I Ching: Short Prediction
A “living”oracle, illustrated with real life stories of prediction outcomes.
“The True I Ching is Written in the Lives of Those who use it”
Author's note: I wrote this book, because having read a great many versions of the I Ching I noticed that they were extremely similar. Each gives the traditional text and the only differences are stylistic. I also noted that there was zero attention paid to the actual results of the predictions - zero. This I thought was a strange omission as what is the value of proposing a theory without demonstrating any results? I was happy though as I saw this as a great opportunity to make a potentially significant contribution to this important study. This book contains the traditional text in full, a modern version based on real life experiences and is illustrated with stories by people of people’s predictions outcomes. Compare these three threads and the secret of the I Ching will become known to you.
A Practical Oracle for the 21st Century:
Contains a full modern commentary based on real life experiences and the complete traditional text. Add to this your own personal experiences for a more ‘three dimensional view’.
Regularly updated:
This book is truly a ‘living’ oracle. Unlike the traditional text which can never be altered, I Ching Short Prediction is based on real life experience and as more stories of prediction outcomes are known it will be updated accordingly.
Access the Spiritual Wisdom of the Ancients:
Links to the traditional texts are provided for each hexagram so the reader may compare the unchanging wisdom of the ancients, with the ever evolving knowledge of today. This makes for interesting comparisons and it is often easier to understand the deeper implications of the Book of Changes after one sees the practical results.
Community Engagement:
Although the reader can enjoy this book in privacy we aim to foster a sense of community by allowing users to compare their experiences with others thus enhancing our collective understanding. Readers can submit their prediction outcome stories for publication on our social media and website.
Ongoing Project:
The evolving database we are creating with your help will ensure that the I Ching remains dynamic and relevant, adapting to new contributions over time.
Historic Contribution:
Part of an ambitious project to definitively validate the I Ching by collecting real-world data. Whether it is proved that the I Ching really works or not, is a most important matter to establish.
User-Friendly Consultation Method:
Utilizes the simplified six-coin system, making it easier to make, record and interpret predictions.
This book can save your life!
When writing this book we firstly and foremostly focused on discovering which predictions are actually dangerous and marking them clearly. These lines are easiest to verify and the most important to know. They are easy to verify because their action is very noticeable and very reliable.
In the traditional text a great many lines have very bad oracles attached to them, but most of these are not really dangerous at all and there are only a few really nasty lines. These lines were learned the hard way by myself and my friends. We tried them, suffered, and wrote the results so you could avoid such pains.
The I Ching is an ancient oracle that uses random generators, such as coin tosses, to select from a pool of 384 individual oracles. It can be regarded as the "voice of the random," and as such, it poses an intriguing question: can randomness convey intelligent insights? This book delves into the exploration of this question, allowing you, the reader, to be the ultimate judge. While the author has verified the intelligence of randomness to his own satisfaction, the aim of the book is to offer you the chance to verify its validity for yourself. Through the guidance provided, you'll embark on a journey to unravel one of the world's oldest mysteries: does the I Ching truly work?
"I Ching, Short Prediction" bases predictions on real-world outcomes from personal experiences and not just the traditional text. Each hexagram includes a link to the traditional text for readers to explore. By comparing your modern experiences with those of Daemon, his friends and the ancient wisdom of the I Ching, the reader can ‘triangulate’ and gain a ‘three dimensional’, richer and more meaningful interpretation.
Readers are encouraged to add their own experiences to the mix by writing the stories of their own prediction outcomes. In this way, creating their own personal version of the Book of Changes. You can edit this E book and add the outcomes of your I Ching predictions. You may also wish to send your stories to us. You may post on our social media and with your permission, your story may appear in future updates of "I Ching, Short Prediction." In this way a more collaborative and dynamic understanding of the oracle can be achieved. This approach allows people to personally verify whether the I Ching holds true in their lives. In the end those who consult will find a rich treasure trove of stories that give accurate accounts of people’s real life experiences for each I Ching prediction.
The beauty of this project is its ongoing nature. As more people contribute their experiences, the understanding of each hexagram and its predictions can continue to evolve. This dynamic process can keep the interpretation relevant and well adapted to changing circumstances and perspectives. The I Ching began as an oral tradition, and unlike books, oral traditions constantly change and expand. This book returns the I Ching to its roots as a living oracle that continually grows and deepens as more people engage with it. We have already begun building a database and this is the foundation of the present work. Over time, this database will build until when someone wishes to consult the Book of Changes they will be able to access multiple real life stories of people who received the same oracle as you have.
"I Ching, Short Prediction" uses a less well known traditional method of consultation which is much simpler to use and interpret; namely the six coin consultation system. (See. Alfred Huang, “The Complete Ching”). The six coins system produces one piece of text giving the general situation you face, and a second that gives advice on how best to manage things. You can also use a web based random generator, or even playing cards (see “How to consult the I Ching”, at the back of this book.) This is opposed to the most commonly used 3 coin system, which produces two hexagram texts and up to six advice lines. This system is more suited to long term predictions as used by professional fortune tellers. I Ching Short Prediction is designed for the amateur enthusiast who wishes to make a direct personal link to the ‘voice of the random’.
You can use this book in any way you wish, but in order to make predictions that can be compared for verification we firstly need predictions that have definite beginnings and ends. A holiday for instance, one leaves and later returns. How well the holiday went is not difficult to assess. One holiday prediction can be directly compared to another. On the other hand, if you take marriage, you might have to wait decades before you can verify how successful a marriage was. Then there may have been so many ups and downs that it could be impossible to give a definitive answer. Lots of things fall into the short prediction scheme, any kind of trip, sporting occasion, spiritual retreats, conferences, meetings, parties, volunteer work, short educational courses, temporary jobs and much more. These are the kind of event outcomes we require to build our “Great I Ching Database ''. Once enough outcomes stories have been collected, then we shall easily be able to answer the big question - does the Book of Changes have an intelligent voice and give sound advice? This is something humanity has puzzled over for centuries and we believe that it is something that should be discovered once and for all. The method given in the book is guaranteed to produce a definitive result and by using it and making reports you will be part of an historic project.
The I Ching is renowned as a manual for spiritual development. It is also a manual for many other things as well. There is advice on Confusion philosophy, warcraft, statesmanship, Daoist mysticism, and much more. However, to verify that the I Ching works we need to pick one to examine first. In this book we are interested in predictions of a practical nature. Good and misfortune as experienced by the ordinary citizen of the 21st century. Matters spiritual and philosophical are hard to quantify and it is very difficult to compare one person’s experience to another. However, the spiritual aspect of the Book of Changes can be found in the traditional text. This is why we recommend that when consulting you check out the traditional text for personal and spiritual insights to add to practical advice that makes the modern text.
I Ching Stories
Here is a selection of stories to give you an idea of the kind of short prediction stories we are looking for. It also will help you to understand how we link real life prediction outcomes to the traditional text. These stories do not prove anything as they could be fakes, however, they show the kind of thing we need to prove whether the I Ching really works.
There are only 384 individual predictions and so the same one will come up quite regularly. We need several stories from different people for each line to prove anything. However, though getting the whole 384 will take time, some of the prediction lines will prove themselves more quickly than others. The picture is evolving like a ‘jigsaw’, with the pattern being clearly visible well before the whole is completed.
Mariana’s Volunteer Job 2023
question: “Will my volunteer job in Cambodia be fun?”
Mariana “Ohh my trip is going great! The volunteers are amazing and the job is nice. Food is great as well. Not jetlagued anymore so finally sleeping great jaja. Everything worked out with the ferry and the shuttle, all smooth.
Hi Justin! Oh yes more easy.
It went great! It was lovely, I stayed for a month. The job was great and all the people was very special and lovely. I spended my birthday in there and they bought me a cake and took me for breaky and made my day very special even when I don't like birthdays. Just left on the 4th actually.
It was a very special time that a 100% I will remember forever. Made a lot of friends and even plans for the future to visit each other in other parts of the world.
Everything is going wonderfully”
I Ching Short Prediction text
Hex 41, line 2 Decreasing
Decreasing vice
Increases virtues
Decreasing expense
Promotes wealth
Altruistic action s favorable
Line 2
Decreasing yourself to benefit others
Brings good fortune
This is an excellent line if one wishes to help others. Your efforts will be much appreciated and this may lead to future opportunities. You must be sincere for this to work though. If secretly while feigning altruism, one pursues a hidden personal agenda then this will come to nothing and your sacrifice will be worthless.
Traditional text
DECREASE combined with sincerity
Brings about supreme good fortune
Without blame.
One may be persevering in this.
It furthers one to undertake something.
Nine in the second place means:
Perseverance furthers.
To undertake something brings misfortune.
Without decreasing oneself,
One is able to bring increase to others.
Comparing the I Ching Short Prediction with the Traditional I Ching.
We see that the meaning is basically the same. However the traditional line text states, “Undertakings bring misfortune” which is not correct for this question. What it really means is that actions not in harmony with the meaning of hexagram will meet with misfortune. So, if someone had asked about starting a for profit enterprise this would meet with failure. This is also confusing because the ‘judgment’ text says “It furthers one to undertake something.” This is a common problem with the traditional text, each line of text can have a meaning independent from the phrases above and below. In this case, “ Perseverance furthers.” refers to everyday matters that should be continued as usual. “It furthers one to undertake something.” means actions in harmony with the hexagram will be successful and “To undertake something brings misfortune.” means it is not good for business. The last two lines “Without decreasing oneself, one is able to bring increase to others”, give the most favorable advice.
A Dangerous Woman. Hexagram 17, line 5.
Question: Should I take the nice rental house nearby?
“Many years ago, I was staying with a girlfriend who became increasingly irrational and jealous. We had a big row, and she left. I was glad to see the back of her, as she was getting positively dangerous. I didn’t expect her to return. The place I was staying was chosen by her, and it was a bad choice. I decided to move. I consulted the I Ching about renting a house not too far away. I received hex 17: line 5 and thought that was good. I knew that it was a pleasant place and owned by a nice family.
I stayed there happily for a couple of months, and then my ex turned up and forced her way into my house. She said she had been searching for me for some time and had been asking around until she found me. She was worse than ever; she threatened me and actually threw some solvent in my face, which caused a rash and made my eyes sore. She refused to leave, and as I did not want to get into a messy fight with her, I had to wait till she went to sleep and sneak out with just what I could carry of my possessions. If I moved to another city altogether. I could easily have moved somewhere further off in the first place and saved myself this unpleasantness.”
I Ching Short Prediction Text
Hexagram 17, Finding the Right Way
“Choose your path
And who you travel with carefully
Take care of present in the light of future
Find the right way and all will be well”
Line 5
“The wrong path!
Continuing brings misfortune
Do not worry
Better options are within your reach
Beware of what might be following you
One should not follow one’s inclinations in this case as it will lead to potentially serious misfortune. Reassess your plans and choose the path that best guarantees your person and possessions. If there is someone dangerous on your tail, move away quickly and quietly.”
Traditional interpretation
“FOLLOWING has supreme success.
Perseverance furthers. No blame.
In order to obtain a following one must first know how to adapt oneself. If a man would rule he must first learn to serve, for only in this way does he secure from those below him the joyous assent that is necessary if they are to follow him. If he has to obtain a following by force or cunning, by conspiracy or by creating faction, he invariably arouses resistance, which obstructs willing adherence. But even joyous movement can lead to evil”
Line 5: Sincere in the good. Good fortune.
“Every man must have something he follows— something that serves him as a lodestar. He who follows with conviction the beautiful and the good may feel himself strengthened by this saying.”
Comparing I Ching Short Prediction to the Traditional I Ching.
Superficially this could not be more different really. Yet, the underlying theme is that one should be aware of what to follow and who you let follow you is the same in both ICSP and the traditional text.
Holiday of a Lifetime: Hexagram 19, line 1.
question: Will my holiday in Thailand be a success?
It was back in 1995, a perfect time to visit a Thai island, and this was my first trip to the mysterious East. Back then, it was like paradise on Koh Phangan. There was a healthy scattering of travelers, who were pleasant, interesting people, caused no trouble, and boosted incomes. We were most welcome.
I stayed for a month in a lazy resort right on a beautiful white sand beach in a sheltered cove. The weather was perfect and still cool before the onset of the hot season. The moonlit nights spent sitting on the beach playing music, drinking, and smoking weed under a smiling crescent moon were truly magical. The road to get there was a dirt track over rugged jungle covered mountains, so it was, by any standard, ‘out of the way’.
The resort had simple wooden bungalows right on the beach, and safe within my mosquito net, I could open the wooden windows wide to let in the sea breeze. The service and food were excellent, the only time I ever experienced real old style Thai hospitality. Green curry with fresh sea fish, cooked in fresh coconut milk, was the specialty of the house. For dessert, there were pancakes stuffed with bananas and served with thick sweetened coconut milk.
In those days, travelers said, "Bad roads, good people, good roads, all kinds of people," and it was true. The other guests were interesting, diverse, and amusing. It was one of the best times of my life. Sadly, I came very late to the Eastern traveler renaissance, which was soon replaced by concrete bungalows, bar girls, and tinned coconut milk in the green curry. I remember one island taxi driver saying to me, "We had paradise, but we sold it".
I Ching Short Prediction Text
Hexagram 19, Seasonal Advance
A window of opportunity
Expolit good fortune while you may
But expect no lasting good fortune
Take what you can and move on
Spring and summer are the seasons of advance. Autumn and winter are times of withdrawal. Things go well at first, but there is no guarantee of lasting good fortune. quite the reverse in fact, at the end of the path is misfortune. However, if one is smart, one can benefit by making a brief advance to obtain something of value and retreating.
This hexagram is generally good for all manner of entertainments and other pleasant but passing things.
Traditional interpretation
Hexagram 19 Approach
“APPROACH has supreme success.
Perseverance furthers.
When the eighth month comes,
There will be misfortune.”
The hexagram as a whole points to a time of joyous, hopeful progress. Spring is approaching. Joy and forbearance bring high and low nearer together.
Success is certain. But we must work with determination and perseverance
to make full use of the propitiousness of the time. And on thing more:
Spring does not last forever. In the eighth month the aspects are reversed.
Then only two strong, light lines are left; these do not advance but are in
retreat (see next hexagram). We must take heed of this change in good time.
If we meet evil before it becomes reality-before it has even begun to stir-we
can master it.
° Nine at the beginning means:
Joint approach.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
The good begins to prevail and to find response in influential circles. This in
turn is an incentive to men of ability. IT is well to join this upward trend, but
we must not let ourselves be carried away by the current of the time; we must adhere perseveringly to what is right. This brings good fortune.
Comparing the I Ching Short Prediction with the Traditional I Ching.
We can see in this case the traditional text is accurate and reflects the reality on the ground very clearly.
The bike that would not die! Hexagram 23, line 4
uestion: Is it worth getting my bike fixed one more time?
“I am the proud owner of an ancient and rather decrepit Vietnamese motorbike. It is so old that it might have been used in the war with the USA, and who knows? Maybe even Uncle Ho himself has ridden it. This once-fine machine was given to me by a cool young Englishman who was returning home after his extensive travels and couldn’t find a buyer.
After a year or two the starter motor started to play up. I took it to various mechanics, who each tried different things. They changed lots of parts, which I had to pay for, but the problem only got worse, and eventually even the kickstart became impossible to use. The bike could not be ridden. My Cambodian friends said I was wasting my money and I should dump it and buy another one. On the face of it, I had to agree, but funds were short, so I decided to consult I Ching. I asked if I should try to get it fixed. I received Hexagram 23. Splitting Apart, Line 4. This is rated as one of the worst lines in the I Ching, and given that my rational opinion agreed with the hopelessness of the situation, I would most likely have abandoned the effort. However, I know this line quite well, and it is not necessarily a bad prediction at all. So, I was encouraged to take the bike back to one of the better mechanics.
The mechanic was also of the opinion that I was wasting my money. He said the bike was too old, and he didn’t want to work on it at all. However, I prevailed upon him to try, and he reluctantly agreed. When I saw him the next day, the engine was in pieces, and he was covered with grime, sweating heavily, and in a foul mood.
On the third day, however, he was smiling and held aloft the miscreant part triumphantly. He had finally found what was wrong—something that was unusual, which was why no one else had found it before.
All in all, he did a good job for 25 dollars. The starter and kick worked pretty well. It did need more work later, but it kept going without that much expense. I was very short of cash, and having to buy another bike would have dangerously strained my resources.”
Hexagram 23 (7:8) The Tipping Point
First misfortune then good fortune
Don’t change direction!
When times are hard
The tipping point draws nears
Those who are steadfast are rewarded
Those who can’t hold on are unlucky
Line 4
At a tipping point
The difficulties peak
Give one last mighty effort
This may not end you troubles
Yet, it will be important stage
This line means your troubles are upon you and you must do something to rectify matters quickly. What is needed is one more concerted effort to keep things going. This may not be a final fix, but it gives you the time to find one. Do not try anything new before you have matters under control.
Traditional interpretation
Hexagram 23 / SPLITTING APART.
IT does not further one
To go anywhere.
The dark lines are about to mount upward and overthrow the last firm, light
line by exerting a disintegrating influence on it. The inferior, dark forces
overcome what is superior and strong, not by direct means, but by
undermining it gradually and imperceptibly, so that it finally collapses.
The lines of the hexagram present the image of a house, the top line being
the roof, and because the roof is being shattered the house collapses.
Six in the fourth place means:
The bed is split up to the skin.
Here misfortune has reached its peak and cannot be warded off.
Comparing I Ching Short Prediction to the Traditional I Ching.
Here again we have to take a hard look at the traditional text to match it to reality. The idea that things have been difficult and matters are coming to a head is quite correct. That those who panic and start desperately trying to change course meet with misfortune is also true. However, for those who act correctly and continue on their path quietly, but with determination, the fate will change in their favor.
A Romantic quest
Question: How will my trip to Prague to visit my girlfriend go?
“I went to Prague to visit my girlfriend, Theresa. I was considering making this romance a more permanent one. This trip was a serious test to see if it would work. Traveling was easy and Prague lived up to its reputation as a beautiful and ancient city. The weather was good too. I am a bit of a traveler and so is she.
We had spent some time together in Cambodia. I wanted to see if the relationship could become something more solid. I also wanted to see Prague. Traveling was no problem. Everything went well. However, the relationship was strained. While we were in Cambodia, she was much more relaxed. But in Prague, she seemed tense and easily upset. Sometimes we were happy together and sometimes we were miles apart.
We never had a real fight. We never officially broke up. I was thinking about whether I wanted to continue with her. A couple of weeks later though, I heard from a mutual friend that she did not want to see me ever again!
I was perfectly comfortable where I was and could have stayed there and saved myself the trouble. But it is good that the matter is settled”
I Ching Short Prediction Text
Hexagram 11 (8:1) Peace
The situation is staple
Remain in peace building your power
If you act the fate goes up and down
Little is achieved
Continuing with your regular activities brings good fortune
Here we have a safe and stable situation that is favorable. There is no effort needed and things will largely maintain themselves. However, as is common with our kind, you may feel restless and think you ‘do something’. Actions at this time are not dangerous, but probably wasteful and will achieve little. All you will be left with is some experience.
Line 3
The way goes up and down
Nothing much is gained
No great harm
Better to remain at peace
This is not a happy path and if you go this way you are likely to face disappointment. This is not a great time for you, but nothing to worry about. It is probably better to abandon any plans and enjoy your life as it is.
Traditional Text
“ Hexagram 11. T'ai / Peace
PEACE. The small departs,
The great approaches.
Good fortune. Success.
This hexagram denotes a time in nature when heaven seems to be on earth.
Heaven has placed itself beneath the earth, and so their powers unite in deep
harmony. Then peace and blessing descend upon all living things. In the world of man it is a time of social harmony; those in high places show favor to the lowly, and the lowly and inferior is an end to all feuds.”
Line 3
No plain not followed by a slope.
No going not followed by a return.
He who remains persevering in danger
Is without blame.
Do not complain about this truth;
Enjoy the good fortune you still possess.
Everything on earth is subject to change. Prosperity is followed by decline:
This is the eternal law on earth. Evil can indeed be held in check but not
permanently abolished. It always returns. This conviction might induct
melancholy, but it should not; it ought only to keep us from falling into
illusion when good fortune comes to us.
We can see that the line text is quite accurate in the traditional text. Yet, the feeling is overly gloomy. Especially as if you do not go away to do anything that requires a lot of effort everything will be well. The ‘judgment’ text is confusing and it seems to be for another purpose other than practical divination. It expresses a powerful Daoist idea that you might like to study, but that is outside the remit of this book.
I Ching Life Strategy
The I Ching comprises 64 hexagrams and 384 lines. The hexagram each has a text that gives the general situation, and the lines provide specific advice. Our initial objective reinterpreting the traditional text was to discover which lines actually foretold serious misfortune. This is the easiest task, because serious misfortune will come by itself as opposed to good fortune which mostly requires some effort to attain. So, our first task was to establish which were the truly dangerous lines. The only problem was that in the traditional text there are a great many lines with very ominous sounding predictions, far too many to be true. Fortunately, from experience, only a few turned out to be really dangerous. These bad lines are very important for two main reasons. Firstly, they are the easiest to verify for yourself as they are very reliable and results are very noticeable. They are also very important because they can save you from harm. I am satisfied that all these lines have been discovered. This alone makes this book well worth using.
Next, there are the less potent lines, foretelling minor gains or losses. These make up the vast majority of all the lines in the Book of Changes and what they lack in power they make up for by numbers. The idea is to score many small ‘points victories’ by gaining minor good fortune and avoiding minor problems in every area of your life. If you keep building your strength and resources incrementally, while avoiding major pitfalls your position in life will naturally improve as time goes by. If you follow advice and make small gains each day, then when an opportunity arises to progress strongly you will be in great shape to take on the challenge.
Lastly, there are very positive lines. Generally speaking, one hopes for a strong, good prediction before starting a new venture or before injecting a significant amount of fresh energy and resources into an old project. These powerful positive lines are few, and harder to find, because of the effort required to try each out. We do not claim this book has found them all at this stage. However, this book will be regularly revised and in due course the truth of the matter will become clear. Hopefully, you will find some great lines we have marked as nothing special and share your stories about them with us.
The purpose of using the I Ching is to find a way to lead a better life. The level of skill you possess in dealing with life’s ups and downs makes a big difference to what you can achieve with any prediction you might receive. Experience, logic powers, tact, cunning, intuition; all these things sway fate in your favor. If you use the I Ching regularly and always make a note of your forecasts and their outcomes, you will find that the exact reading will turn up over and over again. This means you can study how to get the best result when dealing with the situation it referred to. For example, you might have a reading that warns you to be diplomatic and avoid quarrels even though you are sorely tempted to make a stand. The first time you get it you might ignore the advice, then you find that losing your temper has made a lot of trouble you could do without. Maybe even the second time you will still get wrong, but the third you will know exactly what is needed to get what you need without getting embroiled in an argument.
There is a lot more to say of course, but the purpose of this book is to allow you the reader to come to your own conclusions. By using this book regularly you will discover many things you never dreamt off. It is a door to another perspective on life. You should enter free from preconceived ideas picked up from other people and let the I Ching and the prediction outcomes be your teacher leading you to make your own uniquely valuable insights. This is why this book is as short and simple as possible.
The six coin prediction system
I found this in the “Complete I Ching” by Daoist Master Alfred Huang.
According to Master Huang, it is a traditional method employed by ordinary folk who use the I Ching by themselves. The widely known three coin method being more suited to the kind of long range predictions given by professional fortune tellers. Short predictions are valuable, because the distant future is determined by how you act in the short term. Make each passing day, week and month pass successfully and your life will evolve safely and surely. If the future really was scripted in advance there would be little point in knowing what will happen as it is unavoidable. The aim of the I Ching is to improve your life through a series of stages.
You will need: six coins with clear ‘head and tails’ markings. The coins must all be of the same size, but must be slightly different in appearance. If you cannot find such a coin, you may simply polish one of the other coins.
You will also need a pen and paper, or a computer to make a note of your question and the I Ching’s answer.
Think of your question. “What will be the result if I….”, is the kind of question formula you might find helpful. Write the question and pick up the coins. Shake well, and place on the table. Form into a straight vertical line. Check each coin starting from the bottom. If the coin is a head, then draw an unbroken line. If it is a tail, draw a broken line.
The ‘odd’ coin (bronze) marks the line that gives the advice. If it is a broken line mark it with a cross. If it is a solid line, mark it with a circle. When you have completed your drawing, turn to the key below.
Make your drawing as in the diagram. Check the three top lines of your drawing and find them on the top row. In this case, the top trigram (three lines), is Sun. The lower trigram is Chen. Note where they intersect and you will see it is hexagram 42.
In your E book, look up hexagram 42 in the contents. Click the link and then read the text for the hexagram and then for line one.
Hexagram 42 Increase
Decrease is followed by increase
The harbinger of good fortune
There are good prospects
The time to advance comes soon
Be sure you are ready
Line 1
Surprise, surprise!
A harbinger of positive change
Good for starting new things
Be determined, be prepared
Follow the same process with other hexagram. The top three lines are now Ken and the bottom Tui which means this hexagram is 41 and line is number 4. You can look this up in the same way as before. Note: these hexagrams are examples, in real predictions there is only one hexagram and one advice line.
Random generators
You can use these to make predictions. Just ask for a number between one and sixty four and then one between one and six. Then you will have the number of the hexagram and the line. I have tried and it does work, though I prefer something more tactile. I would use it only if coins were not available myself.
Frequently Asked questions
The I Ching cannot give yes-or-no answers. The reason is simple: How much effort and risk you are prepared to take depends on what you hope to achieve. This is something you have to decide for yourself. In addition, you often have little or no choice but to proceed, whether the oracle is good or otherwise.
The I Ching does not give orders; it merely advises, and the yes-or-no is up to you! If you have to move with an unfavorable oracle, you must simply be more careful and perhaps change your strategy.
The I Ching is the voice of the random and its resources are infinite. The I Ching cannot be impatient or angry, so you can ask as many questions as you like without fear of ‘upsetting’ it. However, the thread may get lost with too many consultations on the same subject and it becomes impossible to follow. This is why it is so important to make sure you write all your readings down with the date. Then, if you get confused, you can look back to find the original prediction, which is always the most important.
Personally, I don’t make second predictions that often. Usually, I only consider doing so if circumstances have markedly changed. Sometimes, when I am asking about something important that is time sensitive, I might take a few readings to try and find a ‘window’ of opportunity. However, it is entirely up to you how many readings you wish to make.