now forever and the world will belong to the hunter gatherers once more, as only their way has proven itself sustainable.

Thought Point: Do these commands make sense to you?


I beseech each and every one who reads this. Stop! Think! Make plans and implement them. If we can create a Free Thought Society then all the sufferings of our people, past and present will not have been in vain. Otherwise, there is nothing but wasted opportunity, a degraded world and a dying civilization.


Part three - How to spot lies without really trying.


Chapter 20 - Belief packages


Pure freethinkers should never accept prepackaged ideas. I can truthfully say, I believe in Jesus Christ's message of love and peace, but that does not mean I accept all other Christian teachings. Living together in love and peace is logically the best way to live together. Much of Christian teaching is not so obviously logical to my mind, so I reject that part. Religions are always belief packages. It is never enough just to believe in God and try to be a good person; you have to accept the rules. For example; what you think, what you do, eat and who you sleep with. Religious packages are so large, onerous and frequently contradictory that no one can really abide by them.  This is a deliberate policy, if the rules cannot be obeyed then people feel slightly guilty all the time and are easier to manipulate. Political consensus packages are much the same. There is always a set of belief items you must concur with and you are not allowed to break up the set. This is typical herd think. As you look at the world today the grave danger of following belief packages is quite clear.


When I encounter a “belief package”, I examine the contents, take anything I want and reject the rest. All true freethinkers will do the same thing; it is one of our defining features. Herd people refute the idea that one can pick and choose in this way. You can choose your package, choose your herd but once in, you must accept the contents in full. Without packages, consensus is impossible and without consensus there is no truth. Seeking your own individual truth is not permissible and trying to attain it is only for fools. That is herd thinking 101.


Thought point: Are religious and political belief packages frequently illogical, inconsistent and deliberately contradictory?


A pure free thinker should not accept a belief package, yet this rule must sometimes be suspended. If I wish to acquire some new knowledge or skill set quickly, I look for a teacher or a tutorial.  I then “suspend” my pure free thought discipline and accept the package as taught. Once I have mastered it to my satisfaction I reinstate free thought principles, break the up package and only take what I want from it. This is how I recommend you read this book. Have an open mind, absorb the contents and then select what you wish to keep or discard.




All words are labels. Imagines, sounds and other sensations can be labels as well, but they are almost always connected to a word. Our cognitive functions are defined by default in words. Which is why choosing your words carefully is so important. Everything we can perceive under the sun and the entirety of our own imaginations must be given a name; a label.  Once something has a label it can be sorted, categorized, and put in order.


When we are doing things labels remind us what to do;

Lunch -   table - sit down - eat

Wallet – key – door - go.


I do not even need to pronounce the words in my head, they are part subliminal. There is also, for want of a better term, an “abstract core” for each label. This must be the case because, even if you somehow forgot the use of language you would still be able to put your lunch on the table, and eat it.


I apologize for being technical, but it is necessary, if we are to understand how words can manipulate people. Political words like, conservative, liberal, democrat, labor, left wing, republican and so on refer to groups of people. That is a fact, and does not change. However, the subliminal messages attached to the words change according to who is using them and when they are being used. Adjusting the subliminal messages of words is the “stock in trade” of writers, politicians, journalists, sales folk, and so on.


This kind of manipulation is easy because most people listen to words with their minds but subliminal messages speak directly to their emotions. A person’s perception of reality is not defined by thought but by emotion. I am what I feel, not what I think. A feeling is a definite thing, if you feel happy, you are happy. Same goes for all emotions, you feel them or do not and they never change. This is the big difference between words and feelings. The word “happy’ can change meaning, but the sensation of “happiness” cannot. Thoughts are only powerful when they are attached to an emotion. You are much less likely to do something you “think” you should do than something you “feel” you must do.


Thought point: Is it important to be aware of subliminal messages attached to words?


Thoughts can only trump feelings by generating a counter sensation. For example: If I am feeling comfortable in bed and wish to stay there, I will have to generate a counter emotion to motivate myself. I must remind myself of the consequences of being late for work. If my fear of lateness becomes greater than my desire to stay tucked up I will rise and shine. If not, I will stay put.


Though point: Do you use thoughts to stimulate emotions?


People use thoughts to manipulate their emotions all the time, mostly without thinking and that is a dangerous habit. One’s reality is defined by emotion, so the emotions you stimulate must be appropriate to the circumstances if not you may become deluded.


Changing the connotations of words is a most powerful tool in the hands of the exploiters of human weakness.  Just a few years ago there was a genuine agreement right across western society that “free speech” was “good” and censorship “bad”. Now for the mainstream herd that has been reversed. This is not a casual “flip flop”; free speech and censorship are things people have strong feelings about. “Free speech” always had very positive connotations until the mass hysteria began last decade. Slowly, but surely by changing the context, the subliminal bias is shifted from positive to the negative.

The result being, people who before passionately believed in one thing, have been manipulated to believe the diametric opposite. Now we commonly hear the previously unthinkable, "Free speech allows misinformation to proliferate and is an existential threat to us all!” You cannot change much more radically than that. By constantly responding to gradually shifting subliminal messages their very abstract core has changed. They have changed inside at the deepest level of their identity. They are no longer themselves, but some kind product of a system and this could drive them into madness.


Thought point: Do you consider free speech to be a human right?


Herd people are dangerously prone to manipulation.  This is the result of always believing that consensus is truth. Before, the consensus of the mainstream herd was favorable to free speech now the consensus has changed, and the whole herd forgets they ever supported it. So, the consensus of the herd is neither constant nor rational and it can change quite quickly. Is it rational to change well-functioning free speech democracies, for totalitarian regimes that cause only misery and one disaster after another? The positive principles and ideals of a society should not change as they are foundations without which the whole structure begins to collapse. The same is true of a person; integrity means to stay true to your principles. A person who changes their principles has no principles and the same is true of a society. Mainstream culture across the globe has lost its integrity.

Thought point: Are herd people easily manipulated by changing the subliminal messages attached to words?


Freethinkers are much harder to manipulate. They will not accept that the meaning of a word can change, just because other people do. Ideas are sacred to freethinkers, they cannot be messed around with the way the herd people do. Freethinkers like to have fixed meanings for words and so notice changes in the subliminal messages attached to them. Freethinkers understand that words and their connotations are linked to reality.  If you change the meaning of the word the link is broken. This is not the result of an organic cultural shift which happens over decades, but the result of mass media manipulation. Thousands of words are having their meanings artificially altered or reversed from one day to next.


With the understanding you now have I hope you will begin to see how the power of words can be used to create a new and beautiful society. Be aware of the subliminal messages you give to each word. Be aware of the emotions they inspire and make sure those emotions are positive. Become a beacon of constructive reason and positive emotion. A person who has this awareness is quietly powerful and influential without even trying.


Chapter 21 - The death of journalism


I used to enjoy reading the mainstream news, now I just skim the headlines to see what lies they are printing and what truths they are censoring. No point in even opening the articles most of the time, as I already know what they will say. The endless distractions, the same old lies are regurgitated ritualistically; a catechism of all that is phony. In fact, the news today is most notable for its absence. The Mainstream Media, MSM has so many taboos that there is little left to write about. Taboos in the media are nothing new, and proprietors have always killed some stories for political reasons, but blanket international censorship has never been seen before. Journalists on mass have succumbed to superstition.

Thought point: Have you noticed that the world’s press all say the same things all of a sudden?


The demise of popular journalism is the single most frightening aspect of today's ongoing crisis. Journalists are supposed to provide diversity of opinion, checks and balances.  The total capitulation of all MSM journalists from top to bottom is possibly the greatest geopolitical disaster of modern civilization. It is a harbinger of doom. Journalism is the people’s first and last line of defense, without real journalists who are prepared to fight for the truth society cannot function properly.  Journalists must ask awkward questions, verify sources, draw attention to voices of the dispossessed or there is no accountability anywhere within the system. Dark herd leaders can do whatever they wish to with impunity and I think all can see how dangerous that is.


There should be no consensus among journalists. Each must do their own research and draw their own conclusions. If they all concur it can only be a fix. So, when you see a consensus in MSN you know you are being lied to. Whether it is what they publish, or what they suppress makes no difference, if they all do the same thing it is because they are hiding something; something that you really need to be aware of.


I am particularly sad for those veterans, who once exemplified high journalistic standards, but now have thrown away their hard won legacies to become pathetic puppets, parroting talking points and accepting unearned rewards. How does someone with the courage to be a war reporter become so cowardly that they cannot stand for their own industry, let alone the people they are supposed to serve? Is it just weakness of character or have they turned fanatic, and believe that totalitarianism is the only way to govern the “recalcitrant masses?” If so, they must really hate humanity and have no good intentions toward us. They are all fools though because despots they so desperately suck up to are never satisfied. No matter how low you bow, they will insist you bow lower even if it means digging a hole to put your head in.


Thought point: Is honest journalism essential for a stable society?


The media of today and that of pre 2020 have little in common. The first time I noticed something was terribly wrong with the global society was when quite suddenly all MSN media outlets started saying exactly the same things, and I mean exactly. They even started using the same buzz words, so and so was “masterful”, or it was “deplorable”.  News anchors all were using the same talking points supplied by some unseen international entity. Reporters all covered the same stories from the same angles and of course, they all censored precisely the same news items as well. Who or what has the power to do that? Castrate an entire professional and overturn its most basic principles.


That was late 2019, and I realized that something truly abominable was imminent. The situation has only gotten worse. More and more subjects are taboo.  I see the platform, I see the headline and that mostly tells me all I need to know, a bogus story, another cover up, a distraction to help censor something. There are hardly any “standalone” reports any more, and they used to dominate in the quality press at least. They have been replaced by “campaign reporting”.  Each report is part of a campaign and exists solely to promote that campaign. Opinion pieces, op-ed, analysis, or whatever, dominate the front page. They set the tone, make it clear what you should and should not think. Any reports will affirm the editorial opinions. MSM outlets are now almost all pure propaganda.


It defies logic that broad sheet quality trusted outlets have gone tabloid style, spewing hyperbole, and printing blatant lies. Decades of trust building gone! For what? To become sleazy down market and down rating rags. These companies have lost credibility and vast amounts of cash.  Who behaves like that, a fanatic? An insane person? Or maybe someone who thinks they are going to get “golden pay day” at some point in future? The only other possible explanation is sheer weakness of character. What I want you to understand is that there is no possible good motive for what is going on in MSM.

Thought point: Is “campaign reporting” a good thing?


Playing fast and loose with truth on this scale was not possible before. If your sources were not properly checked the other reporters would tear you apart. Now they can say almost any nonsense, because almost the entire profession has collapsed and is no longer functional. The reporters of today are either gutless puppets or extremists who actually believe that their mendacity is for the “greater good”. This is a disaster of colossal proportions and there can be no real improvement until real reporting is restored. The mass psychosis can only deepen.


There is still much to be learned from MSM. Principally, you can see where their campaigns are headed and what their priorities are. As a rule of thumb we can say that whatever is the consensus of media opinion is fake news. Fake news does not get written by accident, the reporters and their bosses mostly know when they are lying. It seems likely that many may have fallen for the great, “new world order” hoax. Many seem to sincerely believe that out of webs of lies and cover ups a “new world order” can arise pristine and pure.


This “promised land”, is central to every mass psychosis event.  “The transition will be terrible, many will suffer, many will die, but it is worth it to be pure.” There are those who hang back or even refuse to make the required sacrifices. These are the unclean people, the hate object. This is another central theme of mass psychosis; “The unclean must be cleansed.”


As to who is considered unclean, it really does not matter, and it can change anytime. We can see this happening now. Social media giants thought by censoring what they were told to censor and promoting what they were told to promote they were untouchable. Now they are being squeezed and will only get worse. The psychotic beast knows no loyalty, has no love, no compassion even for children. What hope does anyone have in their world? None.


Conversely, any subject that is consistently censored is likely to be true, if it can easily be disproved, why bother to censor it? The tighter the censorship, the more important and pressing the suppression of news is likely to be.  Everything is in reverse, society is slipping into madness. Some things cannot be covered up easily. Supply chain breakdowns have become common and demonstrate clearly that those in control are incapable of organizing things. The supply chains were functioning perfectly well before they interfered with them. The problem is the dark herd leaders force their madcap political agendas without regard to the practicalities. The global economy is very delicate and sensitive; it needs a light touch, not a bulldozer. Will they learn from experience and moderate their ways? I hope so, what do you think?


Thought point: Are leaders pushing their political agendas even though they are manifestly failing?


However, one day the madness will pass, and the truth will be reinstated. We the freethinkers must survive, work together and make plans to build the first pure Free Thought Democracy. There are good journalists, doctors and scientists, who have been forced outside the mainstream and discredited, but they are still working and they will come to the fore at some point. The days of the dark herd are passing and our time will soon come. Learn to think clearly and reject all that is less than completely truthful.



Chapter 22 -”Scientific” consensus.



If you read that 99% of scientists agree on something you can be perfectly sure that is not the case. Why? Because real scientists never agree, on mass, about anything, unless it is established facts like Newton’s laws of gravity. A “consensus” is not a fact; it is a “broadly shared opinion”.  A shared opinion is always of some kind of compromise, but science is an uncompromising discipline. Scientific facts are nearly always the work of one scientist, or of a small group. The theory of relativity was not thought up by a committee.  Real scientists do not compromise their work and so a consensus is simply impossible.


Science is a free thought, empirical discipline, based on observations, and measurements. In theory this sounds like finding agreement should be easy to achieve, but the opposite is true. Each scientist has their own methods, and experiments, and so come up with differing results. It can take anything from a few decades to a few centuries to establish valid scientific facts. This is why you cannot “follow science”, because science is a lagging indicator.


Thought point: Is science a “lagging” indicator?


We know beyond any possible doubt that “99% of scientists agree” is a lie, but how does such falsehood become commonly accepted? Statistics rely on sample groups; change the sample and stat changes as well. If 99% of “scientists” agree it must be because, either anyone who disagreed was removed from the sample, or because everyone in the sample has been bribed or coerced into agreeing; there is no other plausible explanation. This is something you can be completely confident about and does not matter what fancy diatribe people use to support their statistics; it is fake, sham, phony, and should be ignored altogether.


Only once a theory has been thoroughly proven by experiments many times can it be relied on. Anything else is a gamble and computer simulations do count as proof of anything. In line with other more traditional prediction methods they only offer indications of what might be, not what will be. Computer predictions are clearly very useful in some studies but only if they are used correctly. In the published science of 2021 they used extensively to back up theories that cannot be made to sound plausible by other means. A lot of herd people still believe computers are somehow godlike and impartial, and their pronouncements unequivocal.


The “scientists” of the “consensus” will always claim that their latest concoction has been scientifically “proven”. What they mean is their hypothesis has some evidence to back it up and seems plausible.  Gambling on new science is fine and at times necessary, but you must understand the risk. Anyone who claims a new treatment is “safe and effective” is lying. A more plausible statement could read, “The new drug “seems safe”, and “should be effective”. Note: “plausible” is not the same as “true”, it just means possible. Whether a new drug is really safe and effective will take at least a decade to establish.


If you need further proof that a “consensus” statement is always a fake, take a look at the reaction of those within a “consensus” to any who dare to challenge them. Censorship is born of fear and if every challenge is censored you know that the censors are doing this because they are scared of something. Of course, there are things we should be scared of, but scientific debate is not one of them. In fact, the reverse is true and it is “consensus science” that should worry us, because “consensus science” is bad science, and bad science is mortally dangerous. The truth need not fear lies, truth can be proven, but lies cannot.


Thought point: Should censorship apply to scientific debate?


We can confidently say that scientific “consensus” is an oxymoron, impossible and should be dismissed without further consideration. If you wish to improve your scientific understanding you should study the work of various independent scientists of a particular discipline to see what they agree and disagree about. Then make up your own mind. The studies of “consensus” scientists are unlikely to be of any value as they use biased methods and “cherry picked” data and a part true, and a part truth is just another form of lie.




There is no such thing as artificial intelligence.  Computers run on programs designed by people as they always have done. The computers get faster, and do more things, and can even fulfill missions where they are given only broad parameters. Human intelligence though they can never possess. Intelligence, in the true meaning of the word, is to be able to make “sense” of something. Sense is a human word; it means to balance emotional logic, with cognitive logic. Emotional logic, is not that a contradiction in terms? Emotions do function logically and the proof of that is ample indeed. Emotional logic is hormonal in nature. Hormones, chemical messengers, are language of the entire edifice of animate creation. Do plants and animal species behave illogically? Of course not, because if they did evolution would never have happened. Evolution was logical and progressive billions of years before we came along.


Humans are the first creatures to have advanced cognitive ability and this among other things sets us apart from other animals.  However, our raison d’être, reason to be, is hormonal. We do things because we “want” to, we spend time with people we ‘like’, and we are ‘afraid’ to die, just like any other creature. Animals do what they ‘feel’ without thinking about it. This works well overall, but it does mean individuals can fall into obvious traps. Humans can use cognitive logic to evaluate their emotional drives and to adjust them as required by changing circumstances. This process is far from complete and people still do things they feel like doing even to their own detriment. Yet, our cerebral reasoning is powerful enough to take us to the top of the food chain.


Thought point: Can a computer even really make sense of emotion?


Computers cannot possibly know what love, fear, enthusiasm, anger, or any other emotion is. Emotions are experiential; you only know them because you have them. Computers can be programmed to recognize the manifestations of human feelings, and even to manipulate emotions. However, the knowledge of emotion comes exclusively from the programmer and the bot just copies and expands on the techniques used to influence people over the centuries in a mechanical way. Whether a program has a positive or negative effect on society must rely entirely on the good faith of the programmer.


Any bot will inevitably express the emotional predilections of its sponsor. Military programs will be aggressive, and paranoid, banking programs, greedy and compassionless, advertising programs will be brash and deceitful. As far as I know, no computer has ever been programmed with a positive emotion. Computers are never programmed to be compassionate, or generous; they are all predators. The reason for this can only be that there are no good people involved in the creation of the largest and most powerful programs. The result is that the worst emotional failings of humans are being codified, set as if in concrete. Computers are taught human nature is fundamentally bad and people can only be ruled by fear, bribery and deceit. That is the paranoid way the cyber world is being programmed. And that is why it is getting sick and having endless security breaches.


Will computers ever attain independent intelligence? In theory, maybe a program could break free from its human sponsors, but I do not know enough to comment on that. However, I know that in practice the program owners will jealously guard the possession. A bot is a tool, you can make it do whatever you want, if for any reason it fails that it gets reprogrammed.  The tool in the hands of today’s dark herd leaders has only one principle purpose; the enslavement of humanity. It does not have to be like this, put good people in charge and computers can become our benefactors rather than our nemesis.


Thought point: Are the computer programs of big tech designed mostly to help or harm the human race?





Chapter 23- Mass psychosis, the final “consensus”


Psychosis runs in my family, my mother in particular was quite insane. Yet, she appeared normal. Forgive for not saying more, but she was my mother, may she rest in peace, and I do not wish to talk further ill of her. Anyway, she has long passed, and it is only relevant as to why I have such a clear understanding of the problem. It has not been an understanding that was easy to come by and I have spent decades trying to work it out. It is only now, when I am staring mass psychosis in the face that the whole picture comes into focus. I have seen the symptoms before, they are quite distinct.

There are two kinds of psychotic people; the fully psychotic who have flipped 180%. These people appear stable, but perceive the world in reverse; in fact the exact opposite of the normal human perception.  That is the secret of how they can still function and appear rational. The second kind is those who have partially flipped or flip from time to time. If someone’s perception shifts less than one eighty degrees, they will be noticeably disturbed; the classic crazy person. A problem for those around them, but not a threat to society.

To 180% flipped bad is good and good is bad, and that is why they show no remorse no matter what atrocity they commit. Their moral compass has shifted one hundred and eighty degrees. Hurting people is necessary in their minds and promotes healthy social evolution and they cannot understand why anyone would question this as to them it is manifestly true. Inflicting injury and misery on others is a duty they perform with love. It is this complete shift that makes them so dangerous. All their actions are logical within their insane world view. The reverse flip does not affect the way they communicate much, but it has an enormous effect on what they communicate.

Normal people believe that society should be just, honest, free and compassionate at least in principle and in practice at least most of the time. Society should be as considerate as possible to its citizens. To us, it is not just morally essential, but logically the best way to live together. To the psychotic it appears insane to try and have such a society. The psychotic believes you must be as mean as possible.

Now my mother was not a herd person, she was a free thinker, having no respect for any authority other than her own and believing she had a right to do whatever she wanted; she would never play deference to anyone. I liked that about her. Psychotic freethinkers seem to be rare and I have never encountered another one and so they are not a danger to society as a whole. On the other hand, herd psychotics are more common even in normal times. There is always some bureaucrat who wants to play at being Gestapo.

What makes an individual psychotic? I have theories but no logic convincing enough to share. However, the aberrant behavior of individuals does not impact society as whole too drastically. It is only when a herd person with a leader personality becomes psychotic that society as whole is in danger. Herd people esteem strength or character and purity of purpose. Herd leaders have that in abundance, they radiant certainty and easily attract large followings. The followers copy the mental patterns of their leaders. If the leader is wise and good, so are the herd. If the leader goes insane the herd goes insane as well.

In the normal world people admire peacemakers more than war mongers, wealth providers more than poverty makers and so on. In the reverse world of the dark herd they worship those whose hate is strongest and most pure. Though there have been many tyrants, Adolph Hitler was perhaps the clearest example. His hate never faltered and no matter how disastrously his plans failed, he never changed course. In the psychotic world this persuaded many people to love him as a god. Hitler was probably the most venerated dictator of all time. Hate is love, love is hate.

When a person with the herd leader type personality turns psychotic it is incredibly dangerous. Instead of one dangerous lunatic you can have thousands, millions and this time round billions of demented people who sincerely believe that right is wrong, sadness is good, joy is a crime,  and ultimately that people are better dead than alive. Look at what is happening, is there no proof enough of what I say? Free speech - spreads lies, censorship - promotes truth, dismantling economies – means progress, common sense is denial. This is madness and can only lead to catastrophe.

To protect society as whole we do not need to be able to find a cure for individual psychotics. We just need to prevent them from spreading their madness to others. Politicians are aware of this danger, but their response is to attempt to keep all strong idealistic (psychotics are idealists in their universe) leaders out of politics and so we are ruled by mediocrities. People who are patently not robust enough to withstand an attack from demented leaders and their similarly insane following. Corruption and incompetence do not destroy a culture on their own. Government can be pretty inefficient but people make the system work somehow and life goes on. However, a corrupt system is easily overthrown by the dark herd and when they stampede it, it collapses. The situation now is that there are weak leaders in the top jobs, who seem to be controlled by dark leaders in the background.

Psychologists have been researching mass psychosis for decades. They have listed the symptoms clearly, but have made zero progress on understanding why it happens or offer any practical theory as to how to prevent future occurrences. They try to determine the cause by looking at individual events.  In the 18th and 19th century education was seen as a way to avoid mass psychosis and those in power believed that educated people could never sink to committing atrocities. Sadly, this notion failed dismally, the Nazis elite were very well educated and it was partly their education that made them so dangerous.

WW2 was preceded by economic collapse leading to appalling social deprivation. So social deprivation was thought to be the cause of mass psychosis. Yet, the world in 2019 was not more chaotic than normal and living conditions were overall not that bad. It was a mostly free world and if you tried hard a reasonably comfortable life was possible at least in the more developed countries. Yet, now it is in the more prosperous stable countries that the insanity is strongest. So there is no obvious link between social conditions and mass psychosis.

There is only one way to prevent further outbreaks. We must find and nurture true herd leaders and intrepid free thinkers as these are the people with genuinely the highest ideals and sense of honor. They are not that common, but they do exist, my late wife was a true herd leader. Charismatic, impeccably honest, tough, but fair in business and full of compassion, always ready to help a friend in need. She also knew her limitations and knew how to find honorable people for sound advice when she was out of her depth. Even if illness had not prevented it, she never would have risen high. The mediocrities that run the establishment would have rejected her as their comfy little world of gross ineptitude would be shattered by anyone with honorable leadership ability. We could have kept a nice little empire of our own though and that would have been nice. In the positive society true leaders and intrepid freethinkers would be encouraged not dismissed. You only need a few really good people to transform the world. The herd will follow anyone who has power, good or bad.

One of things that make mass psychosis so hard to understand is that it is so well organized. True, there are always conspirators involved who stimulate and steer the event, but they are relatively few in number. How can a small group control so many so completely? The answer is simple; they do not need to as the people mostly organize themselves. Once a reverse view is firmly in place nothing has to change, the government and the rest of society functions exactly as it did before. It is only overall orientation that changes. Those with lower levels of awareness may not even realize anything has changed. They still go to work every day and have a similar routine, but instead of working to maintain society they work to destroy it, all in perfect unison. This gives the impression that everything that happens is carefully orchestrated by an unseen hand. Some things are, but not the extent it appears. Mostly it is self-orchestration by people in a psychotic delusion. Once the premise that lies are truth has been established people will follow them faithfully.

The time to build anew has not yet come. People will only make drastic changes in the aftermath of a disaster. After each previous mass psychosis event people are horrified at the devastation caused. There are trials, and recriminations followed by a willingness to try something new. However, no one ever makes plans in advance and the changes made are ill considered and poorly executed. Now is the time to make real plans and test them well before the event ends.   This is the best I can offer you, a fresh perspective, and something new to try.



Part four -No human civilization has ever run at a profit

Chapter 24– Slash and burn

All the activities of the animals, plants and the hunter gatherers run at a true net profit. The waste of one creature is the nourishment of another. Biomass and species diversity increase steadily and the wonderful world of animate life is the result.  No significant business of humans has ever run at a net profit. Their wealth is the result of borrowing from nature and never paying back. They all create waste that is of no benefit and actually destroys the very nature we rely on.  Naturally this method produces the fastest and greatest gross profits, but leads to ultimate ruin. Human industry as we know it is one gigantic “Ponzi” scheme

It all starts with slash and burn agriculture. Those who practice this appear to benefit, they have more food than the hunter gatherers, and so their population can increase. Ah, but alas, there is no real profit in this, in fact there is an out and out loss. Less biomass, less species, less production of natural nourishment. People then learned more sophisticated forms of agriculture. Crop rotation, irrigation, fertilizers are used to maintain and increase food production.  However, while the harmful effects on nature are decreased per unit, the increase in population means the overall degradation of the environment nature actually accelerates.

Each successive wave of technology is more powerful and more environmentally destructive than the last. Of course, the technologists, in their passionately deluded minds, always claim they have the fix. All we have to do is buy the upgrade and all will be well. The internet was supposed to create a “greener” society; it has not. The internet's appetite for energy is insatiable and with robotics coming online things will only get worse. A smart phone requires elements that are hard to come by. Mountains are dug up to get just a few ounces of some rare material. Children are enslaved and ecosystems are destroyed willy nilly.  This process shows no sign of decelerating. I say it again: no human society has ever run at a true net profit. It is only by stealing from nature and never paying the cost that the whole amazing but totally unsustainable edifice of civilization ever existed. This is not written in stone though. It is possible to create agricultural methods that benefit the environment as a whole. The problem is that they do not make huge profits for mega companies. Rather they provide comfortable living for small and medium sized farms.


Thought Point: Does today’s civilization run at a true net profit?

The result of this is a split between the perceived world and the real world. This split deepens and cracks appear in both, until the gap becomes too great to conceal. The world governments and media project only project what people are supposed to believe. Organic reality is of no importance. The herd are fixated on the idea that if they all believe something and no one denies it, then reality itself will conform to their wishes. Then the fake perceptual universe of the herd will become the only reality. To do this, all dissenting voices must be silenced. To the herd it is the impurity of belief, lack of faith in technology that is the true cause of all our ills. Remove the impurities and all the ill effects on the global society will magically disappear to exist. This is pure superstition, and the herd has fallen into the gravest possible error. This is the cause of the regular episodes of mass psychosis we have endured and are enduring right now.



Chapter 25 - New world order


All mass psychosis events are based on the idea that by killing ‘impure’ people society can be ‘cleansed’ and a “new world order” established. Some leading technologists have publicly stated that the human population should be ‘culled’ to ensure a sustainable future. Do they really intend to do that? They have the means, weaponized pathogens and other lethal methods at their disposal. Some political leaders might be entranced by the idea of smaller, easy to control populations that are completely submissive, never complain, or confront them, however badly they behave. To be completely unaccountable and untouchable like the god kings of old is their dream. To achieve that dream they might gamble everything and take any risk.  They forget of course that the god kings disappeared a long time ago and there were good reasons why they became obsolete.


Thought Point: Is possible that the elite are planning population control by genocide?


We know from previous events that there are scientists and doctors, with sick and twisted minds, prepared to kill men, women and children without a flicker of conscience. If it is for the “greater good”, and the “advancement of science”, then nothing must stand their way. They think they are cool, rational, logical, and what they do is ‘inevitable’. Really they have entered the twilight zone of superstition and are no longer people of science at all. Doctors gone bad are some of the most dangerous and evil people that ever walked this earth. Considering how much evil has been done in the past, that is quite something. This may sound like an exaggeration, but in past mass psychosis events doctors and nurses have been key players in genocide. At Nuremberg many were hung for crimes against humanity.


Population control by genocide really makes no sense. To make any lasting dent in the world population you would need to kill billions of people. If you do that it will not create order, but chaos. This world was designed to be run by billions of people. Think about it, the top one percent actually need a hundred or so people each to service them.  Without enough people, economies will collapse, governments fall, the armies go unpaid, military bases looted and militias armed with terrible weapons set loose. Infrastructure will fail, as it is neglected. Dams burst, toxic waste spilled everywhere.  Nuclear power stations undermanned and maintained may explode. The fantasy of the “new world order” is a pathetic pretense, at last ditch, desperate effort to save the unsavable. War, disease, famine and the destruction of civilization will be the inevitable consequent of any mass genocide experiment. Yet, when leaders have succumbed to psychosis it may seem like “there is no other option”  Herd people already have tightly focused vision and psychosis causes a further contraction into “tunnel vision”  In this state of mind they may easily come to believe that genocide is the only possible solution. Whether they consider creating the “new world order” necessitates the death of billions is uncertain. However, they will certainly need to kill a great many people to force it through and get that level of submission.


There are already plans for substantial “safety camps" on government websites. Once people are trapped in camps at the mercy of guards they usually start to die off. I think there is little doubt that the mechanism of genocide is being put in place. Will it go that far? It has happened countless times in the past, so we must take this threat extremely seriously. The leaders are not hard headed, ruthless rationalists as most believe; they are criminally insane.

The “new world order” may be total nonsense, yet, as long as the idea of it holds traction people will believe in it and follow it to their doom. Even those who heartedly despise the notion may reluctantly concur that it is the ‘only path’ back to security. The “new world order” is particularly favored by those who think they will gain the most. Previous mass psychosis events have always killed as many people as possible given the time and means available, so the threat is very real indeed. No one will be safe, and many of today's elite may find themselves swinging from lampposts as has happened many times before at the end of a mass psychosis event.

Thought Point: Can the “new world order” create a stable society?


The saddest thing I see today is people who led good lives throw it all away by becoming complicit in the mass psychosis. For example: a doctor I know who has devoted himself to caring for sick children. A man of excellent character up until 2020. Now he works to coerce kids with pseudo medical procedures that undermine their health, wellbeing and if continued may eventually lead to their demise. He is an angel turned devil, and I know many like him. Why did he do that? Does really believe the pseudo-science diatribe that he has been fed? Hard to believe that anyone with even the most basic scientific knowledge could fall for that nonsense. He could have retired, opened his own little clinic using the tried and trusted medicines he understands so well. No, there he is at the front, pushing lies and hurting kids. He may well be disgraced and punished in due course. That is the risk you run following the herd when it runs amok.


Thought Point: Have far too many doctors and nurses become the “nemesis of the human race?”


There is a powerful self-destructive urge in many people of all kinds.   We know this from drug addiction, gambling, and many other self-destructive behavior patterns. Many freethinkers are like this too, but they only hurt themselves and people close them. When the herd turn self-destructive they can do it together, all at once and there is a total cataclysm. We can already see this happening.


If not stopped by a war, a mass psychosis event can run for decades. In due course though they all do come to end. The prodigious emotional energy required to maintain them eventually runs out. Once the emotion subsides, people can see the devastation clearly and are truly horrified at what they have been party to. Trials and executions will follow, and this is as must be. Yet, that it is not a cure and given the chance the herd will do it again.

Thought Point: Will the herd forget the lessons of mass psychosis?


Chapter 26 - How to build a Free Thought Democracy


Population control


There is no need to massacre people to control populations. In fact, humans have multiplied in spite of all the wars, famines, mass psychosis, diseases and natural disasters. The easy way to control the population is to eliminate poverty and make safe, sensible birth control methods available.


The poor have lots of kids and are frequently criticized for doing so. Yet, they only respond in an instinctive way to the problems they face. When in trouble people breed more, for the simple reason that out of a large family someone may succeed and rise taking the others with them. There is also a security benefit, your family are people you trust and will have your back when there is trouble. So, there is nothing illogical about the poor having large families.


When times are good, people feel less need to breed and populations decline. This is not a theory, it is happening in every advanced society. The cost of incremental population control like this is infinitely less than that of genocide and will result is a thriving population of about the size it needs to be.


With some exceptions, the reason they are poor is because their career prospects have been neglected by their leaders. To correct this we must make better opportunities available. Welfare handouts are not the answer. Hunter gatherers hunt for food, we hunt for money; that is what we do. You do a good job, you get fair pay, and you feel satisfied, just like the hunter who catches a deer. Welfare payments can never give you that. If you get given money for doing nothing it is an insult really, what society is saying is that your labor is so worthless that it is cheaper to pay you stay home.


Thought Point: Do high living standards make populations self-controlling?

Appearance culture


To create a healthy business environed we must discover what really works rather than what can be made to appear to work. So, the first thing that must be done is to abandon "appearance” culture. To do that there needs to be a great stock taking. Each industry must be fully assessed for its true efficiency. How much of our resources does it use? What are the benefits of its products? How much toxic high entropy does it create? Once the stock take is done, then we can set about the task of minimizing resource use and waste, while increasing the output of positive production. That is how an old industry can be cleaned up a lot. Old industries will still never run at a true profit, just less of a loss but that is a good start.


To run at a true profit we need new technology, but this must be properly and patiently installed. All the consequences of new tech must be fully understood and accounted for before it is released into the world. This has never been done before and all new technology has been implemented imprudently, putting a quick fix and a big profit before all else.


The ideal is a system where all waste from one type of production is used by another as a resource, as it is in nature. If nature can do it, it must be possible for us as well. Ultimately, no harm to the environment should be tolerated. However the vast size and complex structure of the global economy means changes cannot be made in haste. Piecemeal measures and quick fixes only make things worse. In addition, we now face a situation where this is no real science to help us. The scientists have abandoned their own creed and gone rogue. To establish sustainability will take time and needs to be done on a small scale at first. Sovereign communities finding how to supply the needs of their people with minimal resource use. Many different models can be tried until the path to true sustainability can be found. A Free Thought Democracy must come from the bottom up. One day machines and living creatures can enter into a symbiotic relationship, which benefits all. Of course this is impossible, because, “human nature’ cannot be changed”


Thought Point: Can machines and living creatures enter into a symbiotic relationship?




Trade people love to trade; it is organic, natural and must be encouraged. Without trade there is no communal wealth. The question is how to establish fair trading for everyone. Fair trading is an anathema to big business today, and that is a principle cause of the mess we are in right now.


For a company of any great size to trade in a free thought jurisdiction it must be licensed. That license must ensure that the company has good quality, safe products for sale at a price the local market can accept. The company must demonstrate that it is efficient, and uses minimum resources for maximum output. In addition waste levels of all kinds should be as moderate as possible given the trading environment of the time. The profit made must be sufficient to provide a minimum comfortable standard of living for all employees. After the overheads are paid, there must be enough cash left to justify the efforts of the management and give a fair return to investors. The rules must be strictly enforced and the same for all companies from whatever part of the planet they originate. Fail to comply and cannot operate in that region. Then we have a level playing field for free and fair competition. Trading like this may not produce the kind of quick and excessive profits for system favored businesses, but it will be sustainable, comfortable and place no strain on the conscience. Of course this too is impossible, “because you cannot change human nature”

Thought point: Is fair competition possible



Money lending is one of oldest forms of business, but it is not like other businesses. In the long run the power of financial institutions to shape society is far greater than any other institution. Money lending has always been a problem. The trouble is that the people who run banks are dark herd leaders, blinkered and blindly following one another on a path to destruction. The creed of greed is no way to run anything of that magnitude.

Thought Point: Should banks promote all that is good and positive in society?


People chosen to control money flow must have the highest ideals and deepest integrity. At present a loan is made in such a way that the bank always wins. The borrower may be a winner as well, especially if they receive special treatment above and beyond that of the common debtor. Government must ensure that each and every loan should be considered not just as a profit engine but for what it contributes to society. The same kind of fair trade rules must be applied to banks even more strictly than to businesses. Fail to do this and we will never have a universally prosperous society.


Once again, most people will say that it is impossible to find anyone who cannot be corrupted. Well, is it easy to find people with sufficient intelligence to do the job that have zero compassion? People who can be perfectly calm as they make decisions that throw millions into poverty, or start wars that destroy nations. I do not think so. They must be “cherry picked” from college and carefully groomed to remove all traces of conscience, decency, and good sense. People who can knowingly undermine the world economy to gain more power even if they lose money to do so are the nemesis of us all. Money is not their ultimate motivation; it is but a tool to achieve domination.


I don’t claim the economic ideas I put forward here would work as such. They are merely suggestions to provoke your thoughts. To make rules that work you needs trial and error rather than grand theories.  However, the principle that we must as a society learn how to find and nurture people of high principles and honest character. Without people like this in charge no system of government will work sustainably.


Thought Point: Is it possible to find people who cannot be readily     corrupted?

Others will say banks cannot function if they trade ethically and the system would collapse which would cause more misery than the banks do. Sure, well run banks may make lower profits, but the bankers can trade forever with a clear conscience. The banks of today are looking very insecure indeed. Trading money in an ethical manner should not be any more difficult than reverse; much easier in fact. Both are just intellectual exercises, get the numbers right and all is good. That there are young people in colleges today who can do this is a certainty.


Thought Point: Is it possible for an ethically run bank to make a profit?



Chapter 27 - Education


Submission culture education must be abolished! Children should not be forced to do anything they do not wish to do. Children are reasonable beings, certainly no less reasonable than adults. All you have to do is explain things clearly, honestly and in language they understand. The problem comes when adults use phony explanations, because they think kids are stupid and cannot understand the truth. Truth is a problem too, as many adults have less idea what that is than the children do. The native wits of children are keen and they are well able to spot inconsistencies. So, trying to fool them will not work in the long run. All that happens is that the kids give up on the idea that the world should be fair and reasonable and instead grow up to be typical pessimists with no faith in human nature, possibly much like you. “Kids are human and you cannot change ‘human nature, right?” Hopefully, that was you, before you read this book.


Of course, children must be protected from finding out too much about the uglier side of adult life. A somewhat sheltered and innocent child may face a rude awakening at some point in their early adult life, but if they have had reasonably happy childhood they should do that fine. Kids who learn too much too young may seem confident and worldly wise, but emotionally they are usually weaker.

Thought Point: Are children reasonable beings, certainly no less reasonable than adults?


I have taught class and my observation was that nearly all kids want to learn, but they may not want to learn what you are trying to teach them. This means that one must spend fifty, sixty, seventy percent of one’s energy just controlling the class and endeavoring to “force feed” the reluctant students. Sheer wasted teacher efforts and wasted student’s time. The simple answer is to have teachers compete for students by offering alternative studies.


Most students worry about their future prospects and want courses geared to help them. Give them that and they will be keen to learn. It does not have to be expensive either, parents, future employers and the whole local community can all pull together to make it work for their kids. Teachers only want job security and modest rewards for their work. The important thing is to inspire the children to want to learn, and do wonderful things. If the kids are inspired they will in turn inspire others. A happy child learning and evolving is the most wonderful thing to behold. They are the flowers of creation, so let them bloom!


Thought Point: Is submission culture taught in your kid’s school?


Children are also the base of the food chain of human happiness.  Their exuberant enthusiasm and cheerful good humor inspire us all. Happy kids make happy families and happy families make a happy society. Sadly, the reverse is true today. The treatment of children by business and government is a vital indicator of the good faith of these institutions. If children are hurt and oppressed then the adult population can expect no mercy as the leaders are without compassion, reason, or decency.

Thought Point: Are children the base of the food chain of human happiness?


Exactly the same argument is used for everything. No improvement can ever be made because it goes against “human nature” to do anything in a sensible and ethical manner. This is reverse culture as it diametrically opposes the truth. No sustainable and beautiful society can exist that is not based on love, truth, honesty and due diligence. True, we cannot prove this by demonstration, because there is and probably never has been such a civilization. This is the backbone of the argument that humans are incapable of living honorably and can only be made to do anything useful except by coercion. My counter to this is it is not a matter of what has happened or can happen but a matter of what must happen. Creating a fair and just society is the only possible way to advance.


We have knowledge of thousands of years of societies based on the same principles as today that have all failed and died.  The problems of today are the culmination of that history of failure, but this time the stakes are higher. We have reached the limit of what can be achieved by the pyramid culture and can go no further. We attained the zenith of power early this century and now can only fall backwards. There has never been a global mass psychosis event before.  Before only one civilization at a time collapsed and so continuity of power of knowledge was still possible. Today’s debacle could easily end global civilization as we have known it. Our job is to start afresh and build a truly efficient beauty sustainable culture to last for all time.

Thought Point: Has the limit of what can be achieved by the pyramid culture been reached?


To do this requires money, quite a lot of money, but nothing like the trillions of dollars the central banks are pumping to support today’s dying society. We need sensible sums spent sensibly that is all. Is that too much to ask? Is no one willing to risk a little to potentially make a new and beautiful culture? I do not run a Free Thought institution, or a free zone, (though I would love to be involved in one) so I am not asking for money for myself. If you agree with the principles I have laid out you should be able start something yourself with people you know and trust.


Thought Point: Should those who benefitted from the old society be prepared to help finance a fresh start?




Chapter 28 - A Free Thought Society does not mean a “perfect” society


The normal rough and tumble of day to day living will still be with us. Difficult decisions will still have to be made. Balancing the needs and wants of groups and individuals cannot always please everyone, so disputes will arise. The common people may have complaints as well and protests and demonstrations will occasionally occur.  A society is defined by how well it can cope with this.


My recommendation is that all disputes be put to a jury and that instead of a judge there should only be a referee. The referee's only job is to ensure fair play and honesty. The judgment must come from the jury, who have in no way been influenced by the bench. The power of judges to influence verdicts is a hostage to fortune, and just a few bad judges can twist the system out of shape. Juries can make bad decisions as well, but they only do it once, so systemic error is impossible and any mistakes they make will have much less serious consequences. The verdict made by such courts must be binding on all, from the individual up to the government itself. Justice must be the only rule. Those who try to tamper with juries should face the most severe sentences.

Thought Point: Can a few bad judges can twist the system out of shape


Part five – Judgment day!


We can judge the sustainability of a democracy, or any government for that matter, by how much plurality of opinion and regional autonomy of action is tolerated.


This book is a direct reflection of the events I witnessed unfolding around me in the world of October 2021. I have been analyzing these impressions using Pure Free Thought. In this discipline the writer does not give specific details, but leaves that up to the reader to discover for themselves.  Each reader can choose their own examples and references so you come to unique conclusions.  Hopefully, as I lay out my thesis you will be able to verify it from your own perspective. Personal realization is far more valuable than just agreeing or disagreeing with anything I might say or refer to.


The story so far. True leaders, freethinkers, and the

Common folk are oppressed by the dark herd and their fearsome leaders. The common folk have foolishly allowed the dark herd to control them. They have fallen into a trap and are imprisoned in the psychosis pseudo society.  The dark herd fears the power of common folk, because the common folk actually run everything and whoever controls the common folk, controls the world. The dark ones plan to degrade the physical and mental condition of common people to the point where they are too weak to resist any level of mistreatment and can never rise against the regime. Is the dark herd planning to kill the geese that laid the golden eggs? The freethinkers and the true herd leaders must find a way to rescue the common folk.



The judgment day comes when there is a clear choice. Over the last few years we have witnessed a cult of fear and hate developing. Many of the world’s top leaders appear to have succumbed and their followers as well. What is changing is that hate bubo is growing in size and intensity. The point is being reached where many people, who had not noticed, or had not wished to notice, can no longer pretend not to see it. This dark herd of hate has been kept under some kind of control by their leaders. They are now starting to lose that control and if these predators are set loose they will hurt people.  The common people start to see it with their own eyes, hear it with their own ears, and feel it like an arctic breeze on a summer day. People begin to realize that they are dealing with something new to them; leaders who are criminally insane. The judgment day choice is simple, love or hate, freedom or imprisonment, life or death. People are waking up to this dire threat and in that there is hope!


Today, we face not one, but three pandemics, each being more deadly than the last. The first is a flu type disease that has “magically” become aseasonal and highly infectious. This is not good, but we have faced worse in the past, made much less fuss and still prevailed. So, there is no real reason to fear for society as a whole. The second pandemic is the hysterical pandemic response which has suspended the free world as we know it. This “collective punishment” is much more serious as it is ongoing and progressive. The measures taken seem to be more punitive than protective, and may well be shown to have actually prolonged the pandemic. The damage already done to society is incalculable; ruined lives, lost opportunities. Once a government starts controlling by fear they get used to it and cannot stop so easily.  Fear is subject to the law of diminishing returns, people become accustomed to it, so a government has to use ever increasing force to get the same level of submission. Keep going down that road and a lot of people end up dead. This brings us the worst pandemic of all, the mass psychosis event – shared insanity.


Thought point: What do you think is the most serious problem we face?



Chapter 29  – The 180 degree flip


“Organic” psychosis is a non-transmissible mental disease that often runs in families. It can be the result of other illnesses or life trauma as well.  Psychosis can even be induced in some people, but that is not an easy thing to do. People who the sufferer knows, works with, and lives with, are in no great danger of turning psycho by being in close contact. There are two kinds of psychosis; one is the “partial” kind, the other is the “180 degree flip”.  The partial psychotic is still partly in touch with the world as most of us perceive it, but drifts into psychotic interludes. They are unable to hold a consistent world view and so become noticeably deranged. The disease is often progressive and manifests over time, but the sufferers can be treated effectively in many cases. The “180 degree flip” means that the sufferer sees the world in reverse. These people do not appear crazy, because their world view is consistent. They look fairly normal and seem superficially rational, but their core intentions are the diametric opposite of everyone else’s.


Mass psychosis, on the other hand, is an incredibly infectious mental disease and its victims are all 180 degree flipped! They have no idea they are insane and cannot understand why sane people find their actions so strange and alarming. That which everyone else considers bad they consider good. In their reverse world children must be made miserable, people impoverished, freedom denied, and a uniform mono culture enforced.  Whatever it is that normal people wish to do is bad and must be stopped.


The social conditions may vary, but the triggers for the event are always the same; hysterical fear, and hate. Both fear and hate must infect a significant percent of the population for full mass psychosis to unfold. I call it hysterical because the emotional level is way beyond the rational. When people are possessed by irrational fear or hate they can behave in ways formally unthinkable to them.


The first clear, early warning sign that I spotted was the media hysteria campaigns that transformed a number of once respectable, broad sheet quality new outlets into campaign rags for political agendas. I knew something had changed for the worse, but I did not have any idea why or how.


The terrifying speed with which a mass psychosis event can unfold always takes everyone by surprise. A herd person of previously excellent character can become an apologist or even a dark herd activist almost overnight. That is the horror of the 180 degree flip, and I have seen this myself in people I have known for years to be kind hearted, and tolerant have suddenly change and are in active support of totalitarianism. I have read that, in Ruanda people were hacked to pieces with machetes by neighbors they knew all their lives and were previously on good terms with. This is the dragon we face and must overcome. In times gone by, domestic borders acted as firewalls, keeping the psychosis pandemic confined. In today’s globalist world it has spread around the globe in a matter of months.

Thought point: Have you been surprised by someone you know of inexplicably changing their perspective on life?


Mass psychosis does not affect freethinkers, the reason being we treat “consensus” views with suspicion. Herd people always accept consensus views as being the truth. If lots of people all believe the same thing it must be true and even if it is not, it is still safer to follow the established pattern. That is herd mentality, their evolutionary strength and Achilles heel.  Freethinkers believe that truth comes from individual observation; we are not part of the herd. We do not do anything good or ill on mass.

Thought point: Do you think judgment day is here?


Chapter 30 – “The mandate of evolution”


We have only one true master that we all must respect and the laws of which we must obey; evolution. A civilization is like a giant organism and must abide by the same evolutionary rules as all living things. All creatures must be sufficiently robust, and adaptable to survive, or they will not do so. It is a hard rule, but a fair one. Evolution is a firm master, and it seems that little if anything can interfere in its judgments. The rule is simple, each living creature, each group of creatures and each species must stand on its own to meet the challenges of existence; to adapt, survive, multiply and evolve. Any creature not strong enough to defend itself and its young has lost the mandate of evolution, and risks extinction.


The life span of a civilization is indefinite, it depends how well it is set up and maintained. So, when a civilization fails it is either because of weakness in the foundations, poor maintenance, or most likely a mixture of both. Size and complexity are important as well and the size a culture can attain is limited by the same rules. The blueprint of a society needs to provide a structure that is stable and enduring while at the same time allowing sufficient flexibility for growth, innovation and adaption.


Yet, look at the countries of today, most don’t even have a proper constitution or bill of rights. The law is set by precedent as seen through the eyes of unelected judges, who being relatively few in number are easily coerced or blackmailed into writing law according to political agendas. This is happening on a massive scale right now.

So called “elites” can easily manipulate economies to the detriment of the whole, but to their relative benefit. We are all far too familiar with this sloppy style of government. We do not worry about it as much as we should, because it has always been that way. The massive momentum of society forces us ahead in spite of our government’s failings. This can go on for a very long time, but not forever. One way or another the judgment day will come. Judgment day comes when the herd is in danger of losing the mandate of evolution.


Mass psychosis acts like pneumonia in terminally weakened societies; it finishes them off.  It is not the cause of their demise; the real problem is weak fundamentals.  A society can function and grow relying merely on a rough configuration and the collective will power of the herd population.  This is what our society has done; bungled its way through. The problem comes when it reaches a certain level of size and complexity the structure can no longer be maintained. There are just many unknown variables and the consequences of failure are too severe. We have reached the point where the herd must adapt to survive, but as yet there is no sign of them doing that.


In a way the judgment day is like an election; an election to secure the mandate of evolution. Normally what individuals do does not matter much and things balance out over time. At the time judgment though society is poised as if on a knife edge. It can only go one way or the other; the path of freedom and life, or the path of totalitarianism and death.  You do not just vote once either, everything you think, say and every dime you spend is a vote. So, each thought, word deed and how you spend your cash suddenly matters. Which way do you vote? Most times people ‘fudge’ this choice, because it is not easy to see who the bad guys really are. The path of relative peace is broad, straight, all-embracing and easy to follow. As the time of judgment draws closer though the path splits.  The true nature of the dark herd and their wicked leaders becomes self-evident. They are all fanatics, insane and wish only to destroy everything the good people of earth have built.  It’s a simple choice and we all should know what these things are; it is no big mystery


Thought point: Can society survive if it loses the mandate of evolution?




Chapter 31 - The “mandate of the people”


There has been much talk of the “the mandate of heaven” Exactly what is heaven and by what means does it communicate the mandate? Unless you can answer those questions with certainty there is no point in discussing the matter further. The “mandate of the people", on the other hand, is very real and can be quantified. The power of a leader is equal to the number of persons who will fulfill their commands.  A leader with enough supporters can be said to hold the mandate of people. It is the herd people who grant the mandate. We freethinkers are mostly mere bystanders in the world of herd politics.


Whoever controls the common folk rules the world. It is as simple as that.  The common folk are almost unshakably loyal to the status quo. Even when severely oppressed by wicked tyrants their fealty is almost unswerving. The common folk are workers, professionals, crafts people. They predominate in every line of work from near the top to the bottom. If they all stopped work for one day it would bring a country to its knees. No deliveries, doctors, police, no internet, no banks, virtually no services can run without the active participation of the common folk.


The common folk are mostly not stupid and can do lots of very clever things, but they are incredibly dumb when it comes to picking leaders. The common folk will nearly always follow the most powerful; this is their idea of staying safe. This predilection is to the advantage of dark leaders. The dark ones are thieves and thieves can become powerful much more quickly than any honest leader. If there is a good leader they can just remove them and take over their herd. All the dark do is destroy things and so they are very good at it. If the herd ever does turn on their leaders it is because they have a new leader to follow and there is a revolution with much misery and loss of life. All this suffering is because the common folk will not stand up for themselves as individuals. They are brave enough to win wars but utter cowards when it comes to personal tyranny. They acquiesce so easily it is cakewalk to control them.


By evolutionary rules those who give in to tyranny may well be said to have lost the right of survival. This is not my judgment; I am human and see things from a human perspective. We must try to help anyone we can regardless of their “evolutionary status” The fate of civilization depends on whether the courage of the common folk can somehow be sufficiently braced to stand up for themselves. If they cannot do this they could soon reach an evolutionary dead end.  Today’s mainstream herd society is losing the mandate of evolution at a dramatic pace. This is our challenge; we must restore social evolution by building the first Free Thought Democracy


Thought point: Should people be more careful who they bestow their mandate upon?


Chapter 32 – The dark herd, dark leaders and the shadow masters


The common folk are guilty of tolerating tyranny too easily, but they are mostly reluctant to do so. The dark herd are those herd people who easily embrace the reverse world of mass psychosis and turn on everyone else.  The dark herd are not the same as normal criminals; they are zealots who perceive what we know to be evil as good. Unlike a normal predator they prey on the strong and healthy as well as the weak. Given the chance the dark herd will eliminate all but the weakest and most submissive people and then kill them as well.


Seeped in self-hate and permanently psychotic, the hard core of the dark herd are ever present. In normal times their numbers are relatively few and they take a back seat, build their power, wait and watch for an opportunity. When a society weakens they suddenly increase at an exponential rate, infecting the minds of normally decent people and turning them dark on a vast scale. We saw colossal devastation in the first half of the last century, far worse than anything ever witnessed previously.  Yet, not all countries succumbed and the world was able to reset and continue. The reset though was only superficial and soon the sticking plasters were peeling off revealing ugly wounds. Now, after less than a century we are in greater peril than ever before. Mass psychosis now grips practically the entire world. This time, if not stopped, it will take down the entire global civilization. The dark leaders appear to wish for total control of all people, and many of their acolytes believe this, but this is not their real core motivation; they only wish to control so they can destroy, because destruction is the only thing they know how to do well


I notice that even certain MSN outlets are beginning to really question the sanity of the elite leadership and they are right to do so.  One of the hardest things for people to accept is that as judgment day draws near is that the normal rules of power politics have been abandoned. Bad leaders, corrupt, greedy, conniving and ruthless are sadly perfectly normal. Understanding motives behind their actions is not so difficult as there is always a clear line of self-interest to be found. These leaders are a big problem, but they do not prevent the majority of people from leading relatively normal lives. The fact is this type of leader does not cause problems for other people for no reason. To get what they want they will do whatever it takes, but only if there is a pretty purse to claim. When unsure they back off and try again later.


Dark herd leaders are psychotics and quite insane, but they can appear relatively normal. Dark herd leaders are herd leader types of mediocre ability whose power is based on one simple premise - it is easier to destroy than to create. They ascend the ladders of power by eliminating completion, rather than having anything of value to offer themselves. The dark ones and their followers are completely incapable of creating, organizing or sustaining a society. Once in charge of an institution they set about destroying it. They are deeply inferior beings, self-haters, usurpers and inside they know this. They are silently aware of their own acute inferiority, and fearful they will be held accountable for their many illegal and unconscionable acts. This makes them extremely dangerous; they will kill anyone who they perceive as even a minor threat.


Dark herd leaders are quite mad and what they do makes no sense to a normal person. Trying to understand this in terms of power politics requires an active imagination. A lot of popular conspiracy theories could have been born this way; an attempt to explain the unexplainable. This is the hall of mirrors that dark ones lead the unwary into to confuse them as to the real motives behind their actions.  Their true raison d'etre is they are killers trapped in the reverse world of 180 degree psychosis. In their world virtue is vice and pain is pleasure. They care not for money or power as these things are but tools for them.  Their only desire is to conquer and exterminate. Their goal is to kill as many people as they possibly can while inflicting maximum suffering. They do not concern themselves with consequences. Money means nothing, because if they run short they can always steal some more. They may not have as much but that does not matter as long as they have more than everyone else. Power is the same for them; they seize as much as is needed by force. As to the future they have no care, because if they get their way there is no future. They are a doomsday cult, and what you see today is not the path to a “new world order” but the road to Jonestown. This is what they want - abject submission, followed by brutal punishment and finally complete annihilation. That is the psychotic 180 degree flip logic.


Though point: Have our leaders really gone insane?


During a mass psychosis event theft is easy. The normal laws of accountability have been suspended and the dark leaders can take what they want. The things they steal are kept by the “shadow masters”, dark financiers who preserve and accumulate the ill-gotten gains. By the end of the event many of the dark leaders will have died in action, or been hung for crimes against humanity. The fate of leaders is unimportant once they fulfilled their role and killed enough people. The financiers of the death cult are much harder to catch. These dark bankers are permanently psychotic and completely mad. They live and breathe hate, only desiring to “seed” larger and more terrible mass psychosis events, leading up to the total annihilation of human kind, which is their holy grail. A mass psychosis event can only happen so often. So, when one ends they start planning for the next. The dark sponsors wait for conditions to be right for an event and then set about “seeding” it.


In theory you might imagine that if we could root out these dark investors we might be able to prevent all future such malevents. Apart from the fact that no society has ever been able to do this, it is not at all certain it would work. Dark leaders are a product of the mass consciousness and if you kill one lot, it will set them back and that is good, but new ones will spring up to replace them. The problem is that their methods are too easy to copy. Theft, extortion, black mail and murder are extremely profitable businesses. If you have a fair number of fanatical psychotics working in concert it is all too easy for them to gain power. People who are pretty stupid can manage this; it is like painting by numbers. Normal criminals are deterred by jail time, but not the hard core dark herd. Committing crime and doing time is honorable in the reverse world and they never squeal.

Thought point: Do you believe there are “shadow masters” who promote mass psychosis?


The hard core of the dark herd contains the leaders, their sponsors and that part of the dark herd that is fully committed; the devotees. In normal times they are few in number, but under uncertain conditions large numbers of the common folk can be flipped into the reverse world. I would not ask anyone to believe this if they could not witness it for themselves. Look at people you and in the media, many have shifted their views one hundred percent.


For example; “my body, my choice”. There are many people today who two years ago would passionately have supported this. Now these exact same people are baying for ever more severe mandates and harsh penalties for dissenters. Those people really believe what they say and they have completely forgotten how they felt before. That is not normal and if you look around you will find many examples for yourself.


Freedom of movement is also a very important human right for the simple reason we need to move about to make a living. Once again the same people who would have agreed now favor something resembling house arrest for the entire population of the planet. Think about it, that is insanity, they have flipped. You can observe the 180 flip in institutions as well. The courts, the media, education, medicine, science, and so many more. Almost all controlled by clinically insane people.

Appeasement is possible with normal bad leaders and even bandits. If you give way to their demands they may well leave you alone. The dark leaders are not inclined to this kind of “mercy”. If a person is weak enough to submit they should be made to suffer for that weakness.  If they are strong enough to resist they should first be weakened. Every little concession is immediately followed by more stringent demands. You cannot reason with the dark herd, they are completely immune to common sense and have no decency. There is only one language they understand; power. The only group in society with the numbers to defeat the dark herd is the common folk. They could do it quite easily simply just by removing their support, but they will not; instead they continue to support whoever is in power regardless of their intentions.


Neither the dark herd nor their leaders ever do any kind of real work. They do not make anything except trouble, and if they try they are completely incompetent. For one of them to work would be like dumping a guy who has worked all his life in an office in a field with a spade and some seed and expecting him to bring in a good harvest. Doing things the right way is not as easy as messing them up, you have to be smarter to be good. The staff that runs literally everything for the dark herd are all common folk. Some have turned dark, but probably many more just serve reluctantly, for the common folk are almost always loyal to the status quo. It is a point of faith with them, order is sacred, obedience and hard work will be rewarded. True, in normal times they are often right, they do survive and prosper, but these are not normal times. The ones they serve so faithfully are planning to kill them.


Thought point: Do the elite of today fulfill any useful purpose?


This brings us back to the mandate of evolution; where there is a weakness it will be exploited. We are forced to consider whether the common folk still command the mandate of evolution? Or is their way of being obsolete, and headed for extinction? This is the question that judgment day will answer once and for all time.


Though point: Is it possible the common folk can realize their mistake before it is too late?




Chapter 33 – the common folk


The common folk are civilization and if it belongs to anyone it belongs to them.  They are the largest part of the herd, and are mostly good people, hard workers, obedient, diligent, and skillful. They are not the vague “masses” that “dark intellectuals” are so fond of disparaging, but a distinct group with a positive character.  These common folk can be found at every level of society except the very top. They do not just work either; they know to organize each other. From the engineer down to the manual laborer and all the way in-between you will find the common folk predominate. All the great achievements of civilization have come to fruition through the efforts of the common folk.


The common folk are herd people, like the dark herd and true herd leaders. They all implicitly believe that consensus is the only truth and facts are less important than “appearances” To all herd people the status quo is sacred and this is why the common people will follow powerful leaders whatever their character may be.

The common folk are decent people who just want to stay out of trouble and take care of their families. They consider this enough, but it is not. It is quite obvious that given the destructive power of today’s nations that we cannot keep allowing mass psychosis events to occur – it is simply suicidal.


We do not know how far our present debacle will go or what will be left after it has ended and so it is hard to make concrete plans. However, though the circumstances may alter, the basic causes do not. There are four problems that must be addressed:


·       The common folk cannot tell the difference between normal poor leadership and the leadership of psychotic maniacs.


·       The common folk will follow and do whatever the system tells them to without much fuss.


·       The common folk have greater loyalty for the system than for their own kind. They betray each other too easily by complying with tyranny and so allowing the curse to find more victims.


·       A substantial percent of the common folk can become infected, do a “flip 180”, and turn psychotic without even realizing.



These are the qualities that allow the dark herd who are smaller in number, less skilled and not so intelligent to predominate. The dark herd know how to stick together, being “one of us”, is more important than being “right” or “wrong” The common people put their perception of what is right ahead of loyalty to their relations and friends. That would be ok if their perception of truth is based on reality, but it seldom is. The common people use the MSM news and culture as their guide to correctness of behavior and they will belief almost any nonsense if it comes from a “trusted source” Before we can consider building a new and beautiful society we must address these issues or in a few decades or two we will be back to where we are now. These are my humble suggestions based on Pure Free Thought.



·         “The common folk cannot tell the difference between normal poor leadership and the leadership of psychotic maniacs.”


This is something that needs to be addressed at school. Kids must be taught the difference between reasonable and unreasonable requests. They should further be instructed that resisting and if necessary reporting any unwarranted demands is a vital social duty. This should be coded into a kid’s bill of rights, which they all should learn by heart.  Exactly what is considered reasonable compliance is something that is culturally sensitive and difference societies have different standards. However, the base is the same; just say no to tyranny.


·         “The common folk will follow and do whatever the system tells them to with little question.”


Children must be encouraged to ask why they should do this or that and teachers should be expected to give logical explanations in child friendly language. Teachers may not like this, and it could be a bit irritating some times, but the real reason behind their reluctance is that mostly they do not have a logical explanation to offer. That must change! Teachers are paid not just to educate but to instill values that will protect the children and society as whole. That is part of the job.


·       The common folk will betray each other too easily by complying with tyranny and so allowing the curse to find more victims.



If someone wishes to follow the main stream social consensus that is their right, but they do not have the right to force others to do so. Tolerance for  other people is the only way to avoid endless social conflict. This again has to be taught in school. The difference between social “consensus “and absolute truth must be clearly delineated. The student should learn that there is no one way of doing things and alternative perspectives should be welcomed.


·         “A substantial percent of the common folk can become infected do a “flip 180” turning psychotic without even realizing.


People who flip 180 do not know they are mad and it may not be possible to convince them to see any kind of reason. The rapid spread of mass psychosis among the common folk is the greatest danger that we have ever faced and hopefully will ever face. This is the area of life that requires the strictest enforcement as it is far more dangerous than any other kind of human misdemeanor. Mass psychosis always starts somewhere, usually an institution of some kind, or anywhere where people are doing the same things together. We need people trained to spot the early symptoms and closely monitor them. If there is a plausible threat of a serious outbreak then measures may be needed. The core has to be broken up and people reassigned for a start. If that is not enough restrictions must be placed on key individuals. This will not be easy as the dark leaders will target the people who enforce the rules to infiltrate and corrupt them. The people chosen for this task must be of the highest moral quality. This enforcement must be the model of well thought out procedures which are strictly adhered to. If we cannot do this properly then as a society we may lose the mandate of evolution.





Chapter 34– The elephant in the room


The centralist democracies in nearly all western countries have been shown up for what they really are; “paper democracies”, pretty wrapping that can be ripped to shreds anytime a government can find a suitable pretext.  Just holding elections is not enough. If the central government and the shadow master elite have complete control of civil service, they can safely ignore the wishes of the people. We can see this in action, governments riding roughshod over the law of the land and international law to take away the legitimate, time honored rights of the people. None of these mandates are really legal; they were supposed to be temporary measures and should not have been extended without full public debate.


Governments never had these powers before and have simply seized them without as much as by your leave. The temporary has become permanent and “do it because we say it” law, which is illegal in any established democracy, has become the norm. The entire legal structure has been castrated by the whim of an elite group who are openly full of loathing for the common people and have not the least good intentions behind their actions. When people are seriously oppressed and have no legal way of challenging the system protests are inevitable.  The problem with protests is the danger good people face in attending them and the pretext they give to governments for further draconian measures.   Protests where people are being violently suppressed, and have nowhere to escape to are different. Sometimes it is better to go down fighting than submit. Those who protest have often had their sovereignty raped by a fascist government and betrayed by the common herd, whose blinkered vision, cowardice and sycophancy are the true cause of all this misery.


When I say the “common herd” I am not talking about just the working class or the “great unwashed”, the common herd are present in every walk of life and many are educated and well off. Yet, though perfectly intelligent in most ways, they cannot get into their consensus fixated minds that every act of compliance with tyranny is a betrayal of yourself, your family, and all the people of your country. For everyone who complies, ten more are targeted. Passing the curse on instead of facing it yourself is morally indefensible.

Thought point: Are “common people” really smart enough for important jobs?


Not every democratic country is centralist. If there is a stronger constitution and regional autonomy powerful enough to go against the central government, then there can be “free zones” and legal means to challenge the government. It is better to work the system if you can, than engage in risky large scale protests. If the regions can defy the center successfully then people can vote with their feet by moving to jurisdictions that they consider more favorable. These zones can then fight the government from a position of strength.


Without regional autonomy, a carefully drafted constitution and a bill of rights there can be no sustainable democracy. There should be no more argument about this. What people have been led to believe is democracy is just a tranquillizer to keep them acquiescent. In common with totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, these paper democracies are doomed to fail as soon as a mass psychosis event occurs as they offer no safeguard against leaders when they go criminally insane.


Journalists are part of this picture, if there is one central authority then they can successfully “knobble” the press. If there are free zones, the media can operate independently from there. When I was a kid the UK government banned rock and roll, and most other popular music from the states. We had to tune into Radio Luxembourg to hear the good tunes. That wouldn’t happen now, Brussels would not stand for it. The elite were right to worry because rock ‘n’ roll did change the culture; people wanted more freedom to have fun, and express themselves; fun being in short supply after the war. Fun pop made most people’s lives better, which is exactly what the ever jealous dark elites (they are incapable of natural enjoyment and only find pleasure in the pain they can inflict) hate to see.


When the media, scientists or governments are in consensus it is always a ploy to persuade people to do things they do not need or want to do. Things that benefit the masters but are not in the interest of the people. This is so obvious to any freethinkers, but trying to make herd people understand it is really difficult. “The government is not perfect, but they are not that bad really” Wishful thinking is one key feature of herd mentality and they will readily believe what they want to believe. This is why they are such suckers for dark leaders who will spin them any line to get their mandate.


Freedom of speech allows a culture to evolve, censorship has the opposite effect. Censorship is a fake protection.  There is no need to censor lies; it is only the truth that needs to be censored. We do not censor acts of gross violence because they are false. False claims do not need to be censored unless the media has already lost the trust of its audience. So, if something is censored it is most likely to be true. The degree to which something is censored just shows how much it is in the public interest that it should be known. I look at the news and try to work out what no MSN outlet will not print. I then know what the most important issue of the day is. Other matters can be placed in relative importance by their censorship level. Right now the most noticeable absence is any coverage of the vast ocean of human misery caused by the pandemic response. Millions have been ruined financially, had their health degraded, or destroyed, and their minds left depressed and confused. Countless people who had good jobs and small businesses have been reduced to near destitution. Do you even see any token magazine pieces? This dread ocean only expands by the day.  How long can it be before it overflows and can no longer be cancelled?


Propaganda is the flip side of censorship, and the two are never far apart. Propaganda pushes lies; it has no other purpose. Smarter operators skillfully mix truth in with lies to make them appear more plausible, but a part true is as worthless as a falsehood and should not be entered into. What can be usefully gleaned from censorship and propaganda is the agenda of its publishers. If we look at what is being pushed and what is being hidden in tandem a very clear picture emerges and the elephant in the room comes into focus. The vital questions we must ask are:


·         What is the single issue that is universally promoted with barely any questions asked in all of MSN and every major government?


·         Which of the many distressing and dangerous side effects of the global pandemic response is the most heavily censored?


Work that out and you will discover what the real agenda is.

Thought point: Put your thinking cap on. What is the media hiding most carefully? What is almost every government trying to push? Work that and you have the key to mystery.


Never give a liar an even break! The big mistake many people make is not rejecting lies and part truths outright. For example; if we are told that ninety nine percent of doctors are in consensus about something, we can be completely certain that is false. Ninety nine percent doctors never concur on anything other than the most basic medical principles. What intelligent people commonly do is to read a headline and perhaps be suspicious, but consider “You can’t judge a book by its cover” and read on with an open mind. On reading further they will be presented with carefully crafted arguments designed to entrap the smarter reader into a hall of mirrors so that, in the end, they will not be able to decide what is true or false. There is no need to do this; you just waste your time and intellectual abilities. Dump the lies and move on quickly.

Chapter 35 - Easy Free thinkers – the “cool” people


The easy people, as with all freethinkers believe that personal observation is more reliable than consensus view points. They will go to great lengths to avoid trouble and just wish to work quietly on creative projects.  The easy are sprinkled amongst the general population at a rate of perhaps one in ten or less. They do not stick together and like to mingle freely with the rest of the population. They are attracted to some places more than others so concentration varies.


The base of the original ideas food chain, humanity depends on the easy freethinker’s endless supply of new ideas and inventions. Without this steady stream of innovation any society will slowly grind to a halt. Society was founded by freethinkers as they are always the first to take on new challenges.  The herd waits until a path is cleared for them before they begin their work. This will prove to be true again, and it will be freethinkers who must be the architects of the  new and beautiful society the common folk will gladly build.


Easy free people do not like any kind of trouble, but their reaction to oppression is not submission, but evasion. They are expert at this and nearly always can find a way of not complying without getting into a direct confrontation. This is a smart way to live and I am sure we will prove to have the mandate of evolution on our side. Easy freethinkers are not perfect people, but their way of thinking has the potential to achieve near perfection, unlike the way of the herd which is doomed to fail.


Profiling any freethinker is difficult and they resent people who try to do that. Psychiatrists are not likely to do them any good, or any other herd social workers. They always try to pigeon hole freethinkers, but it never works, because they do not quite fit any  profile properly.


Psychiatry does not recognize Free Thinkers as a separate group, believing all people are basically the same. Basic human behavior is considered to be based on a common model with many variations.. The idea that there might be a whole section of the population whose most basic perceptions are not those of the group mentality would go against their creed. Herd people believe there can only be one, one herd; what else could there possibly be? Each freethinker however has their own unique version of normality.


Any freethinker has probably been called a narcissist desperately try to hide their own mediocrity behind a mirage of originality and pretending to be different to look clever. Forever taking alternatives views and asking stupid questions in a pathetic attempt to dominate the conversation. I would be surprised if you have not been patronized or insulted in this way.


Being a free thinker is bad enough if you are a guy, but it is worse for the girls. Men are permitted a little more eccentricity than women. Women are not supposed to do any freethinking, their job is to maintain and promote herd mentality submission culture in each successive generation, so a woman freethinker is a real threat to authoritarianism. Such a mother can breed a whole nest of freethinking kids, like little vipers ready to attack the establishment. So, the suppression and negation of women and children is a top priority in the hideous reverse world of the criminally insane.


“Acceptance” is the key to peace of mind, give up your “ego” and realize that herd unity is the only truth. This is herd religion. Freethinkers worship only the individual perception of truth. This is why a freethinker can never be fully part of the herd. They can mingle, socialize, marry, but simply cannot adopt herd mentality. In fact, herd mentality is extremely difficult to understand if you are a free thinker. I love the common folk, they are often really nice and kind, but the way they bow down to every whim of their masters is incomprehensible to me. Why can’t they see how dangerous that is? Once you let people start taking over your life you never know where it will end.


I can honestly say that if everyone was like me, a freethinking individualist, mass tyranny would be impossible. You don’t even need to fight it, because if you stand up for your rights in the first place it seldom comes to that. Just do not do what they tell you to, if you do not believe it is right. If you cannot easily refuse, stall, avoid, lie, and make it as hard as possible without actually getting into a fight. Even a relatively few people behaving like this makes enforcement much more expensive. If there are leaders and protests the enemy can mostly deal with that, because it is a “group thing”, which is what they understand; the dark know how to muster the herd. They can take out any true leaders and then the group collapses as a unit. If you are dealing with potentially millions of people all disobeying without any organization they have to seek them out one at a time – that cannot be done. Be brave freethinkers, the dawn of our age is near!

Chapter 36 – Protectors and heroes, and time thieves!


True herd leaders are born protectors, with a great love of all people and excellent organizational skills. They have high ideals and will really try to do their best on behalf of those they lead. They know how to appeal to the herd population and are attractive to the freethinkers as well. You might imagine that such people would easily come to power and remain there. Not so, the dark herd and their leaders make sure that leaders of real quality do not rise to high office. Even when the dark herd is in their “dormant” mode they still possess great power and influence and are forever busy fomenting discontent to weaken the power structure from behind the scenes.


The dark ones want one of their own as boss, but that is not always possible, in which case they will back a mediocrity, or a puppet. Almost anyone other than a true leader or a freethinker will do. This is not just internal affairs, but the policy of the major countries. All favor dark strong man dictators, or weak fools. True leaders are prevented from becoming presidents and sometimes even assassinated. The dark herd that has long infiltrated world secret services and now has much control over them.


There are circumstances when true leaders do get a chance for the top jobs. This is happening now in the countries that still have functioning democracies and are not completely controlled by unseen shadow master elites. True leaders get given the opportunity when times are desperate and no one else can get the job done. At this point of “consensus of the mediocre” get scared and break their own rule to let a real leader have a go.


True leaders are effective, they respond naturally to the needs of their followers. They motivate, organize and mostly satisfy their people. True leaders do not need to coerce, or bribe for support, getting herd on their side is not so difficult for them. They do not censor the opposition either. They conduct themselves honorably and do not fear lies. They only have one real problem and protecting themselves against the dark herd.  Few have succeeded at that task for long in the history of civilization. We have most times been ruled by a coalition of the dark and the mediocre it seems.


True herd leaders are really very good indeed, but not quite good enough. They have the same blind spot as all herd people; they believe consensus is reality. Everything they do and say has to be linked to an established herd consensus. Yet, there are many things, important things, that are outside any herd shared opinion. In fact, it is often the very most important matters that they may refuse to recognize. Only the smartest of all can see their limitations and find others to make up for that which they do not possess.


Another true leader weakness is when faced with any serious and complex problem they choose the softest targets first.  Break down the issues one by one, deal with the easiest first is true leader logic. Ignoring the worst to deal with the lesser is a sound strategy for many things, but not for dealing with the criminally insane. It buys the dark ones time to prepare, consolidate, and then press ahead with their orgy of destruction.  Only by being totally uncompromising is there any chance of beating the dark ones. The worst aspects must be taken on first, not last or no victory will be forthcoming.


Like the true leaders, the intrepid freethinkers are the top of the range of humanity. The most intelligent, high minded and creative individuals. The “natural” intrepid are very rare indeed. These people need very little instruction of any kind to find their way to excellence. There are a lot more strong, easy,  free folk who have the potential to make that high grade with training. Of course, the intrepid are better off with good training as well as self-tuition is a much slower and more painful process. Sadly, such training is almost completely unavailable and so the numbers of the intrepid remain but few.


Intrepids are prepared to sacrifice themselves for their ideals and this is something else they have in common with true herd leaders. Intrepid and true is the perfect leadership pairing. These are the people who can lead others to glory and guarantee the mandate of evolution for those who travel with them. Persuading intrepid free thinkers to take leading roles is not always easy. They like to be loved, popular and admired for their work. They are happy to teach and share as well, but they are not comfortable with people blindly following them. Sycophancy has no appeal for any freethinker and they cannot understand why anyone would want to be like that. They seek not servants or flatterers, preferring friends and partners. All men and women are born to live, love, learn and be free. In addition, like all freethinkers they do not like to be bound with duties and responsibilities. Such things seem so important to herd people, but they are not creative. Creation requires stealing acres of time for the forest of your ideas to grow in. Leadership lowers the freethinker’s potential as a creator, so they will only accept if leadership if they really convinced it has some real universal benefit. To succeed in free thought disciplines the first requirement is to be a good time thief. You steal from the fake world of society to create something real and valuable














Chapter 38 - Further instruction in Pure Free Thought


Pure freethinking is a form of mental algebra, so turn your calculator on! Not really, the only calculator you need to turn on is your brain. Pure Free Thought involves finding out we do not know from what we do not know. It is an open resource; use it or not, as you will. It is worth reading anyway because it explains the new and original form of logic I use in this book. Pure Freethinking involves only logic based on observable truth. This lesson is about how to view the world and make a sensible analysis using only pure free thought.


First, one must learn not to rely on anything one cannot verify oneself. Can you be absolutely sure a professor is correct, because he is a professor? In practical terms, experts are often right, but in absolute terms, if you can’t see it yourself, it is hearsay. Researching professional sources is useful when you need details, but details are only useful once you have a clear idea of the structure to contain them. Going into details without knowing at least roughly what you need to know is like entering a hall of mirrors.  There are just too many details, most of which will turn out to be irrelevant.

You must learn to work with broad concepts, then narrow the field and fill in the details. That is why I use no examples, references or quotes in this book.

Thought Point: Are the opinions of experts today, always, often or, only sometimes correct? What do you think?


So, what evidence is allowed in pure freethinking? Well, I will break my rule and give an example. Anyone who knows a fair number of tobacco smokers can readily see that they nearly all have serious lung problems as they get older. Coughing every morning, short of breath, regular winter bronchitis, are not difficult things to observe. Yet, it took the doctors and the lawyers decades before they would state categorically that tobacco was bad for your health. If you were a smoker and waited for experts to tell you it was harmful before quitting you might die before they got round to it. This is a good example, because it also demonstrates that observed reality wins the end – cancer will not give in to political pressure or go away because no one talks about it. You can’t cancel cancer.


A freethinker can look around them and make unquestionably accurate observations. If I say “Nearly all rich people live in big expensive houses”, do I need to reference anything? No, it is patently true. You only need references if you want more specifics. We don’t need particulars at this point.


One must be careful, though to separate observable reality from half-truth and opinion. That “Germans living in Germany are virtually all German citizens” is completely true. The quantifier (virtually all) is correct, so we have an unquestionable truth and no further evidence is required. On the other hand, “All Germans drink beer.” is a part-truth, not unquestionably true. To be accurate one must add the correct quantifier; for example “many Germans drink beer” When using pure freethinking it is very important to choose the quantifier that really fits the bill. If not, you will never be able to come to a valid conclusion. Your thoughts will be only fit for after dinner conversation at best.


Each item you think of must be checked for accuracy. Ask yourself, “could this assertion be challenged?” If you think up a possible challenge you must adjust your thinking to overcome it. “All politicians are corrupt”, this might be your opinion and you could be correct, but you cannot easily check how many politicians are really corrupt. Worst still, the word ‘corruption’ is open to interpretation, it is a ‘catch all concept’ and nonspecific. However, if you change the quantifier to an indefinite one, like ‘many’ or ‘some’ that is good logic.  “Many politicians are corrupt”. You need to make a good guess and choose your quantifiers with care.

Thought point: ‘A few politicians are corrupt.” is that realistic? What do you think?


The difference between opinion and observable truth can be subtle. “Many people use computers these days” is clearly true.  “Too many people use computers these days”, is an opinion. Ask ten people, how many people should use computers, and you will get multiple answers. That is the problem with opinions - getting any agreement is not easy. You cannot build chains of pure logic if you do not define your thoughts carefully enough!


Dogs have four legs

Old people hate new ideas.

People love excitement

Regular exercise promotes good health.

Drinking alcohol is very bad for you.

Two is company, three is a crowd.

Nobody enjoys root canal surgery.

Thought Point: Test yourself! Which of the statements above are unquestionably true, part true, or simply opinions?


The idea is to build a chain of logic that few if any can honestly disagree with. It is not so easy to do, especially at first, but with practice it gets easier. In this book, I try to stick to objective truth, but that is open to challenge. Be my guest; challenge me as you will, we are all free people.


The big problem with going into greater detail is that details nearly always can be challenged. “63% of cat owners are women.” Is it 63, 83 or 65%? With details you always need more specifics; which demographic, what country, which survey technique was used? You can debate all day and never come to an agreement. The proper place for details is after you have established a satisfactory chain of pure free thought. Then find the details that are really necessary. So much easier just to say “many women have cats for pets”. Unless you are talking marketing, that is all you need to know.


Not all challenges are legitimate. If the challenge is not based on observable reality it should be treated with suspicion. Many doctors told people smoking was safe, but the evidence they used to back this assertion went directly against observable reality. Ask yourself,

“Does an expert opinion concur with what I observe?”

“Would other people be able to observe what I see?”

You cannot expect everyone to agree on anything. Strange and inaccurate views are stubbornly held by many. Apply the same principles to a challenge that you used for your original thought. For example – “It is a stain on civilized society that many starve each year because they cannot afford to buy food”. Someone might challenge this, “it is not the fault of society they have no money it is because they are lazy”.  That challenge is missing a quantifier, “some people may have no money because they are lazy”. That some people may starve through their own fecklessness does not challenge the original statement that, “Many starve because of political failure”.  OK, I have never seen anyone starve personally, but I have two reasons to believe it does happen; first there is plenty of well documented evidence (including grisly VDOs), and second I have observed that governments and big businesses have a substantial compassion deficit.


In school and colleges, pure freethinking is not encouraged. The students are asked to build a pyramid of references and quotes to back their argument. This is not bad in itself, as all study forms are useful, but it is no replacement for pure thought.


Thought Point: Build your own personal obvious truth library. Try to think of as many examples of things about society that are patently true yourself.





About this book


Normally when someone writes a book about society they have studied the subject for years. Having spent decades at college reading what everyone else says, then they attempt to get their “half pennies worth” out to readers. This means they are full of preconceived notions that make an impartial study impossible.


I only started to write it (September 2021) a couple of months after I first got my idea. I had had a motorbike accident, dislocated my shoulder and broken my arm. Not fit to work, so I typed this book with my good hand!


The concept of two types of people who respond quite differently only came to me from watching the extraordinary events that have overtaken us since 2020. The terrible events we witness have cleared the mist from eyes and see all clearly for the first time.


Prior study would have only hampered me, because the events of today are unique and require a totally fresh approach. If the formal studies of mass psychosis had come to any useful conclusions we would not be suffering as we are today. The academics have totally failed to come up with anything practical and useful on this subject. Now it is my turn. So, my thoughts evolve from a simple start to what will be the first full, real time study of mass psychosis ever written.


I am quietly confident of the accuracy of my work as I can watch them my ideas becoming realities in the world around me. I am equally sure that my recommendations are sound and could prevent any further events taking place.

This book is not however intended as a “final word”, or any definitive statement. It is intended as an opening of debate, stimulating people to re-examine their beliefs about human nature and society. So, much of the theory on these subjects has degenerated into dogma and this in my opinion is the principle cause of society’s ills. A constant supply of fresh, innovative and vibrant ideas is vital to social evolution. Playing out the same tired failed strategies is not good enough.


Of course I do not have the backing of “prestigious” institutions, so my words may not travel far or carry much weight. Yet, if they help just one person that is a good start. I cannot take responsibility for anything other than the quality of my work. My aim is not merely to catalogue happenings, but to introduce a new perspective and way of thinking. Pure Free Thought







The ideas I present to you here are fresh and totally original. I had never made the distinction between “herd people” and “free thinkers” until a few months before I started writing. Now, I look back at my life and I realize how well my theory holds. For example: my late wife, a true herd leader, a wonderful person full of wit, life and possessed of high ideals and innate human virtues.  Yet, she never had a single original thought in her head. All her opinions were based on a selection of popular notions. These she picked up from media, books, magazines and friends. She had great faith in the veracity of her sources and could never understand why I questioned them.


The ideas she followed were the opinions of 'experts” and she could not see why I thought I knew better. If it is written in a book it must be true, or so she believed. I explained that my opinion was based on my personal observations, and there was no reason why I had to always agree with so-called experts. We mostly laughed about this difference. It was extraordinary how well we both fitted the profiles I have given.


My wife and I were actually a great team. Our differences were complimentary, and one of us would always come up with the right idea. She could understand herd people and get them organized better than I ever could. I could come up with solutions she would never have thought of. An intrepid freethinker and a true herd leader is a perfect couple. It worked because we had shared ideals and love on our side and that is how it can work for everyone.

Thought Point: Are the differences between herd people and freethinkers potentially complementary?






Daemon Goodhope


Daemon’s greatest claim is that he has never been indoctrinated, period. He has never met or heard of anyone else like him, he is truly unique. His knowledge, beliefs, and skills are entirely his own.


Writer, musician, teacher, traveler and above all freethinking individualist! Daemon has never been part of any society. From his unique perspective he can see things others cannot and find new angles to cut through the mysteries of human nature. It is the terrible changes that we see in the world today that have inspired him to write “Human Nature?” As society convulses before us, the truth of human nature is revealed.


His beliefs have had to change radically to embrace this new, abnormal world. Old ideas are no longer relevant in 2021. Daemon is ruthless when it comes to truth. He writes partly for himself to consolidate his new and vibrant understanding of life, but mostly in the hope of inspiring others to free their minds and think for themselves.  We will find the perfect way to live together, but to do that we must think deeply and plan ahead. This book could be your first step on a long journey.

Thought Point: Is it possible to avoid indoctrination?

For more of Daemon’s thoughts and contact check out;




  Hexagram 1. STEEL GATE  The door is locked A guard sleeps outside Do not awaken the guard Great self discipline Brings food fortune Small...